Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh det] [pers pn] have " in BNC.

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1 But what is serious is what this kind of ignorance reveals about the level of understanding concerning religion which they have .
2 I chose as my subject the person of the Buddha , tried to relate his teaching to Christians , expressed my deep admiration for him and pleaded for a more tolerant and positive attitude towards the religion which he had founded .
3 This requirement reflects the policy of risk spreading so that the Law Commission First Report on Exemption Clauses in Contracts No 24 , para 82 ( 1969 ) justify distinguishing between private and business purchasers on the basis of the : … ability of the business purchaser to take into account the likelihood of defects , to reduce their incidence by arrangements for re-examination and servicing ( which may be allowed for in the price paid ) and to make suitable dispositions , by insurance and in his costings , to cover the risks which he has to bear .
4 She has in recent years been able to devote more time to dressmaking and tailoring — arts which she has perfected to professional standards .
5 Four clearly identifiable characteristics which I have found in all the new churches — worship , fellowship , evangelism and training — are discussed in the chapters that follow .
6 Finally she smiled at her image reflected in her mirror , a small bubble of excitement beginning to build inside as she decided whether or not to wear a gilt necklace with a resin pendant by Pellini which she 'd found at Liberty .
7 He said that the agreement was on its face unduly restrictive having regard to : ( a ) its likely duration ; ( b ) the publishers ' right to assign copyright in songs which they had acquired in full under the agreement , so that it could not be argued that they would be unlikely to act oppressively and so damage their goodwill ; ( c ) the fact that the publishers were not bound to publish or promote the songwriter 's work if they chose not to do so , so that he might earn nothing , and his talents be sterilised , contrary to the public interest ; and ( d ) the absence of any provision entitling the songwriter to terminate the agreement .
8 On a video-film made at Highlander entitled ‘ Save our Land and People , ’ a variety of these groups speak to each other about their own problems and possible solutions , hopes and fears , and I think it is no accident that some of the most beautiful music and evocative songs which I have heard for a long time comes from these people .
9 The grief which she had shown over the death of her father seemed to have been replaced by a kind of nervous irritability .
10 It was also a revelation to see the wildlife — birds and animals which I had only seen in Zoos were free for me to enjoy .
11 A difference of one thousand one hundred in the base dwellings stock which I 've not discussed and do n't propose to go into .
12 If a product fails to sell well , the company may be left with a lot of unwanted stock which it has to sell at a reduced price
13 Now it was that I had a chance of discarding or of adapting to my own purpose the fine words and infinite variety of constructions which I had formerly admired from afar off and imitated in fairly cold blood .
14 The letters gave him the chance of ‘ discarding or of adapting to my own purpose the fine words and infinite variety of constructions which I had formerly admired from afar and imitated in fairly cold blood . ’
15 As appears from the chronology which I have already recited the purpose of the December charge being executed in favour of the mortgagees was simply to replace the defective charge that had been given in September .
16 As he opened his mouth in protest , she lifted her hand to stop him and her elbow caught the card which he 'd pushed into the bin .
17 Zen sat down on the large sofa which occupied most of one wall , thinking about that last card which he 'd fondly thought he had up his sleeve .
18 In spite of all the centuries which he had to learn about it the traditional ship-wright seemed to be unable to understand about shear .
19 There was some shrapnel in one of his legs which they had never been able to get out .
20 He said he felt no pain , apart from injections which he has never been fond of , and when he came round from the operation the first thing he asked for was the Ipswich football scores and a drink .
21 Also the methods which you have suggested are known to us .
22 She began working with ‘ handicapped ’ children and concluded that the methods which she had found most successful in dealing with feeble-minded children would be quite applicable to those who were normal and that ordinary schools needed the sort of transforma-tion she had accomplished at her own ‘ special ’ school .
23 In the final months of his life Atwater expressed remorse for some of the methods which he had employed during his career .
24 Opponents of the Government have criticised the policy because it makes unions responsible for disruption which they have not organised and in some cases may oppose .
25 With these resignations by Mahmut Alinak and Mahmut Uyanik the SHP now contributed only 70 seats to the ruling coalition which it had formed with the True Path Party ( DYP ) [ see also pp. 38739 ; 38873 ] .
26 On returning a day or two later to pay for them , he saw in the yard a Scania tractor which had been included but not sold at the auction which he had attended .
27 He flipped open the book whose pages were filled with her beautiful , careful script , which he had seen many times on the shopping lists which she had made up under Matey 's instructions .
28 One embellishment to list-making which I have found keeps my spirits up is to include in the list ( a ) one or two things I have done already ; ( b ) a few things that are easy and unproblematic ; ( c ) the item ‘ Make List ’ .
29 As far as the newcomers are concerned , they have wished no harm to anyone , so that any animosity which they have evoked has been entirely unintended and unanticipated .
30 Well to make that sort of revenue they will actually need to fly rather more than two million passengers a year , and in the present state of the world aviation market I reckon that 's quite a tall order , in fact if they fell short of it by five percent in a particular year that would be capable of using up the kind of capital and reserves which we 've been talking about .
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