Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] him [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The problem this poses for the educationalist is formidable because , as well as designing curricula that will help the surveyor cope with future changes , he has also to provide the basis of a training experience to enable him to cope with contemporary practice .
2 The Pyramid Texts are concerned with the eternal life of the god-king and with the necessary rituals to enable him to join the gods and to travel in the boat of Re .
3 The seller will normally send by air to the buyer some documents : one will be the bill of lading transferred to the buyer to enable him to collect the goods at their port of destination ; another will be a bill of exchange which the buyer will normally sign and return thereby undertaking to pay for the goods on the date specified on the bill of exchange .
4 Where customary , the seller must give sufficient information to the buyer to enable him to insure the goods whilst in transit by sea , section 32(3) .
5 In the smaller areas he starts with pure watercolour but then uses white and yellow acrylic to enable him to work back light over dark .
6 I went down there one Sunday afternoon to see him working .
7 Nkrumah announced another referendum to enable him to dismiss the judges and also to establish a one-party state .
8 It can not be doubted that the constable was ‘ on duty ’ when he stopped the cyclist , and he was no doubt under some sort of obligation to stop the cyclist to enable him to bring the defendant before the court ultimately .
9 He built up a large practice , relying especially on ‘ native ’ clients , and earned enough money to enable him to live in a very opulent way , even if he did not save any considerable fortune .
10 It tore her heart to see him go .
11 I know he 's doing God 's work , but it will break my heart to see him leave ! ’ and she broke down in tears .
12 Enough of him had , however , remained in the present to enable him to present a powerful case for the area 's preservation and to prophesy that the objectors would win .
13 It is no secret that there was great division among Transvaal administrators in releasing Rice from his contract to enable him to join the Channel 9 TV commentary team for the World Cup that clashed with the latter stages of the South African season .
14 That prospective Tory candidate for Cheltenham John Taylor survived attempts to deselect him has much do with her efforts as local party chairman .
15 The class had taken a whole afternoon to find him buried beneath his precious collection and he had been more concerned about his stones than himself .
16 He tended to come behind the bit , so I wanted a fixed bit to encourage him to take a contact rather than a loose ring one .
17 Attempts to revive him failed and he was dead on arrival at hospital .
18 Attempts to revive him failed and he died later in hospital .
19 However , as Akiskal has no data to enable him to elaborate on the processes involved or the interaction of the contributing factors , his model does not yet have any practical value .
20 Cancer victim Alfred McTear , 48 , is suing Imperial Tobacco and his home became a temporary courtroom to enable him to give preliminary evidence for a court case he is unlikely to live long enough to see .
21 Until the internal combustion engine was fully ‘ harnessed ’ in the middle of this century , man depended upon the heavy horse to enable him to reap the fruits of his innovations .
22 After an attempt to silence him failed , John Buckingham , bishop of Lincoln [ q.v. under Bokyngham ] , in May 1382 ordered the investigation of sixteen articles brought by three friars ; in July Swinderby abjured six heresies and five errors .
23 They had found for Cottle a scholarship to enable him to pursue an MA .
24 A relief as much as a pleasure to see him emerge with credit , both as director and performer .
25 Once , feeling herself slipping away dangerously into another land , a land of sweet warmth , desire and sensation , she opened her eyes to see him watching her and , for a moment , Kelly felt uneasy , almost manipulated .
26 Penry reached over her to turn on the lamp , and she opened her eyes to find him looking down into her face , a triumphant , indulgent smile curving his mouth as he slid his arms around her , throwing one long leg over hers in careless intimacy .
27 She told herself off for not being attentive enough , for not finding the right words to encourage him to go on .
28 She was no longer the mild , gentle creature who had gone down on her knees to implore him to make her his wife , but a sturdy , tight-lipped puritan of a woman who saw duty before all else and who always took care to drum the same principle into her children .
29 Its members , led by a former Scottish Office minister , Sir Russell Fairgrieve , will seek a meeting with Mr Lang to urge him to exercise his influence in the Cabinet and the Council of Ministers for Scottish MEPs to be elected by PR , which could dramatically affect Labour 's dominant position in seven out of the eight European seats .
30 Unfortunately though , he became too domesticated and did n't have a fear of humans so he was put on a programme to help him adjust to the wild .
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