Example sentences of "[noun] who get his " in BNC.

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1 IN THEIR respective obituary and report ( 29 September ) , Andrew Horvat and James Fenton produced a picture of the late President Marcos which was too simply one of a celebrated political monster who got his come-uppance , writes James Hamilton-Paterson .
2 A reputable type who got his information from Bill Gates says Gates told him months ago that Microsoft Corp had Windows NT running on Sun Microsystems Inc 's Sparc RISC in the labs .
3 A scientist who got his pilots ' licence just last week is off to Indonesia on an extraordinary mission .
4 Welcome back.A scientist who got his pilots ' licence just last week is off to Indonesia on an extraordinary mission .
5 To put the man in his place , Nigel said that he was a writer who got his best ideas in the small hours .
6 A HUSBAND who got his wife to falsely accuse a teenager of raping her was jailed yesterday for three months .
7 What about that young foreman who got his wrist broken ? ’
8 It is further the case that a father who gets his 14-year-old daughter to perform an act of fellatio on him or to masturbate him is not criminally liable .
9 ‘ Jaz ’ was one of those people who got his own way .
10 His caddie instead is ‘ Baldrick ’ , Richard Owens from Sleaford who got his nickname from Hare 's request on the practice ground for more ammunition .
11 His caddie instead is ‘ Baldrick ’ , Richard Owens from Sleaford who got his nickname from Hare 's request on the practice ground for more ammunition .
12 Smithers was an English publisher who got his sexual kicks from deflowering virgins , an obsession that gave rise to Oscar Wilde 's celebrated remark that ‘ Smithers loves first editions ’ .
13 The same could be said for Adrian Maguire who got his big chance when Martin Pipe was looking for someone to ride the former Scott-trained Omerta in the Cheltenham Kim Muir in 1991 and Homer recommended Maguire who at that time was unknown outside the point-to-point field .
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