Example sentences of "[noun] know [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Does your sister know about this ? ’ he asked , tapping the wallet .
2 And there will be opportunities to apply for support from the British Film Institute and elsewhere erm in order that we can expand er what we 're doing in that area and I , I just wanted to let the board know about that and to say that erm er this is the route that I 'm currently taking and erm I will be reporting to them when there are specific developments and that I hope that you approve of er me attempting to expand our provision in this area .
3 ‘ Should n't Newman know about this ? ’
4 Radio Lock , at $99.95 , is a steel bar with lock which runs diagonally across the avionics stack and is attached to two steel nuts which must be installed in the panel , from Aircraft Security & Alert Systems B&J Locking Bars comprise a cross-shaped steel tube arrangement specifically for Cessna singles and the Skymaster twin which is padlocked in place between the control wheel tubes , locking the controls and blocking access to avionics Do readers know of any enterprising UK manufacturers or importers marketing such gadgets ?
5 In feeling , though not in detail , this stands closer perhaps to another figure known in many copies through which a really great original seems to shine : ‘ Amelung 's goddess ’ ( fig. 81 ) , after the scholar who reconstructed her from copies of the head ( known by a quaint tradition as ‘ Aspasia ’ ) and of the body , one with a Roman portrait-head .
6 The first Ramsey knew about these discussions between Fisher and the prime minister was when a letter arrived in Durham on 8 December 1955 .
7 ‘ Do your parents know about this trouble you 're in ? ’
8 He had let out a number of slow deep breaths as if he had got out of a tight corner , but no sooner had he entered the room again than Lizzie said , ‘ Does Maggie know of this ? ’
9 Had Darwin known about this you see Darwin could have turned on his critics and said , look , in the first place you 're quite wrong about genetics , there is no or at least there does n't have to be because mutations occur as errors or changes in the base sequences in , in the genetic code .
10 A distinction should also be made between the particular style of character dance known in all the leading schools and the true folk dance performed by the people of a country .
11 This is an alliance of neo-fascists and communists known by most Russians simply as ‘ the reds and browns ’ ( browns after ‘ brown plague ’ , the term for the xenophobic hysteria that swept through Russia in the late 19th century ) .
12 Mitch stormed , so obviously annoyed that Maggie knew without any doubt that telling him to guard Ana with his life had been a superfluous order .
13 During the hearing , he claimed that Chapman and the directors knew of this and accused the manager of lying when he told the commission he did not know .
14 The second step is to sort out your priorities and let your lenders know of any problem as early as possible .
15 The second step is to sort out your priorities and let your lenders know of any problem as early as possible .
16 Eventually she asked , ‘ Does Elinor know about this ? ’
17 It was expected that a similar equation would govern the proton , the only other supposedly elementary particle known at that time .
18 Our leader known to all as ‘ BK ’ , was an experienced Himalayan mountaineer and he knew the best local porters .
19 Sweetheart knew about these things .
20 Sweetheart knew about these things .
21 ‘ I don , t know at all . ’
22 Does your wife know about this ?
23 To the extent that Europeans know of this Oxbridge dominance , my experience is that they regard it with some satisfaction ( they have generally heard of Oxford and Cambridge ) , but that their satisfaction changes to complacency when they reflect upon what they believe to be the uniquely class-ridden structure of English society .
24 and I was very moved by the photograph and I ended up writing a poem to this little girl , and indeed one thing I can say , perhaps with some pride , is that Doctor Barnardos know about this poem , and somehow who was writing a history Barnardo children actually asked to use it in her book .
25 This is the hidden side of knowing how to move quietly , an art known to all human communities who live close to nature .
26 The simple , broad-based figure calls for no supports or struts to betray a bronze original ; but the treatment of face and forehead-hair is so like that on two male figures , one a bronze original , the other known in many marble copies certainly after a bronze , that one can be pretty confident that that was the material here too .
27 At the beginning of 1991 Airtours had a 6% share of the package holiday market and a brand name known to few south of Birmingham ( it is based in Lancashire and two-thirds of bookings come from the Midlands and North ) .
28 Not enough to get my name known in those circles , I would n't have thought . ’
29 The title Grammar Dictation describes a language teaching procedure known in those areas of the world where it is already extensively used , as ‘ dictogloss ’ or ‘ the dictogloss procedure ’ .
30 Without being told , Sam knew at that moment that Clare would leave him .
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