Example sentences of "[noun] get some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Ever Dennis Peck 's Bad Boy , Sun Microsystems Inc chief executive officer Scott McNealy got some mileage out of the fact that Sun , DEC and Hewlett-Packard all made their announcements the same day last week : ‘ there 's a lot of noise out there right now , ’ he told his satellite audience .
2 Has David got some coleslaw ?
3 MADGE GETS some sticks
4 MADGE GETS some sticks
5 Many , although as we saw earlier not necessarily all , clients get some benefit from tailor-made nursing care .
6 As he seized her ears to get some breath she came once more , panting like a dog , licking at his face .
7 It 's a last , last ditch attempt to get some money out of it , is it ?
8 ‘ He has done for himself now ’ I finally said as we came down through Grasmere to get some transport back to our room .
9 During the summer , both girls decided that they wanted to go to college to get some qualifications .
10 Pete got some cleaning up done last Saturday which is you know , round the er screen , that area 's all been cleaned up but obviously he ai n't got enough blokes to get the lot done .
11 Mercifully , by the third day Nigel got some time on his own and was able to go out and buy a meal .
12 Is that on the cards , or has Unesco got some rules that he is going to enforce after all ?
13 If you have a child who appears to show a talent at one thing , then of course it 's natural to let the child do what it enjoys doing , but that might be the very moment for saying well what is this child not talented at and ensuring that this child gets some experience of the kind of world that it not part of its own talents , so I would feel , from my own point of view and as a psychologist , that if you have a child who is very talented in mathematics , then fine , it 's going to be quite good at mathematics one would assume , now 's the time to say well is it as equally talented in music ?
14 If you have a child who appears to show a talent at one thing , then of course it 's natural to let the child do what it enjoys doing , but that might be the very moment for saying well what is this child not talented at and ensuring that this child gets some experience of the kind of world that it not part of its own talents , so I would feel , from my own point of view and as a psychologist , that if you have a child who is very talented in mathematics , then fine , it 's going to be quite good at mathematics one would assume , now 's the time to say well is it as equally talented in music ?
15 But right now , you can just trot along and leave me a bit of peace to get some kip while I got the chance .
16 Erm it 's a very , it 's always a good idea to do a plan , cos yeah , spend five minutes or so planning and jot down a rough plan and it might be that we would , we wo , we would normally ignore , ignore the plan when marking but if , you have n't finished a question and er , it 's a bit thin we might look at your plan to get some idea of what you would actually written
17 In 1978 two friends in Benghazi , in their late teens or early twenties , decided to go to Zliten to get some dates : one boy came from there and had family there ; the other , Nuri , son of a Zuwayi policeman , was to provide the motor vehicle .
18 He was very quick to observe anything abnormal and set to work to get some explanation
19 Erm I went in the mill to get some wood and noticed this young man and , I think I told you , I found him smoking in the , in the Porsche .
20 Indeed , one of the main factors leading to the demise of classical behaviourism was the discovery that animals can learn a motor behaviour — which way to run in a maze to get some food — without the need for either associative learning or overt trial-and-error experimentation .
21 Indeed , only when the drag queen in sparkly dress and football boots and the rent boy in underwear actually appear together in the final scene does the plot get some impetus .
22 He 'd tried , in a roundabout fashion , on the telephone to get some information as to Harriet 's means of support , pointing out that there might be others who should be informed of the tragic event .
23 I do n't suppose I was more than 10 when the harvesters sent me off to the nearest pub to get some cider in a couple of bottles .
24 As Maggie became more settled , and ate and slept better , Phoebe 's own health and energy returned , and with it a determination to get some sort of job and pay for her own keep .
25 ‘ I happen to believe variety is the spice of life , it just happens to be that women end up victimising themselves a lot , or subjecting themselves to a lot of bullshit to get some sort of coverage .
26 Has Melanie got some skates ?
27 Helen got some trolls from somewhere .
28 I do n't care what you do with the other bods but see that the civilian gets some attention , will you ?
29 ‘ Now for heaven 's sake get some sleep — and let me do the same ! ’
30 And she had a wa , hell of a job to get some money from them !
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