Example sentences of "[noun] we have give " in BNC.

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1 And for three decades we 've given our clients a process for better decision making and problem solving up and down the organization .
2 Creamy crab cocktail was fine , but the smoked fish pie it 's only meat pies we 've given up for Lent was n't so much smoked as immolated .
3 I will want to come back on the same point that 's just been made , but if before I get to that there are some other points that I think I should make in explanation of the lead we have given , if I may call it that , in putting forward the distribution of the Greater York total .
4 The fright we 've given ourselves in recent months will have done us some good if it helps us adjust society back in the direction of common purposes and co-operative disciplines .
5 Secretary Gordon Dixon explained : ‘ Over the past few years we have given cheques to various charities including Childen in Need and this year it was decided to send the proceeds of our charity drive to the Darlington and District Hospice .
6 After two exhausting hours we had to give in to the flames .
7 For the reasons we have given we think their contractual entitlement corresponds with the indemnity basis of taxation set out in Ord. 62 , r. 12(2) .
8 The best birthday present we have given is to let them have the seven million pounds to buy the campus freehold
9 I do n't begrudge the support we 've given , but I was annoyed when I realised we were being taken for granted .
10 Not surprisingly , considering the complexity of the interaction of minds , language , and the world , the description we have given so far is highly simplified .
11 You may have noticed that the description we have given of the blocks world is quite unlike all the descriptions of the eight queens task .
12 Easton is the fictitious name we have given to the area of Belfast in which our research was located .
13 The service we have given here is one without individual confession .
14 Rather than take the pessimistic view that they will remain at least this high in future , we hope that the ( slightly ) lower figures we have given instead may prove more representative of interest rate levels in the longer run .
15 We are , look at the paper we 've give you this week .
16 We are inclined to favour the arrangement we have given , however , for the sake of the added depth and breadth given to the melodic combination by the addition of the lower octave , and the pure brass tone-colour of the chords .
17 For the sake of consistency we have given the length of the Phoenix King 's reign and the rough dates in the Sigmarite calendar of the Empire .
18 The film comes to Liverpool 's MGM Cinema on November 20 so you can see what all the fuss was about and for free if you win one of the TEN double tickets we have to give away , along with T-shirts and soundtracks .
19 Observe the completely different effect produced by replacing the adjectives in ( 1 ) by the corresponding adverbs , as in : ( 28 ) Ellen shook the keys loosely muzak drives them madly And contrast the two sentences of ( 29 ) ( b ) : ( 29 ) ( a ) what did the new system do to the motors ? ( b ) the new system made the motors quieter the new system made the motors more quietly 5.4 Let us now return to the matter of the resultative nuance which can indeed be observed in all the examples we have given , reproducing the structural diagrams ( 21 ) and ( 22 ) to do so : ( 21 ) ( 22 ) If these diagrams represent the relations actually used in constructing such expressions , it follows that the entity of the noun phrase , as initially present to the mind of the speaker ( and to that of the listener in the final interpretative phase of comprehension ) lacks the property of the adjective since it is structurally separated from it ; however , since that property is expressed by an adjective , then ex hypothesi it will apply to the entity of the noun phrase when the construction is taken as a whole ; if not , then either the property would be expressed by an adverb , and apply to the verb , or the whole construction would be literally incoherent .
20 In the discussion surrounding the foundation list the Cockcroft Committee stressed " We believe too that , as a necessary accompaniment to the list we have given , it is important to have the feeling for number which permits sensible estimation and approximation … " .
21 I 'm still thinking about B S 5750 where we have to make sure that not only we know what training we have given people , that we also continue to give them , future appropriate training so that they can do their jobs , and so compliance by B S 5750 is not just trapping history it is also making sensible plans about the present and the future .
22 It will be noted that in these remarks we have given to " English " a very wide significance .
23 In experimental work on the viscosity of the alkanes over a wide range of temperature Doolittle found however that the simple relation where A and B are constants gave a very much better fit to the experimental data , than the Andrade equation From the discussion we have given it is clear that fv is only a linear function of T if the expansion of the liquid is given by the linear equation and this is only true over small temperature ranges .
24 Why is it that we can look at organizations which we ourselves have worked in for most of our lives , where we have complained bitterly , where over drinks with our colleagues or at the Christmas pantomime or some other time we have given vent to our irritation at these bad organizational and behavioural characteristics ; and yet when we reach high positions in companies we consider them to be something which is beyond our capability to influence ?
25 This time we have given the Almanac a few ‘ tweaks ’ to ensure it is even more effective .
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