Example sentences of "[noun] [that] [vb past] their " in BNC.

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1 These were songs that laced their natural exuberance with a strain of English satire that was remarkable because it seemed so unaffected .
2 Specialized ornithischians in the late Cretaceous were the remarkable duck-billed dinosaurs , animals that lost their front teeth and had arrays of tiny grinding teeth at the back of the jaw that were continually replaced , like those of the shark , and must have been able to cope with tough vegetation .
3 And they got their wish — one goal against Sweden in a 2-1 defeat that ended their Championship .
4 It was n't easy to tell , from the filthy and shapeless rags that covered their filthy and shapeless bodies , but I guessed that there was a man and a woman and some smaller ones that were children .
5 At just over six foot , with thick curling brown hair and eyes that owed their startling blueness to his Irish ancestry , Tom was used to being the object of female appreciation whilst being slightly puzzled by it .
6 It was his eyes that riveted their attention .
7 Their pupils were covered with red mud from slips and falls , but the teachers were unmarked except for ochre spatters that streaked their mailed tunics
8 The two Britishers , Cyril ( McKern ) and Amos ( Alec Guinness ) are making a pilgrimage to the battlefields that scarred their lives , and meet up with a group of Americans : D-Day veteran Waldo ( John Randolph ) , his daughter Beverley ( Geraldine Chaplin ) and an enigmatic widow Lisa ( Lauren Bacall ) .
9 He had spent some time alone after talking to her father , had changed his clothes and had a shower , trying to clear his mind of all the stuff of history , the political necessities that ruled their lives , the reasons he must lie .
10 Given the influences that shaped their work , it is hardly surprising that many painters , sculptors and architects turned to jewellery design as a natural and legitimate outlet for their creativity .
11 And it was the home side that opened their account first , through Paul Kitson .
12 The two Chelonians he had seen earlier were strapped into padded harnesses that suspended their front set of limbs conveniently over the main instrument panel .
13 1.3. b ( v ) Institutions that listed their numbers of school- based inset days ranged from one College and two Polytechnics doing 40+ to 11 institutions doing no school-based work , and 12 who made no response to this question .
14 American banks will need years to recover from the now souring loans to property developers and leveraged buy-outs that followed their third-world lending .
15 The thunderflash exploded with a stunning ferocity that shattered their jagged nerves and twisted their sagging faces with terror .
16 Today 's Stagisti , guided by the mechanical tragedies that befell their hapless predecessors , know that preventive maintenance is the key to dependability .
17 The expanding role of general practitioners , along with the 1990 contract , the establishment of family health services authorities , and the introduction of medical audit have increased accountability , but general practitioners have been demotivated by the imposition of a contract that increased their administrative burden without clear evidence of clinical benefit .
18 After the prayer that ended their silent repast that evening , the cadets were filing out of the refectory to return to their barren cells .
19 As in his previous adventure , the weed helped save him ; he made his way laboriously from tuft to tuft of the blackened reeds that thrust their way through the mud and ice .
20 There should have been a lifespan of twenty years for H3 , but other priorities had been higher , and every four years since 1973 there had been a doctoring of the patient , a new lick of paint on the inside , an attempt to reinforce the roofing against damp , new wiring to carry the power of the computer that ran their lives .
21 He would have been at home as a sixteenth-century Elizabethan , categorizing people according to their essential natures ; choleric , melancholic , mercurial , saturnine , qualities mirroring the planets that governed their birth .
22 This had been floated in 1948 by the clothing establishment as a discreet gentleman 's fashion harking back to the golden days before ‘ socialism and formica ’ , but had been quickly coopted and camped up by the gay underground ; the more exaggerated aspects of this style caught the first Edwardians ' eye and , together with the Western Look that pervaded their favourite culture , American cowboy films , it formed the first youth style proper .
23 The software houses that hung their hats on the VM operating system , unable to believe that IBM would really squander one of the tiny handful of software jewels in its crown , and , 10 years ago , about the only operating system anywhere that offered the complete answer to the threat from Unix .
24 During the epidemic of 1854 Dr Snow uncovered the following facts out of 134 deaths from cholera during the first four weeks , 115 of the fatal cases occurred in houses supplied by the Southwark and Vauxhall Company , only 14 in that of the Lambeth Company 's houses , and the remainder in houses that got their water from pump wells or direct from the river .
25 Despite the total chaos that followed their introduction there was a conspicuous lack of corpses .
26 Moments later , their clothes in a trail that echoed their urgency , they lay in each other 's arms on Rachel 's bed .
27 Those authorities that transferred their stock , under the large-scale voluntary transfer policy , have received a substantial capital receipt , a quarter of which they are able to use .
28 The couple composed their own personal vows and chose songs and poetry that symbolised their commitment to each other .
29 The Galileans ' decision to defend the first was motivated by the perceptual experiences that accompanied their telescopic sightings of Jupiter , and Kepler 's decision to record the second was likewise based on his perceptual experiences when directing a telescope towards Mars .
30 Five years ago companies that bought their personal computers sight unseen through the mail were few and far between .
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