Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] [pron] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 They chronicle current attempts to continue what they see as an amoral practice .
2 just so can we get back to research about beginners because I 'm worried about how much there is on the tape and you 're about to drive to Pitlochrie erm basically you have to define a beginner to see what they want to do
3 A fairly high level and we 've got a bit to go ourselves I think .
4 He used a flash to see what he was doing .
5 It is also useful to look at the bibliography or index to see what it includes and what it misses out .
6 Well let's have a look to see what we 've got .
7 I go up to the counter and have a look to see what they got to eat .
8 ‘ The main problem is that some of my bones are crumbling and doctors have got to have a look to see what they can do for me .
9 I have a look to see what I might wear today .
10 So I phoned around various contacts to see what it would cost me to have a tank made up by the ‘ local chap that most enthusiasts and many dealers tend to have tucked away somewhere .
11 Certainly not the disabled people who flocked to the Cotswold Water Park to see what they were really capable of .
12 I had twenty minutes to see what I could do about his combination locks .
13 Right , so I I actually do n't want it , do n't want you to do that again , we 've looked at each story to see what it 's about , so it 's actually better to take the idea and erm , get get the stories and to write the idea .
14 So he can only scan the pages of the TV Times to see what he 's missing .
15 Since they look a little strange when X-Rayed , security may open your case to see what it is you have in there .
16 ‘ The key issue is that having seen 14 people with senior experience in Scotland , elected members did not have the opportunity to see what they were offering . ’
17 He went on to criticize the Holy Office for acting as judge and jury when it condemned theologians without giving them an opportunity to know what they were accused of , or of responding .
18 ‘ If you want revolution — sexual freedom , freedom of thought , freedom to discover who you really are — in short , if you want a new world and wo n't settle for less , then these journals are your only overt communications media . ’
19 I shall suggest that these attempts to find what I call compensatory factors not only fail to be counterbalances , but also represent the undoing of Christology .
20 Well , er , if you did , then if you were looking for something , you could n't find where it was , you know , you 'd have to delve in , and you take ages to find whatever you 're looking for .
21 The opening of Sonnet 148 again criticizes his own powers of sight and discrimination : It is not only a failure in perception : as we have seen in 152 , the eyes were merely agents or instruments of the will or judgement , from which self-deception flowed , forcing the organs of perception to see what they are told to see ( as in the political conformity enforced in George Orwell 's Nineteen Eighty-Four ) .
22 No , no leave the door cos daddy does n't want mummy to see what he 's doing in the kitchen see , if you keep moving that she can see .
23 On the other hand , I would like to meet the candidates to see what they look like .
24 on Tuesday to see what she was doing that 's of course if she can get .
25 He looked sideways at his guards to see it they had heard it .
26 Avoid unnecessary additives by choosing processed foods with fewer additives — check labels to see what you 're getting .
27 If they live near to Mrs Richards 's villa , then one of them might have slipped down in the confusion to see what he could find in the surgery . ’
28 There was still over an hour to go before his rendezvous with Rose and he decided to walk around the jewellers ' shops to find something he could afford .
29 ‘ OK , ’ she said , in an attempt to pacify what she thought might be a dangerous lunatic .
30 I had to strain my ears to catch what she was saying .
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