Example sentences of "[noun] say to the " in BNC.

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1 She had a particularly fine line in funeral cards , ’ he overheard the tall fat soutane say to the small fat soutane as he wandered by .
2 ‘ After you , ’ Bernice said to the android .
3 indeed visiting headteachers said to the young teachers from university , polytechnic and college courses in September 1989 , ‘ You tell us about it — inevitably you have had more time to learn about it than we have . ’
4 ‘ Do n't grieve for her , ’ the priest said to the family .
5 ‘ I knew she 'd have on an apron , ’ Carlie said to the social worker .
6 ‘ You can manage that , Katherine , ’ Sylvie said to the gathered guests .
7 I need a big packet of cornflakes ’ Linda said to the tall assistant He smiled and handed one down to her and she raced off .
8 Size , as the actress said to the Bishop , is part of the problem .
9 As the actress said to the bishop .
10 Erm , it became very clear that that , that bid erm , was in fact , at an early stage , that that bid was not , did not have a realistic chance of being successful , so as , as you know Chairman , when you went on the delegation to see er , Mr in London , actually at that meeting , er , the members of the delegation said to the Secretary of State , well , we recognize , Secretary of State that it 's the wrong area , what we 'd like to really argue for is a bid for the urban core out in Browsley , erm , in , at the end of the day , we did n't even quite get that , but what we did manage to get was objective two status for the urban core of Telford still , and I think that was probably against the odds .
11 One lady , daughter of the proprietor of Jura said to the Captain — " Captain , do you mean to say you are going to turn us off the only nice place in the steamer and put sheep in it ? "
12 ‘ She did n't look so breathtakingly confident last night , darling , ’ Margaret Stanhope said to the radio set .
13 Moxie said to the doctor , ‘ What has happened ?
14 Mr Denny said to the PC : ‘ You threatened him with a broken cider bottle .
15 ‘ We jes ’ dropped in t'cheer ‘ im up , doc ’ , ’ Curtis said to the white-coated back , as the doctor prepared a syringe and slid the needle expertly into a vein in Grant 's arm .
16 I heard them arguing with each other , and then Detchard said to the Belgian , ‘ Why , Bersonin , are you afraid of one man ? ’
17 ‘ You shit-faced , yellow-bellied bastard , ’ Sharpe said to the sprawling Lord John .
18 ( Lk 19.9. 15:1–32 Our response is one of trust in which the exodus provides a pattern : ‘ And Moses said to the people , ‘ Fear not , stand firm and see the salvation of the Lord which He will work for you today …
19 ‘ She 's in prison , ’ the Queen said to the executioner .
20 What the Queen said to the foster-mum .
21 Franca said to the doctor , ‘ Dr Hensman , perhaps you could explain to Professor Vallar that there is nothing he can do .
22 ‘ This is a very strange breed , is n't it ? ’ the judge said to the owner .
23 But it appears that the jury 's note was shown to Miss Tucker 's barrister in the presence of the jury , and almost at once the judge said to the barrister ‘ I do n't require you to say anything Mr. H. , ’ and ( turning to the jury ) , ‘ The short answer members of the jury is , ‘ No . ’
24 What did the big chimney say to the little chimney ?
25 What did the big chimney say to the little chimney ?
26 What did the big chimney say to the little chimney ?
27 When later attending the funeral of her ten-year-old nephew , she overheard the officiating clergyman say to the child 's mother , ‘ Now you must n't cry ’ .
28 Those who love it have every right to say to the offenders : ‘ Go elsewhere if you ca n't control yourselves . ’
29 And he reserved the right to say to the Government ‘ Get your tanks off my lawn ’ .
30 " There 's been a death in his family , " Tom said to the barman who was looking curiously at the pale , wide-eyed young man .
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