Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] [pn reflx] the " in BNC.

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1 Icke was the party 's national spokesman 17 months ago when he donned a turquoise tracksuit to announce himself the son of God on a mission to save the world .
2 She popped a toast soldier into her own mouth to give herself the strength to deal with her father .
3 At an ARC symposium last week , convened to mark the ARC 's decision to rename itself the Agricultural and Food Research Council , delegates called for action to save the British malting industry which is hit by falling demand for Scotch whisky .
4 The Labour Party says the Tories have lost the right to call themselves the party of law and order .
5 FOUR YEARS ago , Wirral plucked up the courage to make itself the centre of the finger-pickin' universe .
6 It was whilst working my way through this , often writing in the column headings for several pages in advance to give myself the illusion that I had completed more than I actually had , that two important suspicions that had lain dormant for some time rose up and took on the aspect of horribly credible hypotheses .
7 Five years later , in 1833 , King William IV became Patron and gave the Society permission to call itself The Royal Perth Golfing Society .
8 Our school was evacuated to Hadlow Down in Sussex , just about where the German bombers used to off-load their bombs to save themselves the trouble of having to go all the way to London .
9 The prospect of1993 and the abolition of customs controls between EC countries has spurred the Italian State to set itself the awe-inspiring task of cataloguing a further two million items of its national heritage within two years in execution of its duty to ‘ care for Italy 's landscape , history and cultural heritage ’ ( to quote the Constitution ) .
10 … at the same time they should be getting the children to ask themselves the same questions that the staff are asking about the work .
11 The start of every cricket season causes cricketers of all standards and all ages to ask themselves the basic question , ‘ have I still got the old skills ?
12 If you ignore the ‘ whisper ’ of the wheel clamp , then you might choose to twist your ankle to give yourself the same message again .
13 He kept up the pressure with his shoulder to give himself the widest gap possible .
14 It was heavy , being covered by a thick layer of turf , and as soon as he could he checked over his shoulder to satisfy himself the area was entirely clear , before climbing stiffly all the way out and dropping the trapdoor shut again .
15 The most substantial of them farmed sufficient land to earn themselves the description of yeoman ; the poorest had merely an acre or two and perhaps the right to keep a cow and some sheep on the common .
16 It will be on every player 's mind when he stands on the tee to give himself the best chance of an uphill putt , whether it be from that tee shot or a subsequent approach .
17 In the 19th Century the working classes , exasperated by their plight and the lack of initiative of their employers , formed into trades unions to give themselves the corporate strength which individuals lacked .
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