Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I have sent for Stirling to report here on his return when I shall make the new procedures clear to him .
2 In the end , after allowing those proposals to go forward without us , we were forced to join after the terms had been fixed .
3 In any case , Mr Farraday seized the opportunity to grin broadly at me and say with some deliberation :
4 The patient is admitted to one of these units in order to allow the carer the freedom to go away on holiday , as it is well recognized that carers need a proper break at intervals , so you should not feel guilty about taking advantage of the opportunity .
5 Last night angry shareholders called on the Deanses to go now for the good of the 117-year-old club .
6 The Klein bottle has a single continuous surface that passes through the bulb to connect inside with outside .
7 His confident , curving serve whistled over the net into the far corner of the court , leaving Murray to lunge futilely in its direction .
8 I could have had a contract to compare favourably with any offered to anyone at the club .
9 The government on Sept. 24 granted foreign institutions permission to invest directly in all stock market operations .
10 On Nov. 19 the government had rushed through new capital market reforms banning insider trading in stocks and shares amid indications that foreign investors , granted permission to invest directly in stock market operations [ see p. 39099 ] , had been deterred by the absence of regulatory mechanisms .
11 Because Xtradrive requires a device driver , which means that it is a system level device , bypassing DOS and the BIOS to go straight to the hard disk would result in the swap file not benefiting from compression .
12 The plan was devised with the help of the Worldwide Fund for Nature ( WWF ) , which welcomes China 's decision to go ahead as a major step toward saving the panda .
13 And I think I made it quite clear that it was not the quality of the Education Authority that was the basis of the Banbury School 's proposals , it was the County Council 's decision to go ahead on a consultation for tertiary education , an entirely different animal in Oxfordshire , and I , like Bob , would agree that the erm quality of education offered in Oxfordshire is first class .
14 This was perhaps the final and clinching element of a strenuous programme of persuasion on the part of Gordon Thomas , for shortly after came the committee 's decision to go ahead at Foxton .
15 Anaesthetist Dr Gouri Shankar said the fracture would not have affected his decision to go ahead with the surgery .
16 Anaesthetist Dr Gouri Shankar said the fracture would not have affected his decision to go ahead with the surgery .
17 The decision to go ahead with the press conference two days later was finalised ; Pons edited a note alerting his staff to this effect , called Jones on the phone to reconfirm the joint submission for Friday the 24th but , according to Jones , said nothing about the press conference planned for the day before nor of the 11 March submission by Pons to the Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry .
18 But it was Ayling 's decision to go ahead with it , Pascoe 's job was to see it through .
19 A decision to go ahead with this approach to the formation of a company file was taken in January this year and the initial test files became available during April .
20 On July 25 the federal government approved the Slovak government 's decision to go ahead with the Gabcikovo hydroelectric project , originally part of a joint Hungarian-Czechoslovakian scheme from which Hungary had withdrawn in 1989 [ see p. 37048 ] and to put the power station into operation from October as " a temporary measure " .
21 They warn that the Botswana could face a consumer boycott of its beef exports if the decision to go ahead with the fence is not dropped .
22 The growing popular discontent , together with mounting evidence of serious effects on local people 's health , is seen as a key reason behind the decision to go ahead with the Temelin reactor [ see above ] .
23 The decision to go ahead with subtitling was taken after a successful experiment pioneered at Central South last year .
24 But she stressed that the programme 's development was at an extremely early stage , and a decision to go ahead with its production had still to be made .
25 Nevertheless , the prime reason for the Bundesbank 's decision to go ahead with an interest rate cut will have been the solidarity pact which was agreed last Saturday between Chancellor Kohl 's government and the opposition to put Germany 's post-unification finances on a sound footing and help the revival of eastern Germany .
26 Attlee gave the decision to go ahead in January 1947 .
27 Thus , given liberty and the opportunity to cope realistically with the problem of getting enough to eat the dream process was no longer invoked .
28 Sue 's hair was wound onto rollers using the directional technique , following the contours of her head and giving a more natural result by allowing the hair to fall naturally into place .
29 my little note badge to go underneath on the
30 Nesbitt had met the Sultan on the outskirts of Aussa and been given permission to continue northwards across the lava desert to Eritrea , but was forbidden to enter Aussa , which remained unexplored .
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