Example sentences of "[noun] go [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Tony and I reckon that when Matt goes to heaven he 'll have his nose in an Ordnance Survey Map and he 'll be saying , " If I remember rightly there should be an old bloke around here with long grey hair and a grey beard and a long white nightie on .
2 But parliament is far away , and the border of Wales is very near , and is there a soul in these parts who does not know that smuggling goes on day by day , and that life here would be impossible if it did not ?
3 It will automatically calculate , for example , what proportion of your income goes on things like the car and household items .
4 Much of my paltry income goes on rent boys — one of my few weekend leisure activities .
5 He has proposed that the civil list be abolished and that the Royal family live off the proceeds of the crown estate , whose income goes at present direct to the Exchequer .
6 ‘ My son has just passed his exams to go to St Francis Xavier .
7 What they all have in common is that they are all attempts to go beyond appearances .
8 I do n't want a bit to go to America now .
9 So I really pay £40 to go by car .
10 … at least one pair of walking shoes to wear with tweeds , another to wear with washing frocks , a smart pair of shoes for afternoon , several pairs of sandals for morning , several pairs to go with evening dresses , bedroom slippers and shoes for sports .
11 Gummer goes to Environment
12 We should pay the coaches to go to tournaments and watch and perhaps they could put over to the kids how hard they have to work ’
13 well at , at , at the moment our , our defence of course goes to case , the defence by
14 Rule 7(6) of the Solicitors ' Practice Rules 1990 has been amended so as to allow solicitors to go into partnership with registered foreign lawyers .
15 The general , whose appointment as prime minister a year ago is disputed by a rival Muslim government in west Beirut , did not want Christian deputies to go to Taif in the first place .
16 From the river the trail goes to Beeston Crag , to the west of Peckforton Castle and eventually joins the road above Higher Burwardsley .
17 His wife Kathy , who organised the walk , admits that Ian goes to hell and back on the walks .
18 Described in press coverage of the Angry Brigade trial as a ‘ compulsive joiner of revolutionary movements throughout Europe ’ , he dropped out of his Latin American studies course to go to Paris during the student riots of May 1968 .
19 Mr Cubbage was like a cat on hot bricks , he was most distraught at Coleen 's decision to go to England , and he bombarded her with letters and flowers ; he could not wait for her return and for her to say the one word that would make her his wife .
20 ‘ It would be hard on people like Peter Winterbottom but they have taken a decision to go to London and there 's no room any more for sentiment . ’
21 The decision to go to Ireland — made on labour , grant aid and broader economic grounds — was also made before the actual location was selected .
22 It meant that the Test career of a man aged just 31 , who still had a great deal to offer his country , was almost over ; true , it would be terminated by his own decision to go to South Africa , but this came about only because of his disillusion with cricket 's establishment .
23 It also finished all the shilly-shallying and finally triggered off my firm decision to go to Bristol .
24 The only reason I was here was because Joyce , who was to spend the first two days at the Centre with me , had continuously reminded me on the journey that the decision to go to Bristol had been mine and mine alone .
25 It all began with the totally illogical decision to go to Cloggy when one of the only two cars in the party was going to Gogarth and the other to The Pass .
26 Secondly , the moment the decision to go to war was taken in Washington in November , the UN really faded out of the picture .
27 He also expressed " deep remorse over the unbearable suffering and sorrow Japan inflicted " by its " reckless " decision to go to war with the USA .
28 This was not quite a final decision to go to war , but when allied ships under Admiral Codrington moved into Navarino Bay on the south-western edge of the Peloponnese in October 1827 and , without having set out to do so , destroyed the fleet of the Sultan 's Egyptian forces , war became inevitable .
29 Mr Brandreth met with Mr Hanley and told him in no uncertain terms that the people of Chester were far from happy with the decision to go to Glasgow .
30 She gave the young MacGregor a book on Parliament but he did not read it at the time , and he can not trace his decision to go into politics back to that .
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