Example sentences of "[noun] so that they " in BNC.

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1 I remember the over-eager , gaping mouths and outstretched necks , as well as those who could only just about lift their eyelids and had to have the food forced down their throats so that they would have the strength to keep fighting for life .
2 Some spotlights have a magnetic backplate so that they can be attached to any surface and pointed in any direction or can be set to swivel around inside a container .
3 In addition , one is struck by the importance of such factors as : vocal quality — this is Billie Holiday and could not be anyone else ; phrasing — that is , the way she places accents , alters the rhythm , often by stretching out notes so that they sound behind the beat instead of on it , and joins notes together , for example smoothly or with attacked consonants ; and pitch inflection — the way she sometimes slides up to or away from notes , hits them slightly ‘ off-pitch ’ , and so on .
4 increasing the size of local authorities so that they could undertake strategic tasks and attract a higher ‘ calibre ’ of officer and councillor
5 Will my right hon. Friend do all that he can to open a dialogue with representatives of landlords and planning authorities so that they can encourage and enable retailers to erect something to protect their property ?
6 The ERCs can , if necessary , be followed by periods of vocational training at training centres and colleges which teach the disabled new skills so that they can obtain work again .
7 My wish is to emphasise thinking skills so that they will be able to deal with unexpected questions on an examination , and more importantly , continue thinking and questioning throughout their lives .
8 The Court of Appeal stated that the Board did have a duty to act fairly which entailed granting B and K the opportunity to satisfy them of matters in the statute , and to let B and K know the impressions of the Board so that they might be dispelled ; but the Board did not have to quote ‘ chapter and verse , ’ nor did it have to disclose the source of its information if it would be contrary to the public interest , nor did the reasons for the refusal have to be given .
9 Apscore is concentrating on re-developing its products so that they are more GUI and database independent , with an emphasis on object orientation — thus linking with Apscore 's other interests , including its representation of the ObjectStore object oriented database in Australia on the Sun platform .
10 It was the introduction of pulsation into their forms so that they appeared to swell and contract rhythmically .
11 Many subtleties of meaning are carried by words in this category , and these meanings have to become attached to the written forms so that they readily convey to the reader what kind of thinking is taking place .
12 Thus , these subcultures respectively enable corporate officials and lower-class adolescent males to commit crimes without too many pangs of conscience ; through their sanitizing prism , each sub-culture softens criminal acts so that they assume the appearance of ‘ not really ’ being against the law , or it transforms them into acts required by a morality higher than that enshrined in a parochial criminal law .
13 Billington , however , was a master of his trade and fixed the arms with ropes so that they would absorb some of the shock .
14 Slowly she discovered tricks of the trade such as weighting her hems so that they did n't blow up in a breeze and she gradually acquired a coterie of designers , including Catherine Walker , David Sassoon and Victor Edelstein , whom she now relies upon .
15 One is to conceive of them as being deliberately designed for the purposes they serve , the implication of which is that we should be constantly reforming existing institutions so that they may better serve those ends for which they were intended .
16 One reason for having that meeting is to reform the institutions so that they can cope with a second wave of new members , this time from Eastern Europe .
17 Finally , the monopolies come to dominate the educational system , the media and other social institutions so that they can control social values .
18 It is only recently that the municipal authorities and hospital boards have begun to discuss the possibility of changing the insurers ' conditions of funding so that they are more permissive of non-medical intervention and support .
19 Can I put the Home Secretary back on the right road by telling him that the reason why morale in the Northumbria police force is low and why chief constables generally despair is not because the right hon. Gentleman suddenly makes a generous offer of help in a crisis , but because all chief constables , including the new chief constable of Northumbria , want consistency of funding so that they can be sure that they will get the officers and resources they require over a number of years ?
20 If complete public openness is the policy , it might have been expected that the public would have free access to governors ' meetings so that they could hear the arguments for policy and resource allocations within the school .
21 ( 5 ) They provide a basis for discussion and elucidation at meetings so that they appear less like lectures to convey information and more like collaborative discussion .
22 A breeze sprang up , playfully teasing the chestnut curls of her hair so that they fluttered and tumbled against the banner .
23 Laborit was investigating the potential of controlled hypothermia , that is , chilling patients during surgical operations so that they would be less reactive to any disturbance , and the sedative properties of promethazine helped to achieve the effects he sought .
24 In effect , this has forced many small to medium-sized component manufacturers out of business and encouraged larger manufacturers to internationalise their operations so that they can supply assembly plants overseas .
25 LIFESPAN will record what has happened and inform other affected personnel so that they can initiate the appropriate action ( LIFESPAN assumes an interface with a disciplined and sensible development environment ) .
26 Hubble found that the starlight of distant galaxies was ‘ Doppler shifted ’ along the spectrum so that they appear red , which means they are receding .
27 Catch their interest and spark their enthusiasm so that they begin to see the product 's potential .
28 We shall begin our investigation of how causative verbs interact with the infinitive in English by looking at the contrast between make and cause because , although these two verbs seem quite similar in meaning , they are not followed by the same form of the infinitive : ( 134 ) While most enzymes can not make a reaction occur that would not take place in their absence , they speed up reactions so that they occur at the temperatures and other conditions which prevail within living organisms .
29 It is further intended to change people 's attitudes so that they drive more smoothly and are aware of the kind of roads that they are using and drive at speeds tailored to fit the environment .
30 It is not necessary to produce the Service Copy Summons when so doing , but it is usually advisable for the Service Copy to be given to the instructing solicitors so that they can check whether proper service has been effected .
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