Example sentences of "[noun] [is] [that] my " in BNC.

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1 The net result is that my life is now no longer threatened by these often beautiful but decidedly hostile shrubs , and I have invested instead in a selection of prickly perennials which I can appreciate without risking injury every time I broach the border .
2 The advantage of not having a light on all the time to illuminate the indicators is that my eyes adjust to the darkness and when it comes to casting or playing fish I am not completely blind .
3 But my great joy is that my parents both lived long enough to see me established on television .
4 What has happened to me in the group is that my own perceptions of myself and others have been modified by group norms , which may only be mine marginally .
5 The truth is that my women friends really would n't feel much better if they were 19 going on 20 , 29 approaching 30 or nudging the big Four-O .
6 You know , Cynthia , despite all we went through , my only sorrow is that my baby died . ’
7 In other words , I mean I 'm retired and I mean the point is that my erm experience goes back into the er into the dark ages I can almost say because in these days , you probably realise , I mean if anybody buys a video you do n't ask you do n't look for the book of instructions you ask about a five year old kiddy how to programme it !
8 One benefit deriving from advancing years is that my clerk diverts to others briefs that are devoid of interest .
9 The only possible excuse for her behaviour is that my temporary excision has gone to her head .
10 My belief is that my brother wanted no intrusion from the outer world .
11 My only wish is that my winning shows them that there is always hope , and all battles can be won .
12 The interesting factor in all those arguments is that my hon. Friends who sat on the respective Committees or spoke on the Second Reading of Bills associated with privatisation said at the time that the Government were privatising monopoly , not introducing effective competition and regulation , and the matter would have to be examined again .
13 The theory is that my reschedule marker would be on next Tuesday 's , not a week Tuesday 's , diary page , because that 's the next time I 'm going to be able to do anything in my office .
14 In this case the unnatural occurrence is that my black-hearted old dad has just been striped by the Lloyds Bank Access card mafia , and is taking it quietly .
15 What I gather from the photo reproduced in Il Giornale dell'Arte is that my sin consists of using hanging cloths .
16 J.S. Well , the thing is that my work moves right across that because I work with what is seen as ‘ negative ’ imagery .
17 But then the thing is that my mum comes back here , and she 's buying and she 's like , any chance of a discount , and I thought mum , because she 's like so into that lifestyle , now ,
18 The thing is that my infa , infatuated with my bo with my daughter 's boyfriend who is also my son 's best friend .
19 Well , the answer is that my contract expires after six more commercials .
20 Q My problem is that my hair falls out all the time .
21 ‘ The one consolation is that my husband Samuel and David and I have been invited to be in the audience when Go For It is filmed .
22 ‘ The reason I have chosen to inconvenience this auspicious gathering is that my foul murderer is among you . ’
23 No , the fact is that my trustees have been putting the screws on .
24 ‘ But the fact is that my own mother and father lived in Innes Place in their first house after they were married .
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