Example sentences of "[noun] up [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 City : Sherwood steps up to full listing
2 7 Turn sharp right after 100 yds to climb steps up to High Cliff ( NT sign ) .
3 The programme 's main points concerned ( i ) the required " readjustment " of the Marxist MPLA-PT 's theoretical foundations ; ( ii ) the " urgent " introduction of enabling measures for a multiparty system ; ( iii ) the depoliticization of the army ; ( iv ) revision of the Constitution ; and ( v ) the drawing up of electoral rolls prior to the holding of a general election .
4 They called into question various electoral procedures including the drawing up of electoral lists and the issuing of ballot papers .
5 A very important function appears to be the discussion and rationalisation of conflicting demands for materials made upon local councils and the drawing up of agreed minimum lists of equipment .
6 The proposal involves support for elephant tracking operations , the drawing up of new import and export controls , and a " public relations campaigns with the goal of … reopening markets for legal ivory and other elephant products " .
7 In this climate , various groups of individuals who had been involved in the conferences and activities of the preceding few years were to move into the drawing up of detailed proposals for curriculum development and the search for funds with which to implement these . [ … ]
8 Indeed the years immediately before 1789 saw in some of the greatest European monarchies ( most notably in Prussia ) a growing demand for the drawing up of fundamental laws which would prevent the ruler from behaving in an arbitrary manner , particularly by increasing the importance of legal institutions .
9 He encouraged Sir Warren Fisher , the permanent secretary of the Treasury , and other senior civil servants to busy themselves with the drawing up of constitutional memoranda which came near to being ultimata .
10 The method proved much cheaper than the conventional equipment currently used to monitor pollution levels , and is quick enough to allow recognition of pollution hotspots and the drawing up of weekly pollution maps .
11 This week 's newsletter advises that a contribution of $40 per family will bring the PTA funds up to satisfactory level .
12 This can occur for a number of reasons-exposure or the mixing of dissimilar disinfectants or a detergent with a dissimilar disinfectant , the exposure of the disinfectant to certain materials , especially dirt , which chemically or physically inter-react and reduce its efficiency , inaccurate mixing , the use of partially depleted solution or the topping up of depleted solutions .
13 A new loyal planetary governor of the Capreolo clan had been installed to supervise the export of power crystals and psycurium ; and perhaps even more importantly , the offering up of devout prayer .
14 The commission , looking at some gloomy Treasury Department projections , recommended a small trimming of benefits in the distant future and a speeding up of planned increases in payroll taxes .
15 When the Duke died of dropsy in 1827 , his financial affairs were in such a state that his executors took the unprecedented step of placing his chattels up at public auction , entrusting the sale to the young James Christie .
16 Memory managers help , of course — the ability to load drivers up into Upper Memory Blocks is very helpful — but you 've often got drivers you 're rarely going to need taking up memory .
17 Tony 's Beaver still has its original inertia starter using a comparatively weak electric motor to spin a small flywheel up to high rpm , when the stored energy rotates the engine .
18 If in fact very few young people are actually ‘ into ’ heroin , then all the media coverage , the ‘ war on drugs ’ , the setting up of new clinics and drugs squads , is all overreaction and should be stopped in its tracks now .
19 But the arrival of punk and the flood of self-produced records led to the setting up of new distribution networks which enabled the new labels to keep their distance from the bigger companies .
20 The Act also provides for the setting up of new procedures for the identification of children with special educational needs and for the establishment of a new definition for the term .
21 The growing importance of Central and Eastern European markets was recognised through the setting up of new bilateral associations which will encourage relations with the Baltic States and the Ukraine .
22 Economic and cultural relations with the Soviet Union had improved steadily during 1989 , with the setting up of new joint ventures and improved shipping and air links .
23 For this reason , the report has recommended the setting up of new agencies to monitor government spending and environmental impact .
24 This inertia in accepting the need for change was , however , amply compensated for by an extremely effective programme of design , the setting up of new manufacturing facilities and by the retraining of assembly workers to handle the new electronic technology .
25 Nor does the setting up of separate households necessarily imply a weakening of social and caring relationships .
26 Hence , in recent years , we have witnessed the publication of the Gulbenkian Report , the report by the APU Working Party on Aesthetic Development , and the setting up of various national arts organizations , such as the National Association for Education in the Arts , all of which have argued the philosophical justification for arts education .
27 Among their other recommendations were : the inclusion of human rights issues at all levels of education ; the promotion of genuine participatory democracies ; the setting up of regional courts for human rights as part of a network to promote human rights in Africa .
28 Since then , due to the stimulus and support given by the Centre to twentieth-century art , the setting up of regional funds for acquiring contemporary art , and the emergence of a new generation of museum curators , the landscape has completely changed .
29 In Scotland , a major drive involving the county associations , which included the setting up of regional training squads has already paid dividends with the emergence of teenage players of the calibre of Myra McKinlay and Janice Moodie .
30 The setting up of regional Membership Interest Groups was endorsed and efforts were made to enhance their powers to recommend names to Portland Place in order to effectively tap regional talents .
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