Example sentences of "[noun] ['s] [noun] just " in BNC.

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1 Strangely , Benjamin did not wish to visit his uncle who was wintering at the Bishop of Ely 's inn just north of Holborn .
2 Often they will fly onto their rival 's court just as he is mating , and disrupt the copulation .
3 Her school pals sang Morning Has Broken , The Colours Of The Day and Once In Royal David 's City just as she asked .
4 After buying the house she had spent hours just walking through it , seeing in her mind 's eye just how it would all look eventually — but turning those dreams into reality was sheer hard graft , and she was n't halfway through yet .
5 For instance , you ca n't check out the card 's configuration just by looking at it , and you ca n't change the configuration if you do n't have the set-up utility .
6 ‘ La Malfa 's resignation just shows that anyone who has been involved in government for so long can be involved ( in corruption ) , however pure he may claim to be , ’ he said .
7 However , if we look at Valerie 's behaviour just before this in the conversation , it is apparent that actually not all this talk is intended for the baby .
8 But whereas Elinor 's hair fell , as she herself put it , ‘ like a great , calm waterfall ’ , Maisie 's hair just hung , like old socks on a washing line .
9 The burglar 's haul just waiting for an owner .
10 In the forty third minute , Foyle volleyed wide from fifteen yards when really he should have been on target after receiving from Magilton , and as referee Taylor was looking at his whistle to blow it for half time , United skipper , Steve Foster drove forward from the edge of the penalty area , shrugged off a couple of challenges , hit a good low shot , seemingly under the body of Gosney , but Gosney 's body just halted the flow of the ball .
11 Madame Gautier looked up and caught Ellie 's eye just for a moment , and the glance seemed to say , See ?
12 McInally 's agent just happens to be Denis Roache .
13 Even before I had learned to walk my eldest sister used to dump me in an orange box on the pavement next to Granpa 's pitch just to be sure I could start my apprenticeship early .
14 Nothing of the score 's sense of awe and mystery ( it depicts the appearance of Halley 's Comet just before the Norman Conquest of 1066 , as shown in the Bayeux Tapestry ) survived this rather brutal account .
15 It seems the Lady 's fans just ca n't get enough of her .
16 Well I think it was I mean that erm we when you dredge from the Causeway I 'd say near the Harbourmaster 's office and we dredged all the way to Botterman 's Bay just below Pinmill and that Botterman 's Bay was that 's a place where they had and that 's where the big ships used to moor then and they used to get .. be lightened , like all grain goods and that used to be loaded into barges by hand and then when it goes so light they used to the fish with about three thousand grain in 'em and then they used to fill them up in the dock , on the same method .
17 19 year old Barbara Griffiths from Middlesex , won the 17th annual British Women 's Tennis Association tournament which was held at the Queen 's Club just prior to Christmas .
18 ‘ For pity 's sake just sit there and try not to do anything silly for the time it takes me to fill two bowls with cawl . ’
19 She sat quietly , her freckled girl 's hand just encompassing the big brown mug , as though it had alighted there , her eyes held by the blessed , blissful forsythia that filled the whole kitchen with energy , with pleasure .
20 Given the evidence that punishment which immediately precedes a forbidden act ( rarely possible for busy parents ) maximizes resistance to temptation and minimizes guilt , you might try not only to sanction misbehaviour promptly but ( where possible ) forestall your child 's action just as it gets under way .
21 Then , too , the Garfields of KILSBY and ASHBY ST LEDGERS were the forefathers of another president , James Garfield , whose tenure , however , was one of the briefest in American history ; his term was cut short by an assassin 's bullet just a few months after his inauguration .
22 Security can also be a problem here , so try to park in highly visible places which are less likely to be jammed by visitors ' cars just as you want to get home .
23 I had noticed the scaffolding placed around it the week before and thought it looked an odd sight , with the Chairman 's head just visible over the striped plastic sheeting .
24 Distributing next year 's maintained payment between the two new companies has clearly not been an easy task and question marks must remain over the board 's decision just to split the 1993 payment straight down the middle with the promise that each company will not pay less than 27.5p a share .
25 I took a couple of pictures anyway , not knowing what possible good they would do , then kicked the Shogun in the driver 's door just for the hell of it .
26 Sheena Easton has been shrewd enough to ride Prince 's coat-tails just so far and no further , without letting her identity be submerged .
27 Heritage 's depositors just took what they could of their own money and ran .
28 Amid some of the tightest security seen in the province in recent years , hundreds of mourners made their way from his Tirkane Road home to St Patrick 's Church just over a mile away .
29 Jane squeezed Patrick 's arm just above the elbow , the sudden pain silencing him .
30 He only reveals his true feelings when he throws his flower into Mary Vetsera 's grave just before the curtain falls .
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