Example sentences of "[noun] [no cls] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In addition L289 reacted with material that emerged in the characteristic position of progastrin .
2 Er Chairman , yes , if I may just make a couple of , of , of , of , of , comments on , on , on the report side , I , I very much welcome the report back which I think has clarified a number of areas in the inspector 's report and what the services are actually , actually are doing about this one , I think er overall it 's er it , it , it 's , it 's very , it 's very er it 's very er very useful to see er what has been done erm I , I , I , I , I 've been assured by the Chief Officer er on item , item er , item three one at the top of page two , that the operational plans being devolved to individual sch will not apply to operational activity , they will be er to separate activity within the s er sch station , erm I did raise that because I was concerned about one station saying yes we will attend the fire and another one saying we wo n't , which obviously is not appropriate er but with that caveat I , I , I , very much welcome the report , I would like to move the proposals sch standing in , in , in , in , in my name that we commend the report as well as er er what 's on the officer 's erm er , er , er recomen er the re the recommended er resolution and that we send a copy of that , this
3 The day to be organised by Kay Evans and Margaret Charlwood will be held at Queen 's Road Centre , St. Mary 's Road , Peckham SE15 starting at 10.30 am to 4.30 pm .
4 Twice I can remember the Kirkwall Brass Brand pray playing in the cinema and twice I remember a circus visiting .
5 ( Migrants from Roi Et specialise in driving taxis , usually lethally . )
6 CompuAdd Computer Corp , Austin , Texas cut prices across its product line by as much as 23% : the EISA-based CompuAdd 466EDX2 tower unit now costs $3,800 , and the CompuAdd 433DX configured in a desktop power chassis is now $2,600 ; the CompuAdd 466DX2 configured in a desktop power chassis is down 23% at $3,000 .
7 Yeah , well er yeah , there was there was er one er er course er er we kids w looked upon er er these activities w with some with some interest you know ?
8 He straightened up then noticed the gunman 's Walther P5 lying at the edge of the clearing .
9 Neglecting the input current of the operational amplifier in the circuit of figure 10.11(b) compared with the current through resistance R This time , if and for the sinusoidal component of highest frequency present in the equation reduces to Clearly the circuit of figure 10.1 l(b) acts as a differentiator when , which condition is much more easily satisfied than the condition for the corresponding passive circuit of figure 4.11(a) to act as a differentiator .
10 March 15 : Erco 415D N86952 crashed during attempted go-around at Winthrop , Washington State .
11 The frequency at which this oscillator works is controlled by the voltage on pin 9 , the resistance between pin 11 and ‘ ground ( 0V ) ’ and the value of capacitor C9 wired between pin 6 and pin 7 .
12 Figure 5.12 shows a part of the image in Figure 5.3(a) magnified by a factor of 4 .
13 Prevalence of hypoxaemia , defined as arterial oxygen saturation <90% determined by pulse oximetry , and condition of patient on the fifth day after admission .
14 There was two of them w wi with a Range Rover the other morning er with all sorts of notices and the following morning they had a motorcyclist er hidden behind the hedge as it were er that seemed to obviously put things right for a couple of days .
15 On the question of registration of electors , clearly it is very important that if we now have less than nine weeks from this evening for those possibly four hundred thousand people to seek registration then the it is essential that the minister and the department er engage in a serious advertising campaign to ensure that people can exercise the rights that are due to them and I would like the minister perhaps in his later remarks , to expand on what , if any , measure the government intends to take to publicise the fact of E C voting rights to those four hundred thousand or so er European citizens of voting age resident in this country .
16 So if you erm press the return key er go into option three right and what we 'll do is we 'll , we 'll plot erm plot the histogram of the residuals because what this test for normality is doing is seeing whether the residuals we get from our regression are normally distributed , right O and S assumes that they will be .
17 The natural meaning of rule 1(4) seems to us to give the expression ‘ costs ’ a meaning that is not confined to litigation costs .
18 Notice that it is much easier to satisfy the condition , , for this active circuit to act as an integrator , than it is to satisfy the condition , , for the corresponding passive circuit of figure 4.11(b) to act as an integrator .
19 And then in these days there were pits for going underneath the cars er dug into the ground so as you could get underneath the cars .
20 But in fact , if you look through bibliographies and citations in the literature , you find it 's hardly ever cited , and when it is cited , people seldom if ever , seemed to refer to what Freud er says in it , let alone take any notice of it .
21 Well that 's it , that , that 's a very good starting point because one point that Freud er makes in the book and Andrea er alluded to but is , is very important in fact he calls it , there 's a little sub-section of the book called the Analogy and this is the erm analogy that Freud is gon na use for his study of Moseism the analogy he gives , er can you remember it Andrea ?
22 The DNA binding activity of VZV 140k resides within residues 472 to 633 as determined by gel retardation analysis
23 These findings are further in keeping with cultivation studies of mononuclear cells from inflamed ulcerative colitis mucosa which showed preferential spontaneous secretion IgG1 compared with control cells .
24 Erm as you say Mr Campbell er the plan at the moment is that the F two thousand will replace jaguar and the tornado A D V F three aircraft and the scope er of replacing other aircraft er remains under consideration , er provisional off take of two fifty er was declared at the d the start of the development phase and of course our work share in development is based on that number .
25 This new method was exemplified to clone PCR-fragments obtained from a DNA-region about 8.4 kb upstream of the trpGDC -cluster of Azospirillum brasilense Sp7 leading to the identification of pyrG which encodes a CTP-synthase ( 6 ) .
26 Well every , you know erm I can remember the time er when I first went and they used to have silver er plated of course , silver plated water jugs on the counter and silver plated sugar bowls with tongs and loaf sugar for people to use and of course well and when you see the war came along , you see , they were all taken away because , you see , we had troop trains we were up day and night so the troops with tea .
27 Well that 's it , that , that 's a very good starting point because one point that Freud er makes in the book and Andrea er alluded to but is , is very important in fact he calls it , there 's a little sub-section of the book called the Analogy and this is the erm analogy that Freud is gon na use for his study of Moseism the analogy he gives , er can you remember it Andrea ?
28 Er when the election , local elections were on of course , er er er i we were n not quite so friendly to each other , because er each had got candidates er contesting for the er for the same er for the one er particular seat .
29 Like the previous speakers I greatly welcome the concessions er proposed by the Government er in the police aspect of the Bill , although I c ca n't refrain from commenting that I simply can not understand why they were surprised at the reaction to their original proposal , given what had already been said in this House and by everybody that they consulted , but welcome though these concessions are , er I myself find them falling short of the ideal in three respects .
30 Then er even one percent of nuclear weaponry that er could be used is a danger to world congregation and I fear very much er that unless there is some kind of a proper cast iron guarantee er with the successor to the Soviet Union er there 's going to be much er trouble especially if er there is an ethnic violence er erupting on the borders and again er Boris Yeltsin has said that er , er he is going to want to control er the position on the borders , well he may not get the agreement that he seeks , er one hopes that he will , but he , he may not .
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