Example sentences of "[noun] [Wh det] [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 The American smiled at the accurate description of the Vice President whose reputation for always falling asleep at meetings had earned him the nickname of Mogadon Man .
2 Edwin Muir 's One Foot in Eden ( 1956 ) is a last collection of poems by an Orkney poet whose passion for ancient myth was an expression of something deeper still — a profound distrust of the urban , the rootless and the industrial — and he repeatedly glimpsed , with a painful sense of loss , a paradise beyond grey modernity :
3 Our six case-study schools whose procedures for combating truancy we report at the end , regularly monitored attendance and absentee pupils rates and were alert to ways of keeping disaffected pupils in school .
4 The countries whose applications for membership are officially on the table at the time of writing are Austria ( which applied as long ago as 1989 ) , Sweden , Finland , Malta , Cyprus and Turkey .
5 Any job which sector for example would running a hotel come in ?
6 The 10 per cent or so of the population which votes for Sinn Fein appears to approve of , or at least to tolerate readily , the IRA 's attempts to kill soldiers and policemen .
7 There is both an exultant and a suffering note in the return of the destructive dove which is also the Christian bird of Incarnation whose message for both individual and society , parish and city , is driven home in the famous anthem passage when ‘ The dove descending breaks the air . ’
8 As always they will go to businesses and organisations whose support for various aspects of the arts throughout 1992 has most impressed the ABSA judges who get down to the business of sifting through hundreds of entries early next month .
9 Realistic prices are still hard to find in the land market , according to a would-be farm purchaser whose quests for a viable farm has taken up most of his time and energy for over a year .
10 It saw the defeat of Adlai Stevenson whose demand for a suspension of tests brought an off of immediate agreement from Prime Minister Bulganin … to which Eisenhower responded by accusing the Russians of ‘ internal interference ’ in his re-election campaign .
11 Often brilliant , they live in a rarefied atmosphere of books , bewildering their parents and grandparents whose plans for such daughters have to be abandoned .
12 By early 1989 the Prime Minister was at odds with several colleagues , not only Nigel Lawson with whom she quarrelled incessantly , but also with Sir Geoffrey Howe whose sympathy for European monetary union and generally benign approach to foreign affairs came increasingly to jar with her .
13 The same might be said of Neville Brody whose typography for The Face owes more to computer-operated typesetting than to calligraphy .
14 But the BIS can also be seen as the project of a dissident Quakerism which led Elizabeth Pease Nichol to leave the Friends on her marriage ; the Peases found collaborators in the Dubliner Richard Webb whose contempt for the ‘ form and conventionalisms ’ of British reformers has already been indicated and his Unitarian associates such as James Haughton .
15 Beyond the Leonardo monument and the row of yellow taxis , each with a driver whose disregard for your safety if you try to cross the road in front of them is as remarkable as any of da Vinci 's theories , is La Scala .
16 The revival of Evangelicalism in the later part of the eighteenth century was taken up by the groups whose passion for reform , restricting drunkenness and violent sports , were opposed to the whole basis of the Sussex labourers ’ principal recreations ; simple religious faith in fundamentals among ordinary people may not have been much affected , but organised religion was probably largely irrelevant to the pattern of daily life .
17 To understand whether this is the mechanism by which IL-6 induces the activity of IL-6DBP/NF-IL6 in Hep3B cells , we performed immunofluorescence analysis of cells transfected with a IL-6 DBP-TAG cDNA which codes for full-length IL-6DBP protein fused at the carboxy-terminus to a 14 aminoacid peptide ( TAG ) which is specifically recognized by a monoclonal anti-peptide antibody ( 39 ) .
18 First though , this week is Shelter Week and the Charity which campaigns for the homeless is aiming to raise thirty five thousand pounds .
19 This result was never thereafter challenged : there were no protests or riots in the streets or general mayhem as there would have been , and God knows has been , in that other Celtic country across the water whose struggle for independence has never ceased .
20 Nicholas , in the course of these encounters , failed to meet John of Kinloch whose regard for him , he rather feared , would be unaltered .
21 Fundamentalism , whatever its religious version , provides a detailed and concrete programme for both individuals and society , even if it is one selected from texts or traditions whose suitability for the late 20th century is not obvious .
22 Consider the case of a person whose reason for accepting his friend 's advice is that the friend will be hurt if he does not .
23 Much attention has been focused on the concept of ‘ reasonable excuse ’ , where the courts have attempted to impose a fairly stringent test on persons whose reason for carrying a weapon is said to be fear of attack .
24 The liberating message of Luther 's theology was that salvation could be obtained only by faith , not by works — faith in a God whose love for humanity had been demonstrated in the person of Christ .
25 Elections , for example , are not decided by those electors whose support for particular parties is relatively fixed , but by those relatively uncommitted individuals whose attitudes and voting choices may not set until nearer polling day .
26 There 's a somewhat lighter tone to The Wicked Lady ( 1945 ) , another big hit , in which Lockwood is the aristocratic wife whose passion for living and sense that if ‘ I ca n't live while I 'm alive , I 'll go mad ’ leads her into a double life as a highwaywoman .
27 Finally , we must be concerned by the fact that in at least one school ( see Chapter 5 ) the senior member of staff whose demand for IS resources was widely believed to have instigated the original project initiative could not himself describe how he used the project acquisitions in his own work .
28 It 's such a lovely idea , think of all those people whose battle for life is so depressing , and then just one moment of beauty may come and illuminate the dark corners of their existence , so that they feel they may have lived just for that one thing .
29 The evening marks the launch of a new bursary to the University of Liverpool by Whitbread , to be awarded this year to the student whose ideas for the most effective use of a possible £1bn for Merseyside are judged to be the best .
30 Under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 the NCC must offer a management agreement to any farmer on an SSSI whose application for an agricultural grant it turns down on conservation grounds .
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