Example sentences of "[noun] that would [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It was inevitable that if , in saying anything that blamed others , he did make admissions in part that would tend to confirm the accuracy of the allegations that had already been made against him .
2 From Esterençuby you can press onwards and upwards , towards the frontier , and then either branch right , back into the complex of mountain roads to the west that would take you eventually down again to Arnéguy , or else left , along a narrow , lonely , but not totally nerve-racking road which climbs high up on the north flank of the watershed , before relapsing into the next valley to the east .
3 so of course that would 've come out at a later stage , yeah , you know there 's a lot of business miles involved in flying to all these er places .
4 So you can , so if you feel that you 're a bit , you need a bit of practice in a certain area , you can literally look up the type of course that would benefit you the most .
5 The tremendous problems that they have need addressing and we should be there , not because we can reap the benefits necessarily in funding , although of course that would help , but because we can lend a hand , because we can reach out Local Authority and in my view that is also what the people of would want this Council to do .
6 Of course that would have to mean Open Software Foundation founders Hewlett-Packard Co , Digital Equipment Corp and IBM Corp taking part .
7 Of course that would have to mean Open Software Foundation founders Hewlett-Packard Co , Digital Equipment Corp and IBM Corp taking part .
8 What a mockery that would make of her insistence that she was independent and perfectly able to take care of herself .
9 About thirty in each suite to differ and a master key and as I say there was five suites and they had to make a key that 'd open everyone of the fifty-five .
10 During the negotiations the United States indicated that it was seeking a rate for the dollar that would yield a $13 billion boost to the US current account .
11 ‘ What a fall that would have been !
12 Co fall out the bucket you see on the when they over the top tumbler that 'd splash on into the chute , there used to be a chute , take it right into the harbour .
13 In the spirit of affability , may I congratulate the Government on one of the changes that they made some time ago , in which they followed fairly accurately the views expressed in early-day motion 488 , which noted that when ’ the Social Fund cold weather payments scheme trigger mechanism was put to a serious test it collapsed three times under the weight of its own absurdity the scheme is inadequate , inefficiently targeted and wasteful as the cost of advertising and administration are unjustifiably high ; and urges a new saving limit of £3,000 that would create a fully automatic scheme ’ .
14 ‘ The stock market has recognised this in its affirmative response to the rights issue and the share price now stands at 53p against the 38p that would have resulted if the market had simply absorbed the rights issue and stood still . ’
15 Probably some , who considered the idea of Making Ends Meet unacceptable and unbecoming , i.e. those enjoying the thrusting Live-Now-Pay-Later lifestyle of the 1990s , would think differently if they knew that the cost of borrowing the £5,000 that would extricate them from the consequences of their cavalier attitude would cost them almost another £5,000 .
16 Yes , cos they usually all water underneath there and that used to be pumped out , every so often the engine room would pump all that out and to heat any water up the cabins there used to be a , a small pump what used to pump the fresh water into the boiler and I used to have a a piece of er copper off that and just turn the steam on a little bit put it into a bucket of cold water and then instead of driving the pump that 'd go into the , the er bucket and heat the water and boil it .
17 When that gone down they used to splash cos that used to come underneath the buckets and our cabin hatchway was facing that and many a time that 'd come right down the cabin , the mud .
18 They would expect to learn of the success of the Tay landings , and to set off on the seven miles that would take them to the central strongholds of Alba , already besieged by their fellows .
19 Oh that was messy , you 're telling me was messy , I 've known cups of tea , you put a cup of tea on there the other cup of tea was there , well we never used to have saucers could n't afford them , that 'd be there a mug of tea and that 'd move like that off the table that 'd come cos the dredger was shaking so much .
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