Example sentences of "[noun] or [adv] they " in BNC.

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1 Warning of the growing impatience of the shabab , the youth , one journalist wrote ‘ if they [ the shabab ] see that the PLO 's political initiatives are producing no results , they will force the PLO into a more radical posture or else they will go looking for a more radical leadership within the PLO . ’
2 If someone like a foster carer , relative or a step-parent has looked after your child for 3 years or more they can apply to a court for custody of your child even if you disagree .
3 If someone has looked after your child for 5 years or more they could apply to the court for permission to adopt your child .
4 Within a mile or less they came to a stream .
5 And people are either just going to be in despair or else they 're going to revolt .
6 Furthermore , supporters of fixed exchange rates argue that under their system countries have to take action to control domestic inflation or else they will lose reserves under their commitment to support the exchange rate at the prevailing parity .
7 Clearly corporations exercise substantial discretionary controls over the timing and fullness of their responses to consumer demands , including the possibility that for a decade or more they may ignore them ’ .
8 It seems as though the world is going on , everybody rushing about their daily tasks , but surely this can only be because they have not yet heard the news or else they too would feel emotionally paralysed .
9 ‘ Anybody with any information , no matter how silly they think it is , has to come forward as we must get these people or else they will do it again .
10 Coun Corner said : ‘ Progressive cuts will drive schools to either opt out of local authority control or else they will fall down . ’
11 When he was a famous , rich , literary-establishment figure living in Antibes or somewhere they would all realize it .
12 But their new life may be worse than their old as they struggle to repay the $15,000 or more they owe the smuggler .
13 In Surrey and Sussex , for example , customary tenures were still common in the seventeenth century , but just across the border in Kent they were rare ; Kentish families were either freeholders or else they held their land on a yearly basis or by a lease for a term of years .
14 Remove fish that are not playing a part in any courtship as these may be attacked by the breeding pair or indeed they themselves may cause mischief in the system .
15 I think a lot of it is to test the record company or maybe they are testing the fans .
16 Should any fellow be passing by , he must refuse their invitation or else they will dance him to a watery grave .
17 Tomatoes need to go in a bag or else they 'll roll about all the over the place see if you can spot , the small-ish ones , but not like that , see cos that 's got a mark on it , we do n't want that one .
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