Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] it [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In the end there was a tremendous battle because , although Mrs Christie expressed a wish in her will for the island to become a nature reserve , she left no money to carry it out .
2 I 'm not against the principle as I said when I came , when I was on the Council previously , when this was first hanging about , that there 's little doubt about it as , it 's a good policy , but will we get the money to carry it out .
3 Being anxious is normal , the next stage though is to admit the anxiety and to ask for the faith to see it through .
4 And all the rime you knew that you would never take the risk of getting shot which this involved or have the necessary patience to carry it out .
5 But I intend to drive the strategy that is already in place and leave my successor to drive it even further . ’
6 Why the decision to go it alone ?
7 You need panache to carry it off , with carefully selected ornaments and crockery from the period fortunately , there 's still quite a lot of it around ; geometric patterned wallpaper or plain walls with a border pattern in peaches and rusts .
8 The decision to kill it off comes four months after BBC 1 controller Jonathan Powell admitted it was a ‘ pale version of its old self ’ .
9 But dear Caroline 's got an almighty hangover , sick as a dog , so I brought him over on the back of the bike to see it again .
10 Making sure that Ryan was already inside , they entered , sat near him , and began a general chat about land , A saying to B , in a casual roundabout fashion , that if he had any land going in Norfolk to unload it quickly because the councils were clamping down on building regulations and that land in future was to be used for agricultural purposes only . ’
11 There had been a good deal of rain , the Thames was high , and a north-westerly had piled up water at the river 's mouth , waiting for a strong flood tide to carry it up .
12 Having resisted repeated attempts to kill it off , the A level looks set to survive the latest upheavals in British education almost unchanged .
13 By now the time had come for me to hand back to these women responsibility to go it alone .
14 He was busy in the bottom of the second punt , and when he climbed out of it he cut the rope securing the first punt with his sword , and then used his foot to launch it out across the water .
15 The newspapers in Europe were seriously claiming the battle was close and that Dukakis could even win enough States to pull it off .
16 The ultimate test for a barrier , of course , is to get a local cyclist to try it out .
17 The exception is , of course , in the pronouncement that shareholders have in effect surrendered their power to professional management , a pronouncement which does not so much face the central question of the rights of ownership as to try to pass it by .
18 … and LoadLeveler to pull it together
19 Looking back to the last war , I can clearly remember arriving at Abbeydale Council School in Sheffield to find it badly damaged by a bomb , having to transfer temporarily to Lowfields and Ann 's Road Schools and then to ’ home service ’ , which was simply a teacher in charge of a dozen or so kids in somebody 's front room .
20 When this government talks about safety nets for those in need , I tend to look six inches below ground level to find it often the G M B is the only safety net above the ground which leads me to my second word we do this because we care we care about our country our economy , and our people .
21 The Wedding Present were given a budget of £30,000 to record the LP with the promise of up to £20,000 to promote it afterwards .
22 I got round this potential danger of tonal contrasts by ensuring that I was near enough to the boat to see it mainly in its own shadows ( figure XX ) , thus reducing the glare of white , and thereby allowing a less contrasting tonal interplay between boat and background .
23 Provided the speed is good it can be released halfway through the turn , relying on the board 's momentum to carry it through .
24 A few months later , England were in the Caribbean for a tour that , in the problems they encountered , lacked only a riot to round it off .
25 Safety depends on good procedures , good management and sufficient inspectors to carry it out .
26 Niki had an ambition to drive it perfectly .
27 I 'd made up my mind to go it alone before I came here .
28 And promptly had the stuffing knocked straight out of her when , his aggression not letting up , ‘ You 're sure your name 's not Mrs Barnaby Stewart ? ’ he grated — and Fabia 's attempt to bluff it out promptly folded .
29 One god raises his hand to the tump-line to slip it off his forehead , whereas others have slipped off their load , and hold them in their laps .
30 and then it 's gon na cost a thousand pound to repair it so
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