Example sentences of "[noun] which [be] given " in BNC.

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1 The Jews ' special characteristics derive from the religion which was given to them by Moses , which stressed one God who was invisible and would not allow images of Himself to be made for worship .
2 They are documents of all sorts which were given to me by my father or which I found among his papers after his death in 1968 .
3 She received more blood in the ambulance which was given a police escort to the Royal Liverpool Hospital .
4 This experience appeared to transform him and he threw himself into a great surge of composition , writing a Mass of Thanksgiving for unaccompanied choir filling 100 pages of manuscript , which he completed in 15 days , as well as other works , including a setting of Out of the Deep which is given its first performance by his choir at St Philip and St James , Cheltenham , at his funeral on today .
5 Faced with the intense competition of foreign trade competitors , employers resorted to attempts to reduce monetary wages , an action which was given an additional downward twist by the Baldwin government 's decisions to return to the gold standard and to reflate the pound in 1925 .
6 The wartime machinery of industrial relations still survived — particularly the Whitley Councils which had been competitors , employers resorted to attempts to reduce monetary wages , an action which was given an additional downward twist by the Baldwin government 's decisions to return to the gold standard and to reflate the pound in 1925 .
7 It was £500 in one pounds notes which was given to my husband in exchange for a car .
8 Incidentally , the comedian Des O'Connor owns a guitar which was given to him by Holly , while Buddy was on tour in the UK .
9 The microeconomic imperfections which are given special attention are imperfect information ( eg firms ' inability to monitor accurately the productivities of their employees ) , imperfect competition ( eg collective bargaining ) , and various transactions costs ( eg the costs of hiring , training , and firing employees ) .
10 Students may compete for the BBC Carlton Hobbs award which is given annually to two students from any of the drama schools ; the award offers a six month contract with BBC radio , as well as guaranteeing that vital entry into British Equity .
11 Three Chester students who set up their own company — called ‘ No Frills ’ — making everything from Jewellery to boxer shorts , took the BNFL award which is given annually to the operators of the best company .
12 He is to receive the Daily Star 's Gold Award which is given for outstanding bravery .
13 The defendant was standing in the dock awaiting the sentence which was given immediately for the charge which had been reduced to manslaughter .
14 This work offers a good illustration of the range of economic support which is given between kin , and is also important in that it stresses its two-way nature .
15 A further source of variation is generational position , with some changes occurring in the type of support which is given and the direction in which it flows over each person 's life course .
16 Is the support which is given to the son-in-law ‘ really ’ being given to the daughter by proxy ?
17 Where data do exist on support between kin across households , this tends in effect to be limited to documenting the networks through which support flowed and the kind of support which was given , and can give very little direct evidence about the underlying structure of social relations which supported these exchanges .
18 for example , would it be appropriate to attribute as an expression of parliamentary intention a ministerial assurance on the effect of a provision which was given and accepted in the Lords when considering a Bill which had already been passed by the Commons ?
19 Erm a green form is a , a it 's , gr green , green form money is money which is given by the Law Society erm depending on how much work , how much time is spent on each case
20 In 1972 , when he chaired the Hearings before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee which were given the imposing title ‘ Causes , Origins , and Lessons of the Vietnam War ’ , a rather dyspeptic Senator Fulbright sought to put much of the blame for American involvement on Dean Acheson , on his European orientations and on his close war-time connections with the British .
21 This assertion was strongly denied by Tshisekedi , who further maintained that key Cabinet positions were controlled by supporters of Mobutu , including the Defence portfolio which was given to N'gbanda Nzambo Ko Atumba , a nephew of Mobutu .
22 ‘ In the administration of government in this country the functions which are given to ministers ( and constitutionally properly given to ministers because they are constitutionally responsible ) are functions so multifarious that no minister could ever personally attend to them .
23 Equity was not an issue which was given serious consideration .
24 If you rely to your detriment on a misleading reference which was given negligently , you should be able to sue the referee .
25 One is for Flowers for the Altar , one for St. Anthony which is given to the poor who come looking for help at various times of the day and night , and the third is for Sending a Sick Child to Lourdes , the cost of which is approximately £350 .
26 So I do n't think that the two crosses which is given on the A sixty four north .
27 In an affidavit sworn on 17 December 1991 ‘ to assist the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in relation to the conduct of the [ defendant 's ] trial ’ Mr. Pantry stated that the addendum was in the case file which was given to him when he was assigned to prosecute .
28 Various detector companies sent donations of gift which were given away at all three fetes .
29 The President signed the committal warrant which was given to the tipstaff as his authority for conveying M. to prison and the governor 's authority for receiving and detaining M. The drawing up of the formal order that M. be committed to prison was left to the court staff .
30 Price ( Pc ) and output ( Qc ) are determined by the intersection of the supply and demand curves at C. There is no producer surplus , and total surplus is comprised entirely of consumer surplus which is given by the area ACPc .
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