Example sentences of "[noun] [was/were] not [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Prolonged temper tantrums were not part of his personality .
2 His lips were not steel , but silk .
3 The proper term for the remedy was not actio , which was the term of the ordinary procedure , but persecutio ( or petitio ) .
4 Her role in the production of the various Beeton journals is not self-evident in their pages , since a public persona was not part of her style .
5 For this disanalogy arose from another : Darwin 's natural selection as a lawn process was complex , being compounded from heredity , variation and superfecundity , each of those processes having its own laws ; while Newton 's gravitational force was not compound and had a single law of its own .
6 The survey , conducted by IBM and London Business School , also discovered that the main obstacle to progress for manufacturers was not government policies or interest rates but the ability to implement change quickly .
7 Accordingly , the action against the manufacturers was not time barred .
8 The suture marks show the closure was not tension free .
9 In France the same ingredients of spectacle , song , dance , and instrumental music were likewise compounded under the influence of a humanist ‘ academy ’ , Bälf 's , but in different proportions so that the result was not opera but ballet de cour .
10 According to information received by one of the councillors who contacted your office by phone the re-siting of the seat was not part of the contract .
11 A Pakistan Foreign Office spokesman said on July 6 , however , that Pakistan was not party to any attempt to evade export controls .
12 The appellants submitted that reimbursement of their outlays was not part of the consideration for their services , but the court did not accept that argument .
13 What she felt for David was not love but gratitude , with maybe a scattering of affection .
14 To him the light was not kind .
15 Do you think that the ocean , which swells and struggles , Would be happy to open its mouth day and night , To breathe into the void a vapour of noise , And that it would roar , beneath the hurricane above , If its roaring was not speech ?
16 USL says Univel 's UnixWare was not part of the deal because China 's network market is not sophisticated enough to justify its presence .
17 The killer was not starvation , but typhus which spread quickly in the overcrowded and insanitary conditions .
18 The defendants tried to prove that Umkhonto we Sizwe was not part of the ANC .
19 A police spokesman said last night that Mr Kelsey 's condition was not life threatening and he was likely to be discharged from hospital today .
20 The matter of paying rent , rates , bills of any sort , or taking a child to dentist or doctor , or when need be , to the school in order to enquire into the progress ( or otherwise ) of his offspring were not part of his world .
21 In the second half of 1848 the Prussian ambassador was reporting to Berlin that St Petersburg 's main concerns were not revolution but a cholera epidemic , the expectation of a poor harvest and a shortage of cash .
22 Mr Justice Millett held that , by reason of the decision of the Chief Commons Commissioner on 17 March 1977 , the plaintiffs were estopped from asserting as against the defendant council ( other than in proceedings concerned with the registrability of certain grass road verges within the Royal Manor of Portland under the Commons Registration Act 1965 , in respect of which the plaintiffs accept that this issue had been finally determined ) that the road verges were not part of the highway .
23 A voidable transfer was not part of the ‘ assumed facts ’ on which the ratio was based .
24 Of the other Iberian kingdoms , Léon was not subject to Rome , but the marriage of Alfonso IX of Léon to a daughter of Sancho I of Portugal threatened the security of the king of Castile , who obliged Alfonso to separate and to take a Castilian princess , Berengaria , instead .
25 Lord Hailsham said the test was not culpability , callousness , self-indulgent indifference or failure of parental duty , but was the test of reasonableness in all the circumstances .
26 As regards the claim in respect of additional lighting , he said that Wimpy International v Warland had decided that lighting that did no more than provide general illumination was not plant , as it was not used for carrying on the business .
27 It was held that the seller 's acknowledgment of the existence of the sub-sale was not assent such as to defeat his lien .
28 Conversely , all but three of those who read a small amount or no SF ( 14 in all ) , asserted that the passage was not SF .
29 Some reports suggested a death toll as high as 150-200 in Mali and perhaps twice that number in Niger , in what was increasingly described as a separatist rebellion , although other reports suggested that in Mali at least the objective of anti-government elements was not independence for the north-east but the overthrow of the government in Bamako .
30 The contribution to 1992 Group results by UOGL was not material .
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