Example sentences of "[noun] [was/were] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 Charlton co-manager Alan Curbishley admitted that his side were on a worrying downward trend but pointed out : ‘ In the last three years we have sold players worth more than £4 million and spent only Pounds 450,000 .
2 As he came along the deck his legs were on a level with her eyes .
3 Somehow she 'd been expecting resistance , something she had frequently encountered with Graham Rowell whenever she had attempted anything new , and it came as a shock to find that she and David Markham were on the same wavelength .
4 Not all memorable sightings were on the seaward side of the wall .
5 Gabriel noticed how grey the hairs were on the back of Woolley 's neck .
6 The old craft trades were on the whole the first to organize trade societies , giving the labour movement in Scotland a particular character and ( some have argued ) a particular ideology in which the influence of thrift , temperance and respectability was very marked .
7 Some of the chateau guards were on the curtain walls , forcing back the scaling ladders placed there .
8 Cups of half-finished tea were on the floor beside their chairs .
9 He come flying round that bend near mums and nearly his kids were on the side of the road and he come through there
10 Talking Heads were on the radio .
11 It should be noted , however , that heads were on the whole reluctant to ascribe much more than moderate success to their coordinators in respect of any of these aims .
12 Anxiety , weakness , oppression and constriction in the chest ; sensation as if a great weight were on the chest .
13 Winds of 110mph were on the way .
14 ‘ I do n't like to seem stuffy friend , but if Bonanza and Mahoney were on the outs I would know it .
15 Tights were on the boiler , I 'd forgotten and run all the way ups down again
16 The ‘ Heshang ’ authors were on a collision course with the conservatives by taking this stance .
17 Pilot David Moore from Gloucestershire was at the controls of the forty seven year old Spitfire as it took part in an air display near Manchester on Saturday.The fighter plane looped the loop but as it neared the ground it plummeted down , bursting into flames.Firefighters were on the scene immediately , and confirmed that the pilot was dead.David Moore , who was 47 , flew with the Royal Navy for ten years before joining Rolls Royce as a pilot in the mid 1970s.He flew the company 's executives around Europe … but in his spare time he enjoyed piloting vintage planes like the Spitfire , which was owned by Rolls Royce.Today at the family 's home near Stroud , David Moore 's widow was coming to terms with the tragedy :
18 Born with a silver spoon in his mouth , as they say , his worries were on a much higher financial plane than those of us who worried about making the pay packet last to the end of the month .
19 So that , when young gentlemen were on the rampage , the past — instead of being used as a stick with which to beat the deteriorated present — became the justification for taking a lenient view .
20 FIVE prisoners being tried in connection with the Strangeways riot were on the run last night after escaping from a court .
21 His eyes were on a level with Alexei 's and he smiled unpleasantly .
22 Her eyes were on a level with his chest , where his tie hung crookedly from a casually loosened knot .
23 Her eyes were on a level with his nose and they were brown and full of life .
24 All eyes were on the catwalk and no one appeared to notice her , apart from a tall , grey-haired woman in the uniform of an atelier who moved towards her accusingly .
25 All eyes were on the clock as the hands dragged themselves , with agonising slowness towards noon and time to leave for the airfield .
26 His eyes were on the street , scanning the few passers-by .
27 His eyes were on the numerous doors lining the corridor , and he could n't help wondering what went on behind those doors .
28 All eyes were on the T'ang .
29 His eyes were on the string .
30 Burun 's eyes were on the nearing dust cloud .
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