Example sentences of "[noun] as [pers pn] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Not even the hasty relieving of my weary bladder as we scrambled out of the car was enough to offset that wonderful feeling of rejuvenation .
2 It was only a short distance and Paula spotted the Colombi as they turned a corner .
3 She felt towards her religion as she imagined some women felt towards their dreary , loveless marriages : something trying , but inescapable ; cluttered with apparently futile chores , yet from which there was no question of escaping .
4 All shale and weeds and winds that picked up speed as they swooped in off the ocean , this strip of barren land prepared you for the final desolation of the Crumbles .
5 Burkett observed that money could even buy speed as they swung the precisely crafted oars through the beautifully modelled oarlocks .
6 Then Julius reduced speed as they approached another small village .
7 Like a ride in a big dipper , he felt the floor pushing up at him , gathering speed as they climbed a wave .
8 Yanto had hardly bothered to reduce speed as he had turned sharp left by Stone school into the narrow lane which would take them back to Berkeley .
9 They could often be seen leaning on farm-yard gates , chewing on straws and marvelling at Noddy 's turn of speed as he roared by in the slipstream of anything from a milk marketing board tanker to a Maserati !
10 No doubt the Substitute read the newspapers at the same breakneck speed as he did everything else .
11 She climbed onto the bike and set off in the direction from which she had come , gathering speed as she descended .
12 Clearly , parents generally must welcome the news that cuddling is not only nice but necessary ; perhaps , however , we should spare a compassionate thought once more for the intellectual mothers of the thirties , whose sufferings as they tried to be ‘ good ’ mothers are now repeated in the knowledge that all their efforts only led them to be ‘ bad ’ mothers : as one of our correspondents added , ‘ Here is Bowlby , still out to make us feel guilty — about our rejection of the children we loved but were not allowed to love . ’
13 An and the next day of action as I said before is on tropical rainforests erm .
14 But I intended to follow the same course of action as I had over the earlier incident : to say nothing until he gave me an opening .
15 What seemed a daunting quantity of hard male muscle clenched into action as he sat up and swung his long legs to the ground .
16 She paused and I could hear her brain cells creaking into action as she reached out a hand covered in enough costume jewellery to make a decent knuckle-duster .
17 Cowley took the phone from Roz Hatch as she picked it up and passed it to him , then left him to his privacy .
18 They arrived in separate motorcades and barely exchanged a glance as they walked across the tarmac .
19 He gave the pair a friendly glance as they walked towards the riverside .
20 They 'd drawn the odd inquisitive glance as they 'd entered the dining-room of the Shelbourne , but Mahoney had been convinced that was because of the way Donna looked .
21 Connon had enough of himself left to give Jenny a sardonically accusing glance as he left the room with the doctor .
22 These days she was glad of any invitation to proximity , and curled up beside him so promptly that he gave her an amused sidelong glance as he took her hand in his .
23 But even then , when she was standing upright beside him , he made no attempt to release her hand and Rachel was only too aware of his appraising glance as he glanced down at the wet jade swimsuit tightly moulded to her slight , almost boyish figure before abruptly she snatched her hand away and walked quickly to the changing-rooms .
24 For several moments he made no reply , then he sent her an enquiring glance as he said , ‘ May I ask a favour ? ’
25 Frozen to the spot at her vantage-point on the terrace , she braced herself to meet his backward glance as he disappeared , but he did n't once look back .
26 I caught Ewen Mackay 's swift glance as he resumed his place on the other side of the fireplace .
27 There were lines now from nose to mouth ; the lips were stern ; she had seen him take in the room , who was there , with whom , with one cold appraising glance as he entered .
28 He shot her an enigmatic glance as she stepped on board the powerful speed-launch , scene of the dramatic rescue that first night .
29 ‘ Today is Thursday ’ Miss Matthews gave Melissa a sidelong glance as she inserted a key in the lock of Mrs Rogers ' front door .
30 She shot him a suspicious glance as she began combing his hair .
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