Example sentences of "[noun] [that] [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 It is the loss of tangible , lively faith in the home that exaggerates the external , rationalistic and professionalized expressions of religion that are so deadening today .
2 The fact that Christians find themselves caught up with a religion that is no longer related to work or community life , but instead to leisure , tells us something about the whole process of privatisation .
3 If God can not be identified with man as a product of evolution , and thereby given a credible definition , then any effort to create a new and successful conception of God will founder on the same rocks of contention that have wrecked every religion that was ever believed in .
4 This uses a diagonal , rising action that is mid-way between a front kick and a roundhouse kick proper .
5 In general , [ style ] applies to human action that is partly invariant and partly variable ; …
6 In the case of trends in tobacco smoking ( and by implication of trends in the diseases to which it contributes ) the sum of Australian experience supports the view that centrally coordinated action that is adequately funded and deliberately built on broad based support can speed the fall in smoking prevalence .
7 Thus a member that protests from the outset of institutional action that is not sanctioned by the constitutive treaty should be able to claim that it is not bound by that action .
8 There was a need for concerted action that was not evidence of weakness but of ‘ confidence and strength ’ .
9 He never moved but waited for her to come to him , and when she did his arm came around her with a swift , protective action that was not lost at all on Maggie .
10 The effect of the Acts ‘ was to remove legal immunity from almost all forms of industrial action that were not aimed at the worker 's immediate employer or related conditions of work ’ .
11 As he dwelt particularly on the menace of the French positions on the Left Bank , the Heir to the Throne must have had some difficulty hiding a note of ‘ I-told-so-you-so ’ For Falkenhayn , in his insistence on limiting the attack to one bank only , had stood in an isolation that was hardly splendid .
12 In this chapter , then , the term ‘ permissiveness ’ is subjected to further critical scrutiny , and an attempt is made to isolate those ‘ factors ’ or characteristics that are most usually invoked by moral entrepreneurs in their discussions of the ‘ permissive society ’ .
13 But many trees today have characteristics that are not healthy . ’
14 The central question is whether animals possess important characteristics that are not adaptive , and which therefore , by definition , would not have been shaped by natural and sexual selection .
15 The project is concerned with identifying those household characteristics that are systematically related to their position in the income or living standard distribution .
16 They might , therefore , reasonably be expected to share characteristics that were also possessed by those common ancestors , even if they have unique characteristics as well .
17 Characteristics that were significantly related to increased mortality included diastolic blood pressure less than 60 mm Hg ( p=0.01 ) , haematocrit of less than 35% ( p=0.0001 ) , and a body-mass index of less than 22 kg/m ( p=0.001 ) .
18 He gave her a sideways glance that was positively superior .
19 The latter turned his head as the door shut behind her , coming to his feet and raking her with a glance that was both sharp and insolent .
20 The link , he suggested , was the ‘ intuitive poster art , words to songs that are not quite understandable , superimpositions in films that do n't quite focus into a subject ’ , all of which , he contended optimistically , ‘ move us towards the new era ’ .
21 Erm , like this country Germany has , not only a National Anthem , but it has various songs that are also nationalistic .
22 But those bands can write songs that are very moving in a different way .
23 Hundreds of morons ( supporters of both sides ) always did their best to spoil the day by singing songs that were either anti-Papal or pro-King William of Orange .
24 Well they did a lot of them are actually country songs that were like Old Flames and and even the Black Sheep was was an American song which we you know and yes you know if you send them back to America , Old Flames for instance is often back on the American those that played on the Irish programme .
25 And erm on some of those er there was a whole spate of songs that were really naff dancers were n't there as well ?
26 It is more than a year since the red and white surveyors ' poles glinted above the reeds , blazing a trail for the draglines that were soon to follow .
27 In the chapters which follow there will be put forward a reasoned basis for religious thinking that is not excessively influenced by orthodox theology or by organised religions of any creed , denomination or national identification .
28 It will be recalled that temperature and cortisol show a daily rhythm that is much influenced by the body clock and this suggests , but does not prove , that humans and other primates are very similar with regard to the site of the body clock .
29 He was making a statement that was demeaning to her , and yet her flesh burned , familiar fire stabbed at her loins and her body stirred against his , jerkily at first and then involuntarily adopting a rhythm that was both sinuous and surging , blatantly erotic .
30 ‘ God witness , ’ said Llewelyn , drumming his long fingers on the arms of his chair in a hard-driven rhythm that was always a key to the stresses of his mind , ‘ it could not have come at a worse time .
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