Example sentences of "[noun] [vb -s] [noun pl] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 The British Diabetic Association says diabetics should eat a normal healthy diet , low in sugar and fat and high in fibre .
2 This decision depends on how easy it is to convert the SoftBench environment with Alsys tools to other operating systems , although Walker recognises Alsys will have to provide standard interfaces like Motif and Open Look if it sticks with Ada World .
3 MIND fears CSOs will be used as a quick fix by doctors when no community care services are available .
4 I have a suspicion that when DOL returns things will improve quite significantly .
5 The college believes nurses should be given a pay rise because one in four members are the sole breadwinner in their household and most nurses no longer believe that nursing will provide them with a secure job .
6 In order to boost short-term accounting profits companies may be tempted to cut expenditure on items such as training , research and development , and investment in productive capacity , all of which are essential to a healthy economy , on the basis that they will show a positive return only in the longer term .
7 Hal Black a zoologist from Brigham Young University says dogs might be better at keeping wild coyotes away from livestock than poisonous chemicals .
8 RSPCA says courts should be tougher on cruelty .
9 Merseyside Healthwise doctor Jenny Hopwood says women should not be frightened of Toxic Shock Syndrome just aware of it .
10 Added together , the BBC1 and ITV election results specials will take up a mere 12–14 hours , depending on the state of play at 4am .
11 Barbs thinks women should be priests , ’ said Scarlet .
12 VXM says PowerTools can be used to create networked processing systems — not necessarily parallel in nature — which could be made up of heterogeneous Unix workstations and servers , including those from DEC , Hewlett-Packard , IBM , Silicon Graphics and Sun Microsystems .
13 She 's been on about the Brownies ever since she was seven , the age at which Granny says girls can join . ’
14 DEC watcher Terry Shannon says Lasers will go from a maximum four CPUs to six in the near-term future for a projected 900 SPECmarks total performance , a six-fold increase over the top-of-the-line VAX 7000 Model 640 .
15 And if you look at the sum of the two Z scores times 'd each other , you end up with something close to zero .
16 The law says dealers should recover ninety six percent floats away to be breathed by all and sundry .
17 ACO says charities ca n't afford to fill the care gap when they have huge deficits .
18 Dr Wells says sufferers should fight a mental battle against their headaches rather than submit to them .
19 The converse also applies — that centres whose Quality Audit raises problems will not be offered devolved responsibility and might even have any existing devolution reduced in scope .
20 Although the markets served by those businesses remained at a low level throughout 1992 , it is believed that our European aggregates businesses will become a significant contributor to the Group in the medium term .
21 And the Cleveland police constable hopes others will follow in his footsteps and ease the pressures on one of Britain 's most famous walks .
22 A special intercom linking the theatre with the pathology lab means surgeons can find out the results of a biopsy within a few minutes to establish , for instance , if a tumour they are operating on is malignant .
23 In responding to the NHS reforms nurses can not afford to play Stein 's ‘ game ’ with the medical profession , which by its nature excludes and alienates other members of the multidisciplinary team .
24 The council believes businesses will be given an opportunity to win new customers in both the UK and abroad .
25 Even if their child stays away from school parents are still urged to seek a refund as the council believes children should have the same rights as other rail users .
26 The Cadbury Committee suggests auditors should test going concern assumptions , and give an opinion on the directors ' report .
27 Sheila reckons police should soon be hot on the trail of the burglar , who stole a CD player and sentimental items .
28 The governing body insists leagues will start next September , but it wants to delay as long as possible any decision about what to do with the Merit teams .
29 Besides , the actor thinks movies should n't be afraid to push a few buttons .
30 In museums or on site visits pupils may learn in ways not possible in the classroom .
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