Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh det] i feel " in BNC.

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1 The chapter on Annapurna contains several images which I felt were well below the overall standard .
2 For those first two years I was able to enjoy behaving childishly — a pleasure which I felt had been denied to me — and being relatively free from responsibility .
3 I agreed with Gyggle , only by entering the dreamscape , the hypercast of my hotted-up mind , could I hope to resolve this paradox and once and for all free myself from the malevolent force which I felt had shaped my life .
4 Alter that first palpitation of the heart which I feel does vets no good at all I reached a sleepy hand from under the sheets .
5 In the possibility that it might be useful , I documented in his record what we talked about , and my view , as a psychiatrist , that he was absolutely lucid , and that his judgment was not impulsive , but rather a carefully thought through and well-considered decision which I felt should be respected .
6 It might dilute the real body of work which I felt to be making some kind of contribution .
7 For the background of this design I found a rough raw silk which I felt looked much better than the more conventional old linen , but one could always choose one of the linen-covered mountboards that are available in similar colourings , or even hessian or plain linen .
8 There were lots of small things which I felt unsure about and since my previous knowledge of , and contact with , babies was virtually nil , I was please to have someone to turn to when needed .
9 Mr C F Motley of Lincolnshire has a small collection of such things which I feel sure have a rarity value as match-slips are eagerly collected on a world-wide scale .
10 Whenever I think about it there are many things which I feel I could usefully discuss with you :
11 We were much better ‘ staffed ’ this time so I think we were more efficient and our pilfering/loss rate which I felt had not been bad last time was down to only two items this time , even better .
12 I also spoke of my difficulty in giving talks to the armed forces ; for nothing remotely intellectual was acceptable , and the only use which I felt I could be was in taking along a few maps and indicating the whereabouts of places increasingly mentioned on the wireless or the press ( though they read only the ‘ picture ’ papers ) .
13 There are several accounts of the events of this crucial period in the history of British ‘ race relations ’ : what follows is an attempt to highlight some of the features which I feel are pertinent to a discussion of ‘ racial problem ’ films of the era .
14 This is an area which I feel requires to be rejuvenated .
15 Well I think that we 've seen the erm tremendous growth in word processors , and this is erm an area which I feel will develop enormously , and it really would be quite possible for nearly every home to have a word processor within it .
16 The report that was put to committee by the the officers have arguments which I feel are fatuous , fallacious , erroneous and at best equivocal .
17 I also feel that in ‘ Futility ’ Owen uses emotion very well and gives a very good impression of his feeling which I feel is slightly lacking in a couple of his other poems .
18 It 's the same act — basically — but it 's so different each time , and I 've never felt with any other woman what I felt with you .
19 I do n't have to shout I do n't have to be aggressive or intimidate people I just have to tell people what I feel , think etc .
20 I tested this in three ways : by looking up an article on a subject which I feel I know reasonably well ; by looking up an article on a topic with which I am familiar ; and by looking for information on an area which I have heard about but of which I am largely ignorant .
21 That will be sufficient to oblige me to choose the inclination which I felt increasing pari passu with intensifying awareness , after which choice there will be no need to go on agonizing over his plight , which might even impair my efficiency as a helper .
22 I had only recently begun to walk much without a stick — however — after much midnight practice to a ‘ pop ’ record I did manage even the backward steps without a wobble which I felt was the least I could do as I was representing MEDAU ! .
23 There are certain aspects of our involvement in the developing world which I feel need looking at .
24 Hibiscus , frangipani , bougainvillaea and the glorious colours of the flame tree were a visual feast and a challenge for the camera which I felt unable to cope with at first .
25 Bill : I do n't know if anybody feels they have , but this is a thing which I felt was central to the gay movement of the seventies and I think I would go so far as to say that I assume that most of my close friends feel , like Mark , that it 's fine to have special relationships but it is n't fine to have ones where you are n't allowed to have anything else and also that there 's nothing more deadly to a relationship when you are trying desperately not to have it off with anybody else because you feel guilty about it .
26 The other thing which I feel is important is that the section is supervised .
27 during the same period the results which I feel I did not achieve were …
28 As a member of the West Yorkshire Society 's Club , which was formed in September last year , I can testify to its role in raising morale and the efficacy of one 's personal presentation ; and there is one particular aspect which I feel must be placed on record .
29 Er , I do n't know what , and I think he , we he sent for that book , I sent for this and its different issues which you can possibly used in erm P S D se er , etcetera and there 's a number which I feel work across the years rather than just you know , sort of one year book for example there 's a a unit there Terry and
30 I have help from both Captain Mark Phillips and Stephen Hadley ; being what I feel is my weakest phase , I am planning to work hard at it this spring !
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