Example sentences of "[noun] which [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Giving evidence , Capt von Humbracht said that he picked up the uniform , hat and sword belonging to Napoleon which lay on the ground .
2 Living at a time when the value of works of art in the market was one of taste and appreciation rather than of mere commerce , he was able to avail himself of an ample fortune to buy the finest specimens of the Fine Arts which came into the market . ’
3 When John Lehmann published the second issue of Orpheus , an annual symposium of the arts which folded after the first two volumes , he employed Minton to design its dustjacket and small tail-pieces .
4 The other guideline which was issued was namely that of capital , where the a accepted the general guidelines which appeared in the county papers and as far as this Committee was concerned , would mean the general acceptance of all those items which appear in that the first year of that capital programme , subject to the proviso that the revenue contemplated and the benefits of the capital programme will be considered by Policy Panel in its forthcoming meeting .
5 The biographer of T. S. Eliot , who was himself to speak of the ‘ dark ’ experience , of the ‘ rude unknown psychic material ’ , incorporated in his poem The Waste Land , can be seen in Hawksmoor to contribute to the tradition of romantic fabulation which began with the Gothic novel — a tradition in which darkness is privileged , in which a paranoid distrust is evident , in which can be read the evergreen message that the deprived may turn out to be depraved , and in which there can be two of someone .
6 THE NUNS in Northamptonshire who are battling to save their 5,000 chickens from slaughter said yesterday that the Ministry of Agriculture had changed its story over the type of salmonella responsible for the outbreak of food poisoning which led to the flock being tested .
7 INFORMATION required on a rescue attempt by a Walrus which went to the aid of B-17 2102610 Boomerang on Saturday December 30 , 1944 , after it had crashed into the sea approximately 16 miles off Beachy Head .
8 The Polytechnic Touring Association which began in 1888 gave students of the London Polytechnic a chance to travel .
9 In 1978 the Mariana Islands ( excluding Guam ) had opted for status as a self-governing commonwealth of the USA , and in 1982 the FSM and the Marshall Islands had signed compacts of free association which provided for internal sovereignty and US economic support in return for continuing US control of their defence and foreign policies .
10 Further controversy was prompted by a manifesto issued from the self-styled South London Ratepayers ' Association which called for a ‘ display of fearless strength ’ by local people , advising that ‘ a discriminating application of the ‘ cat-o'-nine-tails ’ ’ will soon sweep away this reign of terror' .
11 This was the thinking which lay behind the Bonnefous Plan , named after Edward Bonnefous , who was the main architect in the Council of Europe for a European Transport Authority linked to the Council .
12 John Tomlinson 's article , Dose , Dilution and the LM Potencies which was first published in the Journal of the Society of Homœopaths ( Vol. 10 No. 4 Dec. 1990 ) has been included and gives a detailed analysis of Hahnemann 's thinking which led to his development of the LM system .
13 The sciences were at one time supposed to generalize from observations by a logical operation called induction , claimed to free them from dependence on the merely analogical thinking which prevailed in the mediaeval proto-sciences , and which regrettably remain for the time being indispensable in dealing with everyday problems .
14 These interventions , associated with the Keynesian revolution in economic thinking which called for the state to become involved in maintaining the level of aggregate demand in the economy through the use of budgetry policies , have been seen not as a triumph of democratic struggle but as a further example of the use of the state as an instrument of the interests of the ruling class .
15 She was dressed in blue — a pale blue skirt which reached to mid-calf and a darker blue blouse buttoned to the throat .
16 With a half-shudder , she left the lower bowel and set off gingerly along the rather treacherous surface of the greater intestine which coiled before her — a tunnel she was n't too sure she saw the light at the end of .
17 Such conditions led to areas of swamp which were a natural trap for unwary animals which ventured to the river to drink .
18 It was this depth of breeding that encouraged such lively bidding for the Woodhayne stock which sold to 1200gns for Woodhayne Citrine , a Gulliver sired cow offered with a heifer calf by Mavesyn Midas .
19 He had earlier fought with the naval armoured car brigade which landed at Walfish ( now Walvis ) Bay in South-West Africa and helped Gen Botha to take the German colony .
20 In 1885 a landing party from the ship 's crew of 113 formed part of a naval brigade which landed at Suakin ( a small port in the Red Sea near Port Sudan ) .
21 When war broke out in South Africa MacBride was one of the first and most prominent members of the Irish Brigade which fought for the Boer republics , and at Ladysmith , Colenso , and elsewhere he proved himself to be a brave and resourceful soldier .
22 Sharpe was among the staff officers who trotted their horses down the Charleroi road , past the Gemioncourt farm by the ford , and so on up the shallow hill until they reached the infantry brigade which guarded against any frontal attack up the high road .
23 And carrots which looked like impacted wisdom teeth crossed with a fantasy of Edgar Allan Poe 's .
24 The answer lay in seeing such defeats as signs of God 's temporary displeasure with a people , not with their cause , a displeasure which resulted from their sinfulness which was now being punished .
25 By 1832 an enormous wing was attached to Forston 's north side which stretched for five hundred feet and accommodated 65 patients and half as many staff .
26 ( Even with the economy-wide agreements in Sweden in the 1983 negotiations no settlement could be arrived at with the union side which insisted upon separate industry level negotiations being conducted . )
27 ‘ It 's the same side which finished on a high by winning the Divisional Premiership final at Old Trafford last May , apart from Aussie second row Paul Carr .
28 It may have sounded like good fun , and obviously was for many young people , but this pleasurable diversion had a very serious side which went beyond romance .
29 Despite his disappointments he starred for the South African side which played as Springboks against the Juniors late last season .
30 Newton did n't have to be a scientist either to realise what his two goals had done for a Chelsea side which played with impressive self belief considering its young personnel .
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