Example sentences of "[noun] as it had " in BNC.

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1 It rustled round her ears as it had done before she went into mourning .
2 He built out of that illusion a political cause which stirred the British electorate as it had not been stirred for decades and which has left its imprint on the Conservative Party and on British trade policy down to the present .
3 Then out of the blue he got a phone call asking if he was still interested in the car as it had to be sold to make space for the family .
4 This was attacked by Labour as dismantling the housing welfare programme as it had existed since 1945 , or perhaps since the Addison Act of 1919 .
5 Throughout the seventeenth century , and far into the eighteenth , the issue of precedence continued to arouse strong feeling and generate disputes as it had done in earlier generations .
6 However , such a policy could not be seen in isolation as it had implications for practice more generally , including procedures and training .
7 Accordingly , he attempted to shift Marxism away from orthodox theories of an absolute determinism towards the primacy of a concept of ‘ History ’ which , while still a totality as it had been for Lukács , a process with a determinate meaning and end , could also include a concept of human agency and thus articulate the individual with the social , freedom with determinism .
8 Of earthly pleasure as it had been ,
9 There have already been suggestions that Wang 's deal with IBM to sell the RS/6000 has not lived up to expectations — in June 1991 IBM took a stake in the financially troubled company , in return for which Wang agreed to sell the AS/400 and RS/6000 machines ( CI No 1,697 ) , but late last year said that it would not be adding to its stake as it had the right to do under terms of the agreement .
10 There have already been suggestions that Wang 's deal with IBM to sell the RS/6000 has not lived up to expectations — in June 1991 IBM took a stake in the financially troubled company , in return for which Wang agreed to sell the AS/400 and RS/6000 machines ( UX No 39 ) , but late last year said that it would not be adding to its stake as it had the right to do under terms of the agreement .
11 As part of their representations on the 1981 Finance Bill , the Law Society recommended that income should not be " relevant income " to the extent that it was paid away to some person other than the recipient of the relevant benefit either before or after the receipt of the relevant benefit as it had by then ceased to be available as a source of funds out of which the relevant benefit could be paid .
12 Non-intervention did as much to allow him to win the peace as it had done to assist him to victory during the Civil War .
13 Beveridge thought a small part of the new scheme 's income should go to the NHS as it had under the old .
14 The Georgian parliament , under its new leadership , unanimously adopted a resolution calling for the full restoration of republican sovereignty as it had existed up to 1921 .
15 Only after the war was it revealed that reports concerning the role of the task force had been an element of allied disinformation as it had already been decided not to conduct an amphibious assault .
16 It moved in the same half — crouched , shambling run as it had the night before , quietly , stealthily , purposefully .
17 They presented a target thus for only a matter of seconds , though three of them fell in that time ; then they were hand-to-hand and at blows with the prince 's bodyguard and this was battle as it had formerly been understood between knights , and the hovering archers were crippled and out of the fight .
18 It seems to me a matter of the highest possible importance that where a quasi-judicial function is being exercised , under such circumstances as it had to be exercised here , with the result of depriving people of their property , especially if it is done without compensation , the persons concerned should be satisfied that nothing unfair has been done in the matter , and that ex parte statements have not been heard before the decision has been given without any chance for the person concerned to refute those statements .
19 When one turns to his large-scale tonal designs , unexplored until now , it becomes apparent that Lully 's influence is as preponderant in Campra 's cantatas as it had been in his stage music .
20 Stalin 's attitude towards France remained as contemptuous after he had signed the pact as it had been before .
21 The machine was not really a steam engine as it had no moving parts .
22 This borrowed item , no doubt bequeathed by some burly and well-meaning district commissioner , does not possess quite the same significance in this ambience as it had in its original context .
23 Patients who joined the study between 1981 and 1985 tended to have been treated with ursodeoxycholic acid as it had become widely available at that time and was considered to be the oral bile acid treatment of choice for gall stone dissolution .
24 Calvinism as it had developed and hardened had tended to place a huge emphasis on man 's total depravity and sinfulness , to limit the forgiveness offered in Jesus Christ to the ‘ elect ’ , and to speak as if faith were a condition of forgiveness , our side of a bargain made with God .
25 The second ( b ) suggests that the ratio may not increase as steadily in the mid-1980s as it had hitherto because the freeze on places and the shift towards science and technology would militate against women .
26 A censure motion introduced on Oct. 26 by the conservative opposition parties to protest against an " unrealistic " budget obtained only 261 of the 286 parliamentary votes necessary to defeat the government ; the Communist party abstained , rather than voting with the right as it had done in an earlier censure motion , in June 1992 [ see pp. 38977-78 ] .
27 Life in Takrit in Iraq fifty years ago was based on similar principles for the young Saddam Hussein as it had been in Scorniceşti a generation earlier for Nicolae Ceauşescu .
28 The name Venturous was a break from the long line of traditional names for Cutters as it had never previously been used .
29 It would seem that the region of Powys in north-east Wales remained as much in the front-line of warfare with the northern Angles in the time of Eadwine as it had been when Aethelfrith defeated the men of Powys at Chester .
30 He argued that Dorset should continue to record unmet need as it had been doing in a pilot project , although the decision is so politically sensitive that it has to be given clearance by the politicians at their June committee meeting .
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