Example sentences of "[noun] or [pron] know " in BNC.

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1 But before it was a mandatory seven day course regardless of that person 's expertise or you know qualifications .
2 And the story was that they were er ex railway shareholder 's sons or you know all this .
3 It was all about money or you know there was n't a great deal of political activity or , or great deal of political work done in , in the Labour Party .
4 a tutorial with you know , somebody else for health or banking or you know , whatever .
5 This booklet is written for secondary school children and young people who want to understand something about AIDS or who know someone with AIDS — possibly a friend at school or someone in their close family .
6 You can do it with a turn the carnation pink or you know it 's white , that sort of thing .
7 And I think that was on the basis that we were insisting that everybody visited the local F E college or you know sort of Yorkshire , Scarborough , Harrogate got got their irregular updatings and S and Selby when whatever .
8 You know they must be you know and a certain amount of guilt maybe that they that they did n't support the miners or you know it was something that was happening far away and maybe y like I said you gave the odd tin of beans you know but er
9 Now , I do n't know whether that 's because i in your house there is n't a husband or a partner , or whether it did n't occur to you to say we , whether you always think of it as I or whether he 's out winning bread or you know , wha whatever it is , but
10 Put the rest of them , I mean , i , i , i , in the storage binder or you know , or you can obviously put them in the active binder if you want to do .
11 I mean probably women are more daring you know because they 've got less to lose in a way I suppose if you if you 're not a councillor you can be more er you know or if you 're not worried for your job or you know or if there is n't a definite structure I suppose in the lodge there 's the definite people that always say the same things you know what I mean and it 's it 's less easy to be spontaneous in that situation I would think you know .
12 He 's not Robinson Crusoe , there are other old newspaper owners so he will say okay the government in Australia is doing what I like , therefore my newspapers or usually most of my newspapers , in fact one or two of them wo n't , will support that government and that government can be totally different one in the United States where in the Washington Post or you know in the New York Post or whatever will go and attack or support because he thinks it 's in the less interest that his commercial interest and the U S because he sees us doing the same thing there .
13 I was n't going to rush around buying horribly expensive things like smoke salmon that I could n't afford , I was going to do a big family feast and I was going to get in a few games like the monopoly or lotto or you know , I just , I have n't worked it out but I thought oh what fun
14 I think you 're honest it 's the people respect you more if you say I 'm sorry , I do n't know the answer , I 'll find out for you and then you say tell you what John , can you write that up on that issues form pad or you know another bit of flipchart paper , we 'll come back to that .
15 And I know it 's difficult to get people motivated when they 've been hit down and hit down so often , er but and I do n't think that you could do er any great erm as as we said when we went into the flats , we did n't go in with any big , world shattering ideas of of causing a revolution or you know , of doing er putting on a big project or anything , it was actually to be with the people in their situation and gradually to help improve somehow , if we could .
16 There is more to life than worrying about how the maid 's ironed your nightdress or you know .
17 . And the idea with these is that when you get reimbursed for expenses , you put the receipt into the expense envelopes then at the end of the month , erm , you would staple the envelope and attach it to your company expense claim or you know , throw it at the person who 's going to give your money back or whatever .
18 er , I have n't opened the packet yet , I just thought if you wanted to try one , you stick them on a radiator or you know
19 Taxi-ing from door to door or you know
20 These people in there that go away and leave the dogs behind you know , on their holidays or you know .
21 Well anything , you never know you know , get him to say he 's jealous of er David Jason 's success or you know .
22 skipped half the stages or you know how do you feel when he 's working on the board and he skips several lines ?
23 How did Andropulos or whoever know when , and from where , that bomber was leaving ?
24 Perhaps involving you know , the leaders of the village becoming servants and servants becoming leaders , or women dressing up as men or you know happy .
25 We have found that it is good to be factual and helpful on these occasions and that always one or two who live opposite , or round the corner or who know the building have been drawn in .
26 You would n't call them like flashy locks or you know , like mortice as you fit in the door or anything like that .
27 If it had been out for a walk or you know ?
28 Years ago they had all these narrow looms , about this size , and this is where women worked , they called it the narrow section , and maybe mostly for hotels or you know , in the olden days they had stair , your mother 'll probably , stair runners or holes and the , the carpet just went like that and there 'd be a piece of lino up the side ,
29 Three weeks , yeah we 'll go somewhere like that Greece or you know if you ask me er I know loads of people in this
30 Erm , but generally , ye I mean cos Eileen and I go to a we nearly always go somewhere like Carriages or you know , somewhere Italian which is , you know , it might , it all depends on what Jim 's eating at the time .
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