Example sentences of "[noun] but was the " in BNC.

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1 This sounds a great deal of money but was the same amount that the world spent on weapons in four hours and ten minutes .
2 With a shilling guidebook that was woefully inaccurate in its measurement of distances but was the only one then available , I hunted down all the hundred holes then known ( today there are thousands ) ; it was not an easy task because many have concealed entrances , but great fun .
3 It 's exceptionally comfortable and cosy inside but was the closest fitting bag on test .
4 He was bent with arthritis but was the master spirit , the source of garden wisdom .
5 On the Soviet side , the main figure is a young economist , Grigori Yavlinsky , who has no formal job in the Soviet government but was the originator of the ‘ Shatalin plan ’ for radical economic change .
6 DAMON Hill saw his late father Graham 's Monaco Grand Prix record broken by Ayrton Senna but was the first to congratulate the Brazilian despite his own personal disappointment of being beaten into second place .
7 The covenant was not just an important past event preserved by tradition but was the theme of what Gunnell calls ‘ a communal drama played out between Yahweh — He who will be there — and His people in time ’ , for in the words of Deuteronomy 5 : 3 , ‘ The Lord made not this covenant with our fathers , but with us , even us , who are all of us here alive this day . ’
8 Peel 's stance in relation to economic liberalism seems more promising , but in terms of his relationship to the Conservative canon two things are worthy of note : first , Peel 's espousal of liberal economics resulted in the bulk of the Conservative Party deserting him ; and second , the most authoritative appraisal of Peel 's career has concluded that ‘ Peel was not the founder of the Conservative party but was the progenitor of Gladstonian Liberalism ’ .
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