Example sentences of "[noun] would go [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Because you had to have the stern anchor to keep the buckets off the face of what you was dredging cos if you did n't your dredge 'd go ahead too much and er you had big problems there and you would n't be able to dredge .
2 Labour would go on getting the public 's support by constructing strong unity of purpose and by its conduct as ‘ a serious , socialist , self-disciplined party ’ , Mr Kinnock told delegates .
3 Within the Cabinet , it was , paradoxically , Snowden — usually regarded as a sea-green incorruptible on the issue of free trade — who , overcome by hatred of Labour and a desire to smash his old party , appeared to relish the idea of an early election in which Labour would go down to defeat .
4 As George Male points out : ‘ It was done to foil any over-confidence we may have had for the next game , for he knew the opposition would go all out against us after our big win .
5 Diana immediately told Charles that she would make herself scarce so while he continued fishing she hid behind a tree for half an hour hoping vainly that the journalists would go away .
6 His rent would go up from £20,000 to £48,000 under the new leasing system .
7 Mrs Thompson said her rent would go up from £20,000 to £48,000 under the new leases .
8 Cup of tea would go down like a bomb but
9 There its tumult would be more easily contained , and the trouble-making English clergy would go home .
10 Not many heads would go as far as one who insists that male members of staff must wear their jackets in classrooms even on the warmest of days .
11 A senior US trade official said the decision to ditch the two-day talks made it more likely that the United States would go ahead with sanctions as it had threatened .
12 Helga Steeg , IEA 's executive director , announced in january that IEA would go ahead with plans to make 2.5 million b/d available .
13 Well there 'd be a squad of riveters would go in and put them in before a tank was tested .
14 But then it would go back to the usual music , the old pictures would go up again and it would be back to the black paintwork .
15 Yes , well Eyre there stands as a sort of a paradigmatic modern philosopher , and when I was saying earlier that it was just a logical construction to help you to talk about particular things , and I think Eyre would go along with that .
16 BOLA originally estimated that turnover would go up by 10 per cent if the current 6.30pm closing time were lifted , but Kelly believes the survey makes that figure look pessimistic .
17 If it were , crockery manufacturers would go out of business .
18 But he would be at Hoggatt 's to solve a murder , and all other considerations would go down before that overriding task .
19 A plan occurred to her ; she and Lucy would go away for a weekend to the heart of the country , roses round the door , and find out how they would be lovers .
20 The Assembly had 386 seats and under the country 's complex electoral system ( approved in October 1989 — see p. 36961 ) , there were 176 single-member constituencies , where results were decided either by overall majority in the first round , or in a second round to which candidates would go forward if they finished in the top three or obtained over 15 per cent of the vote .
21 A ‘ Harvey Wallbanger ’ was the most dangerous kind of driver — a real nut that no trucker would go anywhere near if he could help it .
22 The principle ground urged on behalf of the applicant was that the district judge had been misled by counsel then appearing or the Attorney-General into the belief that there was no real prospect that the B.M.F.L. prosecution of the applicant would go ahead , and that accordingly there could be no objection to pressing forward with the lesser charges .
23 Ken would go on upsetting people and then apologizing for his actions .
24 None of the people on stage knew what was happening , the girls continued to sing their plaintive song and the other men danced on with their own pieces of chiffon , hoping that Ken would go away and disappear for ever .
25 My ex-wife would go around telling extraordinary stories about me to people , and I discovered that I 'd lost a lot of friends .
26 This situation would ( as we shall see ) be very desirable in the UK ; some librarians , some teachers and some media specialists have painstakingly and at much personal cost gained dual or multiple status , and the extension of this practice would go far towards resolving unnecessary antagonisms between professional interest groups .
27 He used his fingers and the stick , he scuffled food into his mouth from the pan which he held close by his mouth so that any pieces that fell from his fingers or lips would go back into the container , not onto the ground .
28 Bob Wilson was so confident that the deal would go through that some weeks before it was even completed he had given authorisation for work to begin at the Boeing factory in Seattle to modify the aircraft to British CAA regulations and finish it in the red and grey Virgin livery .
29 His name served as a seal of approval that a deal would go ahead and that it would be profitable .
30 . ’ Another woman , repeating with incredulity that such things could happen while the Führer was standing by his soldiers at the Front in the fight against Bolshevism , said blessings would go out from the crucifixes in the schools ‘ not only for the children themselves , but also for our Führer and his soldiers , who are our sons , fathers , and brothers ’ .
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