Example sentences of "[noun] [no cls] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 Which will be available for school leavers next year and that the Chancellor has allocated in the department of employment budget , for training credits and the new modern apprenticeship er over a billion pounds er which will be utilised to introduce those apprenticeships .
2 At the moment we 're also trying to move our football club er rather a difficult exercise , you can imagine .
3 Sorry , twenty four percent , twenty four percent body weight erm about a quarter in other words when , when a young woman 's body is about one quarter fat , she can start menstruating for obvious reasons .
4 Getting hold of tickets for the game is like getting hold of the proverbial rocking horse s**t i.e. a bit difficult .
5 I myself my previous have had this case er where an eight year old wanted baptise and in the event the parent was prepared , though not herself a member of the church , to take the promises .
6 no problem it 's just it 's I think it 's a bit er just a conflict of interests .
7 That 's the one paper that is a bit er maybe a bit so but th I 'll have to check with the N R A because of course er , the river
8 These diseases are common in areas er where an out pouring of water from the individual is squared up with a ou , out pouring of people into the water , then you can appreciate that that transmission is very er , readily promoted under those circumstances .
9 Moderator might I ask a question er perhaps a supplementary ?
10 Something along those lines er maybe a more
11 Suppose we now proceed as in 2.9.3 : we begin with the submatrix Yo and successively evaluate unc and we then solve for Mo the eigenproblem unc Then a new approximation to Y is unc At this point we may ask : what is the purpose of eigenproblem ?
12 Bernard I must tell you , listening to you at the moment is Simon Wigg on one of our other lines erm just a word about Simon before I bring him in .
13 ‘ Oh sure , rubbers ai n't a problem .
14 Similarly we deduce physical reality for the states unc Thus a proton state , on this view , is labelled by three choices of + or — " to indicate the values of the corresponding spin components in the directions unc There are eight possibilities in all : unc We can not determine experimentally all these quantities for a given proton but we can fix two of them .
15 Just a minute , can you hold just a moment er just a minute
16 Driving for cash er well an indication of how strongly we , we 've been driving for cash is that er the reduction i in er operating cash flow is less than the reduction in profit .
17 Erm for instance erm quite a I did one a couple of weeks ago erm on Avenue .
18 If I could Chairman erm just a little bit erm about the erm conservatives erm proposals .
19 What have we been talking about football last night er just an example of erm some of the scripts that we use down here .
20 O K so look let me just go through these notices er for today 's tutorial period , one or two changes erm again a thought for the week from the chaplain to begin with , during the approaching season of Lent , the best thing we can do is to centre our thoughts on what Jesus Christ did for us through his passion , death and resurrection .
21 But he gave up on that to tell us this — things ai n't a patch on what they used to be .
22 Many practitioners these days combine both schools of thought , using repeated doses of low potencies for pathological prescribing : for example , Rhustoxicodendron 6X twice a day for a period of several weeks in cases of arthritis where the condition is aggravated by damp weather and rest ; and giving , at the same time , a single dose of a high potency prescribed on constitutional grounds — that is , the whole symptom complex of the patient .
23 It 's all pretty confusing cos Colin ai n't a cat or nothing , so why do n't he use the toilet ?
24 When you see de rainbow you know God know wha he doing one big smile across the sky I tell you God got style the man got style When you see raincloud pass and de rainbow make a show I tell you is God doing limbo the man doing limbo But sometimes you know when I see de rainbow so full of glow and curving like she bearing a child I does want know if God ai n't a woman If that is so the woman got style man she got style
25 If a single factory-wide overhead absorption rate were to be used it is likely that product costs will be distorted because the application of overheads to products i6 not a fair reflection of the costs incurred in manufacturing the product .
26 What we are withdrawing is the arm's-length valuation of benefit under clause 54(4) where an employer is providing services to the employee at a cost which may be very little .
27 They were the sorts of contacts that you have when you 're signing on at the Employment Benefits Office , when you 're going to a job interview erm and often these are very negative because the experience of signing on is n't a very pleasant experience at all ; most job interviews , unfortunately , end with a rejection erm so a lot of these non-routine contacts were quite negatives ones for people .
28 And er that puts some obligation on Notts next week and then er in December to do well when they 're in Italy erm also an obligation to do well now , but bu get back to the point I 'm trying make .
29 So the Peter Cushings and Christopher Lees of the world can ham it up in filmland , dead or not , and the likes of Bruce ‘ Brusque ’ Dickinson can howl , ‘ Hell ai n't a bad place — Hell is from here to eternity ! ’ like a teenage terror , while chucking bits of ‘ The Lord 's Prayer ’ into the frame .
30 It sure as hell ai n't a full-time job for Mr Sorley , if that 's his name . ’
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