Example sentences of "[noun] [vb -s] [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 But Aoun seems sure that , if he just hangs on regardless , some other miracle will in due course come to the rescue .
2 Granny , they said , was a good Christian woman , though I knew like a flame burns true that she was perfect with no riders , the empress of her acres , her livestock .
3 Mr Lang remains convinced that savings are still there to be made even though he appears to accept that these will be less than originally envisaged .
4 The TEC remains convinced that Teesside has the potential to play an important role within Europe as a centre for the manufacture of petro-chemicals , steel and engineering products , supported by an increasingly diverse base of smaller firms operating in high technology sectors , relying upon a highly skilled workforce .
5 Even that buttock-licker Pybus seems worried that Pahdra Singh has replaced them with his shifty brothers but , as I told Crowe , having a property developer , an estate agent and a supermarket magnate on the board can only be good for the club .
6 THE Bank of England remains concerned that underlying inflation is still running at least 2 to 3 per cent higher than it should at this stage of the economic cycle , and repeats its belief that there is no real room for further cuts in interest rates while the pound remains so sensitive , writes Clifford German .
7 COSLA remains convinced that no case has been made for a shake-up on the scale proposed .
8 Leapor 's poetry makes clear that she suffered many distressing lectures from her father , yet if the poet and her father had reached an understanding , indeed , if they intended to use the money from the subscription to buy their freehold and have security for their life together , Landry 's interpretation of this episode is simply captious .
9 The circular makes clear that a decision to implement the contingency plans would be ‘ subject to collective ministerial authority ’ .
10 Line B makes clear that the perspective upon the nations and their significance in comparison with God ( , line A ) is God 's own .
11 ‘ The caretaker swears blind that there were no broken chairs in here on Friday . ’
12 However , the strong suspicion seems justified that the speech , and the one before it in September , mainly warmed the hearts of the depressed Party faithful , and that the central SD digests were mainly recording reactions from the dwindling number of Party diehards .
13 The conclusion seems inescapable that the electorate did have a significant impact in determining the composition of the Commons , and therefore the very nature of party strife at Westminster itself .
14 Mr Patten remains convinced that most secondary schools will opt out within four years but is worried by the success of local campaigns against the switch .
15 Yet the folder of poems makes clear that there was a group of women poets associated with Weston Hall .
16 The opinion makes clear that it also applies to ‘ defined-contribution ’ schemes , in which an employee makes payments into the scheme and gets a pension reflecting the returns on his or her cash .
17 The announcement makes clear that the newspaper group is moving towards a seven-day-a-week operation .
18 DOS equals high that 's high .
19 The skilful instruction ensures fun that 's bendless ! ’
20 But Luca Cumani feels certain that Bonny Scot is up to equalling his sire 's performance by winning next Saturday 's St Leger .
21 Butler feels confident that , although self love , benevolence and conscience are distinct components of our nature , properly operative on different occasions , they would , when properly enlightened as to facts , give the same directives .
22 When a therapist becomes aware that such a situation is developing it is most important that he discusses this with the patient and sets very clear limits on the relationship .
23 Even Colin MacInnes remains convinced that music-hall was ‘ an act of working-class self assertion ’ although he concludes his analysis of the music-hall songs with a phrase that should set film historians thinking , for he sees them as a ‘ sort of bastard folk song of an industrial-commercial-imperial age ’ .
24 The soap I use is shared by the whole family , so my wife makes sure that it 's that pure white , unperfumed stuff for sensitive skin .
25 P.S. As I 've shown , SCF makes sure that your donation works as hard as possible for the children that need it most .
26 On the matter of boat traffic , Mr. Holford seems unaware that the Basingstoke Canal has the dual role of a recreational amenity and a nationally important nature conservation site .
27 However , AI remains concerned that other political detainees continue to be held without charge or trial .
28 But the former Monaghan manager remains convinced that there is little wrong with the game itself as it stands , providing the rules are enforced .
29 ALEX Ferguson is on a promise from Arsenal 's George Graham , but the Manchester United manager remains defiant that his team can win the championship without any favours .
30 But the white paper makes clear that expanding its market will depend on success by the Scottish generators in exporting power to England , Wales and Northern Ireland .
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