Example sentences of "[noun] who [verb] them " in BNC.

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1 Bicester 's opponents are Bradford Salem , the side who beat them in the final last year .
2 And for those insular fans who shunned them in their thousands at Old Trafford and Elland Road , a sense of guilt would not be inappropriate .
3 Secondly , most of the fancy school fees plans are designed to make money for the financial institutions which put them together , and for the intermediary or agent who sells them .
4 One aspect of scientific style , however , is that in a passive sentence the person who acts is often not mentioned at all , to symbolise the scientific ideal that the procedures should be objective and repeatable , independent of the agent who carries them out .
5 They grabbed the garments and escaped but were spotted by police in a patrol car who followed them but lost them in Litherland several miles away .
6 In fact these two opinions are not incompatible : a Merovingian may have had a large income , but he also had vast financial commitments ; he had to reward his faithful retainers ; he had to endow the shrines of the saints , to ensure their support , and that of the clergy who served them ; he would also have to demonstrate his piety in almsgiving .
7 ‘ It 's the season of goodwill to all mankind but its looks like this man had had enough of womankind , ’ added PC Weal who ordered them a taxi .
8 If both prisoners stay mum , the police have a witness who saw them co-operate on a lesser crime , one that would put them both behind bars for two years .
9 That day they encountered an Armenian priest who informed them that the mountain towards which they were heading had never been ascended and , moreover , never would be .
10 A few lay on the ground in exhausted or inebriated sleep , oblivious to children and dogs who clambered over them , or to the kicks from porters who found them in the way .
11 Most clients who seek them in fact qualify for green form assistance and they are comparatively uncommon .
12 And they warn that banks may well have their arms twisted by troubled clients who want them to convert dud loans into equity .
13 ‘ He 's still working on the theory that they were killed by someone from the neighbourhood who resented them and their prosperity . ’
14 The case manager passes the reports to the lawyer who completes them and passes them to a supervisor .
15 Council houses and flats are owned by the districts who maintain them and collect the rents .
16 On their return to the hotel , the three were caught climbing a security fence by armed guards who mistook them for Scotland fans .
17 This weirdo is perceived as poking around dusty old bookshops instead of the gleaming God-have-you-any- conception -what-this-refit-has-just-cost-us sort of outlet and , worse , buys secondhand books , books that have already been sold and therefore attract no income or royalties whatever ; and who might even be willing to pay up to 10 times the original cover price if the damn thing is a first edition , whereas everyone knows that first editions are merely what are given away free , for heaven 's sake , to hacks who seldom review them and — even more galling — to the bloody authors who wrote them in the first place .
18 For all their bluster about foreign conspiracy , the foreigners who worry them most live not in the United States or Western Europe but in Hungary , Poland and the Soviet Union .
19 They have prospered along with the chemical companies and machinery manufacturers who supply them .
20 The people who created the Garotter 's Act , together with the gentlemen who egged them on from the sidelines helping to fashion the vocabulary of objections to penal reform which remain with us to this day , were thus the same men whose blunted moral sensibilities enabled them to preside over this magnanimous process of ‘ civilisation ’ without turning a hair .
21 In fact the victims were mainly the families of senior military officers and the Ba'ath party officials , and the walkie-talkies were being used by the drivers who took them to the shelter .
22 Most headhunters argue that the candidates who criticise them do so because they , the candidates , have been unsuccessful .
23 The spectacular charge of the Light Blue Brigade from stakeboat to finish line con founded the bookies and the Tideway pundits who gave them no chance against Barcelona gold medallist Matthew Pinsent and his crew .
24 I had seen them with the eyes of a young buy , but Edward who knew them well was able to interpret them with the mind of a man .
25 The bodies supervised by such boards are likely to be dominated by the bureaucrats who run them , rather than nominees who supervise them , particularly since they will be able to hide behind all the defences of professional expertise with organizations which are larger than almost all the departments within individual local governments with which councillors will be familiar .
26 Greenock 's are among the most handsome I 've seen , each one ‘ owned ’ ( some by veritable dragons who guard them watchfully ) .
27 Yet despite these fundamental flaws , both theories continue to attract supporters who regard them as ‘ a fair implication of liberal individualism ’ .
28 Reverse osmosis units for freshwater fish are all very well , but many fishkeepers who use them are forced to mix the water obtained with raw tapwater before adding it to the tank , simply because they can not afford the expense of a separate carbon filter .
29 Nothing was too much to ask if it prolonged her stay , she thought wistfully , so she smiled as she said , ‘ Considering that I was the culprit who booked them in on Ling 's day off , it 's the least I can do . ’
30 How would he explain , for example , the fact that Roman Catholics and Protestants have fought one another , and been mutually hostile to one another , for long periods , as in Ireland in the twentieth century , even though they both have Christ as a figure who loves them ?
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