Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] on an " in BNC.

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1 He held the piece up and sighted it , squeezing the trigger , allowing the hammer to fall on an empty chamber .
2 ‘ At no point was there any attempt to graft on an image purely to improve our standing .
3 One was the American Eagle Andy Dujakovich who set a new aquaplane world record when he slid , in a curtain of spray , from just inside his own half past the opposition 10 metre line in an attempt to swoop on an errant Puma .
4 But here he confuses the issue , for while print may well have initially encouraged authors to focus on an individual 's perception and cognition of the world , this does not mean that this technique is necessarily bound to be dominant in printed texts , for as the novel evolved , so did the concept of point of view .
5 He would like the nine captains of the Test playing nations to decide on an elite panel of say , 16 umpires .
6 The offence in this was ‘ an attempt to place on an aircraft a device likely to destroy or damage the aircraft , contrary to the Aviation Security Act 1982 ’ — an inchoate offence , and one worded without any express reference to the endangerment of lives .
7 Just the car to have on an island full of lots of narrow , high-hedged twisty roads and a 60-miles-per-hour speed limit .
8 Cambridge have shown themselves to be fast starters but Bangert has sometimes lacked the rhythm to capitalise on an early lead , while Oxford , though led in practice races , have rowed strong opponents down .
9 On the morning of his operation a nurse helped Mr Reynolds to put on an operation gown after his bath and then encouraged him to rest in his freshly made up bed .
10 This had prompted the Ulster Museum to put on an exhibition about McCracken and BBC Northern Ireland and Ulster Television to feature the bicentenary of his birth .
11 Will he confirm that the Government will continue their policy of liberalisation in the telecommunications industry and continue to welcome foreign companies to compete on an equal basis in this country — provided that , in return , our companies can compete in those countries ?
12 Many have blamed what they termed an inability to win on an inability to hit more than one shape of shot .
13 The best of deciding to be ordained is the knowledge that you dimly see your future and have the courage to embark on an irreversible way and feel that at least you commit yourself to help humanity in its suffering or its moral predicament .
14 During last year 's carnival , an electrical sub-station was sabotaged , plunging the area into darkness , allowing troublemakers to embark on an orgy of looting and vandalism .
15 It is rather implausibly said that Christian Doppler himself demonstrated his effect by hiring a brass band to play on an open railway truck as it rushed past his amazed audience .
16 However , in the case of an arbitration , either party has the right to insist on an oral hearing ( Henry Southeran v Norwich Union Life Assurance Society [ 1992 ] 31 EG 70 ) .
17 The Privy Council in Chan Man-sin advised that the owner of a credit at the bank or of a right to draw on an account " has , clearly , the right as owner to draw by means of a properly completed negotiable instrument or order to pay and it is … beyond argument that one who draws , presents and negotiates a cheque on a particular bank account is assuming the rights of the owner …
18 This flight became another ‘ first ’ for Sugar , as it was the first Lancaster to land on an ‘ enemy ’ airfield !
19 And so those architects who remember the Third Reich are fearful of the politician 's desire to build on an imperial scale .
20 NEARLY 50 Amnesty members from at least 15 local groups across London joined forces on Saturday 17 October to go on an ‘ embassy crawl ’ in support of the indigenous peoples campaign .
21 The appointment last week of company doctoring group Postern to work on an MTM recovery should help in buying time with the banks .
22 Over last winter all the stud holes were drilled out and re-tapped and recently volunteers were busily repositioning support timbers to work on an area of rust on the front ring .
23 But the plan is for us all to write a couple of things to put on an album . ’
24 I do n't think Tom 's the kind of person to act on an impulse of contrariness like that , ’ Belinda soothed sincerely .
25 Political and community structures must be changed to allow older people to participate on an equal basis with other age social groups .
26 Further , on making the order for costs in the sum of £7,171.50 , the justices paid no regard to the fact that there was no machinery for costs to be taxed and no power for the local authority to intervene on an assessment by the area director of the father 's legal aid costs pursuant to the Civil Legal Aid ( General ) Regulations 1989 ( S.I .
27 In July 1200 Conrad of Mainz was taken to task for not having sent report to Rome about plans for the tribunal to decide on an emperor .
28 They are benefiting from the opportunity to eavesdrop on an interaction .
29 Soon , he became the first man to drive on an Icelandic glacier .
30 These four volumes are of a convenient size to fit on an average-sized desk .
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