Example sentences of "[noun] or [adv] i " in BNC.

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1 For the next hour or thereabouts I shall be at the Burgers ’ house in Wood Lane . ’
2 For the next half an hour or so I felt very panicky and unready to have this baby .
3 Well I was n't that nervous , but er I had a go and after an hour or so I got quite confident on me own then .
4 Yet when I looked back on the last hour or so I could come to only one conclusion .
5 When this has been the case for an hour or so I pick up my tackle and move .
6 Give me money or else I 'll flash ! ’
7 Over the next 40 minutes or so I hope to take you on a review of the practical application of artificial intelligence ( AI ) in the field of aircraft maintenance within the RAF .
8 In the course of the next term or so I hope to develop this subject into elementary Mechanics and Physics .
9 They had a new machine in , but after a pound or so I had mastered it and won an extra spaceship .
10 Now between during the period from the decision of Mr Justice in March nineteen ninety one and the issue of the sealed order in May nineteen ninety three , it 's clear from correspondence which has been put before me that there were er various negotiations and discussions between the solicitors for the plaintiff and the defendant dealing with the questions of costs and also with the question of a general settlement of the whole action , er it would be appreciated of course that Mr Justice order does not have the effect of determining finally the rights of the parties , erm other than the partnership has in fact dissolved because there were still outstanding issues in particular relating to the premises which were used as the surgery of the premises of the part of the prac of the practice or perhaps I should say former practice .
11 Perhaps some other Allens lived next door in Marathon Avenue or perhaps I was born in Victoria Road .
12 These figures do not allow any sum for interest and therefore it may be that calculations will have to be made by council to include that figure or alternatively I am informed that both parties wish to consider the possibility of the incorporation of this judgement into a structured settlement .
13 So I phoned her last Nancy phoned me last Friday afternoon before she went on holiday to tell me , and I phoned I was n't sure whether just to sort of play it low key or then I thought , Well I know I really should just give here a wee ring .
14 For eighteen months or more I suffered from chest spasms or a form of acute asthma .
15 Over the last six months or so I have attempted to present you with a series of practical objectives designed and constructed to help achieve a higher degree of thoroughness in your command of the Pentatonic scale .
16 ‘ Every year when I come to Faalifu for four months or so I engage a resident pianist from California .
17 Every three months or so I 'd clear it of all the wonder remedies he 'd accumulated , but within a week he 'd have discovered some other miracle medicine .
18 We 've got this erm , er , some one is going to monitor a proportion of work that you have recorded as transcripts anyway , and it will be a research director or A.D. I 'm just wondering whether we can comply with this now .
19 Over the last six weeks or so I 'll tell you the places I 've been and the people I 've seen in the National Health Service .
20 Over the past ten years or more I have helped open many of the superstores on the South coast with the interviewing of new staff , and on August 24 we shall open the new Worthing branch at Lyons Farm .
21 Yeah , well I 've only got the one I 've only got the one erm golly how long have I had that yellow must have had it four years or more I 've only worn it about three times I think it 's erm a telly mac and it 's a yellow one erm and it is a bit longer so all these go underneath it , quite well
22 Yes thank you Chairman erm I think important question very similar question I think we 're we 're all wondering whether the changed landscape of West Sussex , the changed use of West Sussex has had any influence on the flooding and as the County Council has pointed out worst amount of rain we 've had for about seventy years or so I think it 's very useful and important er to ask questions an and when this crisis is over we reflect on what we can learn from it , but I must bear in mind that it is first and foremost extraordinary climatic conditions which have caused these problems and that in itself of course might have implications erm the whole of global warming does tend to come to mind when you see what 's happening in Australia as well as what 's happening here erm that 's certainly not anything that agencies great or small can have any control over .
23 ‘ T is only the last mile or so I 'll have to travel alone and ‘ twill be dark then .
24 Erm if I give you a ring about Sunday or so I will have sorted out cos I 've got quite a few to sort out at the moment .
25 After a hundred yards or so I could see behind me the whole cliffed extent of the headland , and the house .
26 For a week or so I was even careful not to wipe my boots on Roper 's pillow .
27 But after a week or so I was acclimatised , and I would laugh at the discomforts of half-asphyxiated visitors .
28 " Every week or so I 'd see them come in for their beef ration .
29 If they ca n't you can either stay at the flat or else I 'll give you some money and drop you off at a hotel . ’
30 Alright , it may be there fault , but what happens if he fucking get out of control or then I can I always try and do it now , if somebody wants to act like a cunt , let them !
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