Example sentences of "[noun] [was/were] n't being " in BNC.

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1 you see the association was n't being made
2 When his or her car was n't being illegally clamped , stolen , broken into , photographed by a Gatso camera or failing the MoT emissions test , it was costing an arm and a leg to insure .
3 Just think what might have happened , of course , if all those folk were n't being forever vigilant .
4 He says that the hospital should have told them a new machine was n't being bought .
5 And all , all the other things we 've listed out that have taken up time of the team were n't being done in September .
6 It was a tragedy that this match was n't being shown on television back home — Pickering
7 But a man who claimed that his wife was n't being affectionate enough was refused a divorce — she was n't being unreasonable , that 's just the kind of woman she was .
8 The letter to the Philippians was n't being written by a warm fireside , nor was Paul basking in the Mediterranean sunshine when he dictated it .
9 It 's a terrible way of looking at it — but , if people were n't being blown up , I would n't have written ‘ Look Mum No Hands ’ .
10 I 'm a keen gardener , and someone told me that Pat Weaver 's patch was n't being used .
11 I understand that actually Mr Kinnock was n't being brief this time .
12 Diane was starting to wonder if Bob was n't being a little too liberal with the strong stuff in his Hawaiian knockout juice .
13 Occasionally that plan backfired and a genuine neurotic would arrive , soon to engage all and sundry in a lengthy discourse about the cold , the warmth and the fact that the automatic door was n't being automatic why oh why oh why do people keep leaving it open , ca n't they think of others for a change , you 'd have thought it was n't too much trouble …
14 It would be worse , however , if those chances were n't being created .
15 If you put if you compiled your menu and you then found out that certain dishes were n't being sold what would you do then ?
16 The most upsetting thing for me has been to see her medical notes and realise that she could have got the right treatment at home … that is if her country was n't being torn apart by war
17 The Doctor sat with an unreadable expression , which presumably meant his patience was n't being strained .
18 Her progress was n't being helped by over-eager spectators , but after 28,000 miles Nuclear Electric crossed the line for overall victory , by just one hour and 10 minutes .
19 Gwen Evans was n't being very helpful .
20 Pursuing legal action would have cost them money they did n't have ( unless it meant selling their house which was not an option ) but doing nothing left them with the feeling that justice was n't being done .
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