Example sentences of "[noun] which [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 We could eventually remove from human life all the characteristics which make for human distress — criminality , war-making , and the like . ’
2 In 1978 the Mariana Islands ( excluding Guam ) had opted for status as a self-governing commonwealth of the USA , and in 1982 the FSM and the Marshall Islands had signed compacts of free association which provided for internal sovereignty and US economic support in return for continuing US control of their defence and foreign policies .
3 Further controversy was prompted by a manifesto issued from the self-styled South London Ratepayers ' Association which called for a ‘ display of fearless strength ’ by local people , advising that ‘ a discriminating application of the ‘ cat-o'-nine-tails ’ ’ will soon sweep away this reign of terror' .
4 These interventions , associated with the Keynesian revolution in economic thinking which called for the state to become involved in maintaining the level of aggregate demand in the economy through the use of budgetry policies , have been seen not as a triumph of democratic struggle but as a further example of the use of the state as an instrument of the interests of the ruling class .
5 Although hibernation can be dangerous and some creatures never awaken from it , it is less lethal to the animals which opt for it than the rigours of a harsh winter would be .
6 When war broke out in South Africa MacBride was one of the first and most prominent members of the Irish Brigade which fought for the Boer republics , and at Ladysmith , Colenso , and elsewhere he proved himself to be a brave and resourceful soldier .
7 By 1832 an enormous wing was attached to Forston 's north side which stretched for five hundred feet and accommodated 65 patients and half as many staff .
8 Crisis management apart , there is the constant burden of casework which calls for much reading of detailed dossiers before reaching decisions on individual cases .
9 Abu Dhabi has major oil reserves which account for some 8% of
10 People learn to use the tactics which work for them .
11 In part the debate has been presented as an opposition between a broadly liberal programme — multiculturalism — and an antiracism which claimed for itself the mantle of left radicalism ( Dodgson and Stewart , 1981 ; Mullard , 1984 ; Troyna , 1987a ; Gill and Singh , 1987 ) .
12 It was one of the great post-war institutions whose central purpose was political — to put an end to the frightful nationalistic quarrels which had for decades , indeed centuries , seen the people of Europe tearing each other to pieces and spreading havoc far and wide .
13 On the other hand it may represent a genuine attempt by specialists in related subjects to sit down together and plan a programme which allows for separate activities but suggests common themes and provides examples of integrated lessons as in the Nigerian Cultural and Creative Art syllabus .
14 Last year Norway killed 95 minke whales as part of a scientific research programme which calls for a total of 400 whales to be killed in the period 1992-94 .
15 At the same time he unveiled a radical economic programme which called for the rapid transition to a market economy , and the " liquidation of inertia and conservatism " in the state bureaucracy .
16 Movement and Dance and Medau in particular come into the plan from 1983 in an ongoing programme which lasts for three years .
17 Any model of the mind which allows for such a possibility is not a simple one , and hints at , if it does not actually affirm , the existence of the unconscious .
18 It develops a state of mind which lasts for the rest of one 's life ; an approach to things .
19 Only two of the five parties which applied for registration had been accepted — the ruling Popular Rally for Progress ( RPP ) , and the Democratic Renewal Party ( PRD ) .
20 The parties which voted for Pawlak were the three which had proposed the no confidence motion against Olszewski [ see p. 38921 ] , namely the Democratic Union ( UD ) ( except its Democratic Right faction ) , the Liberal Democratic Congress ( KLD ) and the Polish Economic Programme ( PPG ) , plus his own PSL , the KPN , and the Democratic Left Alliance ( SLD ) .
21 Also , as an immigrant to Canada , I can affirm it 's more pleasant living where problems are met with cheerful optimism instead of the sullen whining which passes for debate in Britain .
22 Currently the Commission is , however , considering giving grants towards pilot restoration projects in Venice , invoking the special clause of the structural funds which allows for grants to urban areas outside declining or under-developed regions .
23 One of a new generation of slow down utilities which caters for high speed 80386 and 80486 computers .
24 Most have been found in graves especially at Faversham which accounts for about two-thirds of all such beads found in England .
25 So the , the eating habits have changed a lot since then although we have shops which cater for every need of the immigrant community .
26 This is accomplished through the ordering of edges on the Agenda , and through the direction-independent nature of the Fundamental Rule which looks for possible extensions to hypotheses .
27 In Medieval times the Benedictine monasteries had a rule which called for ‘ the care of the sick to be placed above and before every other thing , as if indeed Christ were being directly served in waiting upon them ’ .
28 Existing schools which opt for GM status will be able to emulate City Technology Colleges and attract private technology sponsorship .
29 Too often some of our Catholic families are not aware of the existence of our excellent senior schools which provide for a solid Catholic education and a growth in faith for our children .
30 The largest proportion of absences are proper nouns and foreign words which account for 78% of the missing tokens ( 75% of the types ) .
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