Example sentences of "[noun] [is] [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 At all times one is aware that the artist is also a composer — the conviction with which she untangles some of the more complicated , almost obscure pieces , has an unquestionable authority ( the enormous B flat minor Fugue from Book Two instantly comes to mind in this connection ) , whilst the famous pieces are often presented in a totally different manner — the A minor Prelude and Fugue ( Book One ) will surprise many as the Prelude is fearful and serious ( rather than light with the usual staccato touches ) , whilst the Fugue has clipped articulation at the end of each subject entry .
2 But they can not do this if their minds and emotions are already sealed tight against it — if they assume that religion is outdated and not worth studying .
3 Well when the Jehovah 's and the other religious cults come knocking at the door with their various pamphlet and trying to persuade you that their religion is better than others
4 The Fontenay emphasize extremes of experience , and their performance is vivid and affecting ; that of the Beaux Arts is stronger and more idiomatic .
5 The one thing oil pastels teaches to be in your sketching is loose and uninhibited .
6 In the present case the remedy is clear and easy .
7 The total capital of all those AGs is smaller than that of the 360,000 so-called private limited companies ( GmbH ) .
8 It has always been puzzling enough that the proportion of men in gynaecology is higher than in any virtually any other specialty , as if detachment were an advantage in this field .
9 So let us hope that the association is long and fruitful .
10 The Report echoed some of the criticism advanced by witnesses that the WEA could not decide on its future and , at least in some Districts , had lost the pioneering spirit , but concluded nonetheless that ‘ voluntaryism as exemplified by the Workers ’ Educational Association is essential if the spirit of adult education is to be preserved' .
11 Each National Association is autonomous and run by its members , but co-ordination and liaison is maintained through HIAN .
12 Each National Association is autonomous and run by its members , but co-ordination and liaison is maintained through HIAN .
13 The British Wind Energy Association is concerned that new wind projects total only six and that the 30 megawatts which these turbines would contribute to the national grid is " embarrassingly small " in comparison with Denmark , the Netherlands and Spain .
14 The threat of disciplinary action or even dismissal from the Library Association is empty when one can practise as a librarian without membership of the professional association .
15 That is , f is 1-1 iff distinct elements of A map to distinct elements of B. In the contrary case where there exist unc such that unc and yet unc we sometimes say f is many-one .
16 In case f is 1-1 and onto B then , for each unc comprises a singleton{ a } , say , where a is the unique element of A such that af = b .
17 ( iii ) If f ε Q[x] is neither 0 nor a unit we say that f is prime iff , whenever f divides a product ( that is f\gh where g , h ε Q[x] ) it follows that f\g or f\h ( or both ) .
18 ( ii ) If f ε Q[x] is neither the zero polynomial 0 nor a unit we say that f is irreducible iff , whenever f is expressed as a product , f = gh with g , h ε Q[x] , it follows that either g or h is a unit .
19 Proof ( i ) We first suppose that F is primitive and write unc where a , b , c , d ε Z+ are such that ( a , v ) = 1 ( c , d ) , where G , H ε Z[x] and are primitive and where deg g = deg G and deg h = deg H.
20 This is particularly awkward if the states form a continuum and f is smooth and the step length , k , is arbitrary .
21 Teachers need to record the things that the child has learned ; they need to see how thinking is developing and the best way to support it .
22 The power of their positive thinking is infectious and pervades our daily working life .
23 A message needs to be sent loud and clear to the Church of England Synod that a complete change in thinking is vital if the new wine is not to burst out of the old wineskins and be lost .
24 Creative thinking is different and it is the process of dreaming up new schemes and finding solutions to problems .
25 Maximum age allowed at entry is 80 and the minimum investment is £3,000 ( US$10,000 ) .
27 Entry is free and there is £100 up for grabs with the overall winner receiving the Roy Tongue Cup .
28 Entry is free and the opening hours are 10am–6pm on Wednesday and 10am–5pm Thursday .
29 Entry is free and open to anyone interested in hillgoing in winter conditions .
30 The Rear entry is convenient and comfortable .
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