Example sentences of "[noun] [being] seen [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He followed the bomber down until it dived into the sea off Filfla , three survivors being seen in the water .
2 Plant down , with natural blood as an adhesive , is often used to form the design ; or ochre ( blood of the earth ) which has always been intimately associated with ceremonies of fertility , the invocation of rain , etc. , by tribal people in most countries , who , like the Aborigines , regard the earth as a living , breathing entity , its underground watercourses being seen in a similar light to the human arterial system .
3 Rather than such force being seen as a prerogative of the state , it is seen by many in the alliance to inhere in the people of Ulster who over and over again need to assert their autonomous rights .
4 These allied to an apprehension of the uselessness of qualifications anyway — blackness being seen as the immovable obstacle to career progress — produce a situation in which black kids are receptive to alternatives , to different life plans .
5 He challenged the validity of a search warrant which had been obtained from a sheriff , alleging that statements by inquiry officers about a flickering light being seen at a bedroom window were a blatant and malicious fabrication .
6 These include issues such as the morality of the Gospel being seen in a consumer context , and the Church spending its funds in this way .
7 Fatalities caused by hypothermia will lead to the Government 's imposition of VAT on fuel being seen as a death tax , the Confederation of Health Service Employees claimed yesterday .
8 It is a shambles , which has resulted in local government being undermined and the role of the local community being seen as a threat rather than as a partner trying to rebuild broken economies , help the unemployed and do something about essential services .
9 Here Mike Brogden admits to some concern about the quality process being seen as the evolutionary , gradual improvement of everything .
10 At daybreak they went into hiding , but were found due to their tracks being seen in the snow which lay about .
11 Encouraging dialogue between individual parent and individual teacher so that each child can be given specific help and encouragement , discussion between parent and teacher being seen as a better way of evaluating progress than a written report .
12 Alternatively , to prevent any stitching being seen from the right side , slipstitch the top edge in place ( fig. 21 ) .
13 So all the rhetoric that we 've had from this government about better performance N H S , more people being seen by the N H S , that must be read against the fact that over a million people are , or a million patients , are er waiting on N H S waiting lists .
14 The terms ‘ urban ’ and ‘ rural ’ are often contrasted with one another the countryside being seen as a haven of peace .
15 Meiotic prophase in the mouse commences on day 13 of gestation with maximum numbers of pachytenes being seen over days 16 — 18 .
16 The 1988–89 Committee was particularly anxious that as much coverage as possible should be given to Parliament on regional news and current affairs programmes , so as to improve the prospects of Members being seen at work by their constituents .
17 The viewing platform for the Falls of Measach is sensationally poised above a tremendous chasm , the waterfalls and a rushing river being seen in the gloomy depths far below .
18 When CDC 's intention became clear , it was approached by a variety of potential partners , Ousley says , and ‘ came very close to changing ’ its decision ( Hewlett-Packard Co being seen as the unlucky suitor ( UX Nos 381 , 384 ) ) .
19 This scan showed a high uptake of radioactive labelled somatostatin in the areas around the eyes and parotid glands , no uptake being seen in the gastric region .
20 It is a view I believe which is held by everyone connected with policing at local level and additionally , the continuation of the tripartite system with its essential checks and balances on the activities of the three parties involved and My Lords that is the real importance and value of the tripartite system that depends on the local authorities being seen to be in the driving seat .
21 From the crest of this ridge , a comprehensive view of the range unfolds : a magnificent panorama especially when the tops are under snow , the long array of peaks being seen across the deep trench of Loch Fannich which forms the southern boundary of the group over a distance of eight miles .
22 It was begun after staff at Glenmore Lodge outdoor activity centre received reports of climbers being seen in difficulties .
23 Such projects , then , can produce important lessons , but there is a danger of temporary , inadequately funded special projects being seen as the sole response of adult education to the unemployment crisis .
24 Waiting times in this centre exceed five months despite full clinics and extra , urgent cases being seen outside normal times set aside for outpatient clinics .
25 The application of a centre-entrance design to double-deckers was fairly unusual , the only other examples being seen in Sunderland , Aberdeen and Darwen .
26 There is a view that is as old , probably , as the human race , and certainly as old as Homer and the ancient Greeks , that there is one ethical structure that represents right for men : a composite of manly virtues , such as courage , endurance , physical stamina , wiliness and political judgement , and a corresponding but complementary conception of what is right for women , womanly virtue being seen as a mixture of timidity , tenderness , compliance , docility , softness , innocence and domestic competence .
27 The search for ‘ relationships ’ between species could be reconstituted along evolutionary lines , with the links being seen as natural genealogies rather than abstract patterns in the mind of the Creator .
28 With the DES having to settle for this , and with the Diploma being seen in higher education as merely equivalent to the first two years of a degree programme , it became not an alternative track in higher education , but an ambiguous poor relation to the degree .
29 The consistency of application since then has been remarkable , the benefits being seen in a lengthy , unbroken period during which time there has been a sustained management of urban change : plan making under constant review covering the whole of urban Britain , and control of development by public and private bodies in the community interest .
30 As another example , subjects have to draw an irregular shape — the shape being seen as a reflection in a mirror .
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