Example sentences of "[noun] [that] [be] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 It well I say one it was one of the aspects that was that tha that cropped up in our discussion about the criteria on Friday and as far as we 're concerned , what we are trying to do is not er to exclude anything from the discussion in terms of er trying to locate or find a suitable location .
2 Because of the chlorine that 's that 's present in that water to make it bacteriologically safe .
3 Well it 's bought in it was an original contract that was but we buy it through here .
4 Toshiba Corp has been showing off the robotics work it is engaged on at its research centre , where it has a number of projects that are or have grown out of government-sponsored projects : it is developing eyes 2mm to 3mm in diameter for a micromachine for use in inspecting pipes in nuclear power stations , and also a software-controlled self-mobile robot for use in space where not all astronauts can be expected to be robot experts .
5 That must be one of the ducks that 's that 's half white and half domestic duck and half mallard .
6 amount of money that is that they could get .
7 After much fretting and threats of legal action , the RFU had little choice but to back down — and endorse a strip that is if anything , more garish than the last effort .
8 Oh yeah you must n't forget that that was an experience that was if you just press enter then it goes down , that 's fine like that .
9 Stevie Wonder that was and Up Tight and er we 've got the eight contestants for the competition so we 'll play the game now .
10 The use by the Prime Minister of powers under the royal prerogative to ban trade unions at the Government Communication Headquarters at Cheltenham in 1983 was contested both for its lawfulness — that is whether such powers could be used and if so whether they were used correctly — and also for its legitimacy that is whether , even if the constitutional power existed , this was a proper and fair use of the power .
11 So th the sort of help that was that would come to the surface would it be at times like birth , death , accidents ?
12 They fear that responsibilities and attitudes once a prominent part of a teacher 's life may no longer be regarded as essential ; they fear an erosion of the teacher 's role and status , and see changes as signalling moves to squeeze him out of concerns that were and are rightly his .
13 Owen thought he knew what kind of assistance that was but Mahmoud said it was not like that , or not like that entirely .
14 If all providers going into trusts and if all er purchasing gon na be done by fund holders , the majority of whom are confident at this stage they 'll become fund holders what actually is the role of the purchasing consortium that be and role of the health authorities , as such er , other than perhaps to collect statistics in the future of our time the climbing and quality of the health service in this area ?
15 Whatever the criticisms that were and are levied against Nonconformist chapel building in the nineteenth century , no one can deny that it was a tremendous undertaking .
16 Well and we have seen one response for people now making Mill that is that his objections are not being finessed by computer technology , they do n't want to get back into that type of argument , because this is really not the most important argument against direct democracy .
17 Yeah that 's one of the reasons for the , quite an important reason in , in many cases why , why there are ways of large wage differentials that 's because there 's a minimum wage legislation .
18 Come back with me to the place that was and is yours , be to me as you were before .
19 I assume it 's a piss-take of the scum song of the same tune about the welsh git running down the wing ( football field wing that is and nothing whatsoever to do with aircraft ) .
20 a mi a very minor point that is that while we 're er carrying on these negotiations and I , I think it can be done without thought without er making the timespan from the start of this bypass , there is one minor point in that and I think it could be dealt with and , and that is the people of Brandon can see that , that the pedestrian crossing near the small roundabout in the centre of the town is far too close to that roundabout and they er believe that it causes considerable traffic hold ups and I see erm no reason why this pedestrian crossing should n't be moved
21 And thirdly , in order to unravel the totality of things that are and see how it is inwardly articulated and how it emanates into the diversity of the world as we experience in the ordinary way , your thought has to follow a special kind of logic , dialectical logic , which exhibits the process of thought and simultaneously the process of reality as one that proceeds by things being or things being said , and these giving rise to their opposites , to contradictions , and these contradictory moments or items being taken up in a greater , synthesizing whole .
22 The stuff that 's that 's the stuff you want .
23 Because then the P P G seven then goes on to make the implicit point about other things that in the countryside such as the small villages and towns and other development opportunities , do occur which provide the rural diversification and employment development that is that is required by the P P G.
24 He started off in 1962 fronting the satirical show That Was The Week That Was and later made headlines for his hard-hitting interview with impeached president Richard Nixon .
25 No n Well yes a lot of it was brushwood or the or erm branches of the birch trees that was that was laid out for that Above the stones and then you put that above .
26 But the issue of Ratner 's knock-down pricing policy does raise issues of quality that are as yet unresolved .
27 The relocations issue , on relocations the County Council uses past land take-up , there will be an element of relocations included within that land take-up figure in so far as land which is vacated on small sites and falls to another use that is that is not counted .
28 thirty P off cans of beer that is or a bottle of wine
29 And the sort of er money that wo n't have to pay a reputable alternative theatre it was such that one could n't hope to break even on that capacity with the sort of seat prices that were that we 're charging .
30 He , he was a real friendly guy and like I say he never said cheerio before he went , but one day he just painted his aircraft up with the D-day landing signs which we did n't know at the time and the next day he was gone of course it was very much top secret that was but the town just emptied of all Americans it was like a ghost town after them but it had been previously .
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