Example sentences of "[noun] [that] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Attempting to distinguish the two forms , Frances Berry arrived at the strange result that Thou in the Sonnets is ‘ remote ’ and ‘ betokens distant admiration ’ , while You is ‘ more intimate ’ .
2 And we are moving into an age , I think it must be recognised , where some of the traditional jobs for girls , for example , secretaries , shops , things of this sort , are actually being decreased because of the technological revolution , so bearing in mind that something like seventy per cent of women are actually in employment , it 's very important that a girl , at the age of thirteen or fourteen , does not decide to cut herself off from the possibility of employment in these technological , engineering fields .
3 May I als also ask her to bear in mind that none of us are in a great hurry to go through again the expense and the dislocation of the relocation of the British Library , and if this land is not made available to the Library , that might happen rather sooner than we wish .
4 Is there a deeper fear that someone from this little part of the world could become another champion of champions like those who went before ?
5 They are setting standards of good practice that we in the Save The Children Fund can then help to spread .
6 This rule that someone without title can not without authority transfer title , is illustrated by the decision in Greenwood v. Bennett ( 1972 C.A. ) .
7 So is indecisiveness an excess of imagination which can see so many possibilities in each alternative that none of them can be rejected ?
8 The two sides might have parted company there and then had it not been for the GLEB 's condition that someone with newspaper business experience should be on the executive .
9 An understanding had been arrived at with the Danish Tourist Board that nothing of the fabric or the furnishings and fittings in either the Tuscan Villa or The Tamarisks should be altered ; the houses had been complete works of art when they were taken over and were to be respected as such .
10 Nor is it the case that we in fact need a vehicle , a mythological story to carry our awareness of God , of the kind which has been fabricated in the west .
11 It still remains the case that something between 50 and 60 per cent of all regions in the Community lie within 15 per cent of the Community average per capita GDP .
12 And therefore it must by definition be the case that anything over and above the one hundred and twenty two which I know Selby have not challenged on on on the basis of the assessment , er anything over and above that hundred and twenty two must siphon investment and economic activity from somewhere else because it 's not local , it 's not it 's not unemployed , it 's not local needs and it 's not migration .
13 Or would that be the final admission that everything in Paradise is not what it 's cracked up to be ?
14 This is subject to an overriding provision that nothing in the relevant Rule or in any order or direction of the court made by virtue of it authorises or requires the doing of anything in a country in which service is to be effected which is contrary to the law of that country .
15 They chuck all these people out of mental hospitals on the excuse that everyone in the community is spontaneously going to start looking after them — and surprise , surprise , they start turning up on the night shelter circuit .
16 Is there any hope that he as Secretary of State along with the Home Office minister , might get round a table with South Wales police to sort the problems out because on the ground the seriousness is about the growing problems of crime and law and in fact the lack of in fact , policeman on the beat .
17 In welcoming the release of Mr. Waite and Mr. Sutherland , may I express the hope that none of us forget that there are still more hostages whom we wish to see speedily returned to their homes .
18 However , our conception of word-meaning has the advantage of being intuitively plausible : its scope coincides well with the pre-theoretical notion of word-meaning that anyone with a practical interest in meaning — a lexicographer , translator , or language teacher , or even a novelist or poet — is likely to have .
19 ‘ In case my digestive juices were making so much noise that none of you heard what I said , I 'll repeat it .
20 The route that we at Buckinghamshire College have chosen to take though , is to become an accredited college of Brunel University .
21 The trio were so utterly absorbed in each other for the next half hour that none of them noticed Rose Williams watching them from some little distance , her face screwed into a sour smile of bitterness and longing .
22 But in spite of everything perhaps it was just as well that none of the things they could see … none of the plump fish or chickens being toasted on skewers , none of the creamy breads , chapatis , nan , and parathas , none of the richly bubbling curries and glistening mounds of rice , which the skeletons ' scarlet rimmed eyes could see in their lenses and at which they glared for hour after hour that none of these things were available , for in their starved and debilitated condition it was very likely that a heavy curry would have killed them as dead as a cannon ball .
23 ‘ At the ATC [ adult training centre ] there 's a new computer that none of the trainees have been shown how to use .
24 Closely resembling a trade union movement , the Workingmen 's Association gave Cipriani a mass support that none of his politically independent rivals could match .
25 North American house wrens favour sloughed snake skins and the eider duck grows special downy feathers on its own breast which it plucks off with its beak to produce a soft and warming blanket that none of man 's synthetic materials can equal .
26 But when he realized by late afternoon that none of the farmers at Casterbridge wanted a farm manager , or even a shepherd , he decided to try his luck at another fair the next day .
27 Having stated several times that everything about the Moon is a variable , I 'm not about to comment on its form .
28 It is estimated with some reliability that one in five of those aged 85 and over now suffer from dementia ( Norman 1987a : 2 ) .
29 We have recently had the good fortune to spend an afternoon with the present writer in residence , Joy Hendry , as our visiting speaker , and have savoured but a taste of the feast of enviable experience that she in particular , and others of similar calibre , must have afforded to those lucky enough to live in the Stirling area .
30 you 're coming near to the end of your shift you 're not waking up because it 's getting near morning whereas everybody else is , you 're finding it much more difficult to carry on because you 've gone through the whole night working , the night is well along and it becomes increasingly more difficult to stay awake so physically , spiritually , whatever way you look at it , it is certainly very difficult to stay awake in the truth today , but it is n't that difficult and it is n't er a hurdle that none of us can overcome , Jehovah says that his load is light , Jesus echoed that did n't he and it is true that if we do Jehovah 's will , Jehovah 's way , then it will be made light for us , he will help us to stay awake , but he 's not going to allow us to slumber and drift off into obscurity , but it all comes back in hinges upon us and that 's why the counsel is in verse thirteen as a day , as in a day time look , let us walk decently so we have to do something do n't we ?
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