Example sentences of "[noun] [is] through the " in BNC.

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1 And recent research has dramatically shown that one way for them to make the break is through the activation of cellular oncogenes — genes that are more or less inactive in normal cells hut seem to be altered or activated in tumour cells ( New Scientist , vol 96 , p418 .
2 A third method of making it easier on the parties is through the Fixed Costs Scheme proposed by the Law Society .
3 So the only way they can get at the crees is through the west field and along the path here . ’
4 One method of measuring the efficiency of investment is through the gross incremental output/capital ratio .
5 The main EEC based investment aid is through the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Scheme ( AHDS ) whereby enhanced rates of grant are paid for land in the LFA 's ‘ severely disadvantaged ’ zone .
6 And very importantly to the accountant , the way that we can ensure that we maintain the integrity of the accounting data , is by exploiting checksum techniques in the database to ensure that the only valid way of u of updating the accounting data is through the accounting application and that 's it 's therefore properly secure and properly audit trailed .
7 They argue strongly that the appropriate way to explore schema effects on recognition is through the use of signal detection theory .
8 And the means by which agents in the legal field can obtain this stake is through the accumulation of symbolic-legal capital , mostly in the form of institutional positions .
9 The second way in which Hobhouse 's work has had a potent , if delayed , influence is through the later elaboration of his notion of ‘ citizenship ’ .
10 This sensitive balance is believed to be upset by the release of CFC 's through the atmosphere , into the stratosphere .
11 Particularly for the concepts of accountability outlined in Divisions I and II of table 2.1 , an important way to communicate accountability is through the provision of financial , and related , information — financial accountability .
12 Since July 1st 1990 the major source of financial help is through the Environmental Health Department Borough or City Council .
13 But Sunday Express editor Eve Pollard — known to TV viewers as a regular panellist on David Frost 's Through The Keyhole game show — hit back : ‘ We stand by the quotes attributed to the Princess Royal . ’
14 A social worker 's relationship with a residential Home is through the introduction of a particular client and family .
15 Salvation is through the Jews , she often quoted Father Franklin who baptized her , for through the Jews came the Law , through the Jews came Christ , the Son of God was born a Jew , and the Holy Mother of God was a Jew and married a Jew .
16 Access to Viti is through the power station grounds and on to the road 's end , although with the late spring the road was just another snow field .
17 The most immediate way in which this right of access can be given meaning is through the opening up and maintenance of the Rights of Way network .
18 As the above introductory remarks suggest , the experience most people have of social surveys is through the interview .
19 poxy carpet all the draught is through the keyhole
20 Now this is certainly intriguing evidence of the ability of some species to adapt to mirror images ( problems gleefully exploited in Lewis Carroll 's Through the Looking Glass ) , and it is curious that follow-up efforts showed monkeys and even gibbons failing the tests .
21 For some twenty years now , environmental economists have argued that the most efficient way for society to control pollution is through the use of ‘ market mechanisms ’ .
22 An increasingly popular form of business support for charity is through the secondment of staff to charitable or industry-supported organisations .
23 Her gaze followed Vitor 's through the archway into the living-room .
24 But , as Ms Walls and Ms Marcus point out , a better way to direct the trade is through the solution that the market has come up with : private waste-management companies now typically pay host fees to places that are willing to accept a new landfill .
25 A stepping-stone for many people is through the arts seen not just as providing means of expression but also as giving meaning and helping to structure experience .
26 Access is through the imposing 14th century gatehouse , bridging the moat whose flow is used to power a working watermill .
27 Throughout this chapter I have argued that the most productive way of maintaining good control is through the content of the drama itself .
28 In general , the only way by which you can become acquainted with the correspondence student is through the student 's attempts at solutions and possibly by questions on specific difficulties .
29 The main formal channel of representation of interests is through the elective process and the organization of political parties around programmes and ideologies .
30 A second way in which stress begins to subvert home life is through the displacement of feelings of anger .
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