Example sentences of "[noun] [vb mod] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 to bringing the claim , if it is pursued , the claim maybe good , it maybe bad and it depends upon the circumstances of the underline agreement , that 's one example where something maybe good or it maybe bad , it 's like an intellectual property ride , depending on how you exercise the right , it maybe good or it maybe bad , if you use it to block parallel imports or for some anti competitive purpose then it may be bad , erm it , it 's not necessarily the case that if you have a clause in the contract it is always in every circumstance bad , where the clause itself allows the undertaking concerned , to exercise it in a particular way , now , erm so so that as a matter of principal not all clauses could be automatically said in a standard form contract to be good or bad and it may depend upon how they are to exercise in a particular way , what we have said is the , the , erm , the provision in on , on the , the unfettable authority , er , erm and powers of the agent , erm is void it would depend upon the facts of each individual case whether or not every other restriction as your Lordships seen again only through and the cases they side , erm that other provisions in a standard form contract may on the facts be had , it depends upon the significance of the particular clause in the circumstances , my Lord in , in answer to your Lordships question , I do n't think it necessary follows that every clause is bad , but we do say it depends upon the facts and we have pleaded that not all loss might be erm defensible against .
2 But any solution that involves disconnecting activity from true values may in the long term take an even greater toll .
3 Of course , nowadays , fashions in fragrance do mirror those in clothes ; it 's no coincidence may of the world 's best-sellers have been created by top designers .
4 It seems logical to suppose that wilder and wilder swings must in the end get out of control .
5 Since even the best attested fact of the history of the past can possess no more than a very high degree of probability and since , by definition , Christian and indeed all religious faith must from the believer 's point of view be absolutely certain and secure , can faith ever be said to depend upon an historical fact , no matter how well established ?
6 In the light of the foregoing material and pending the conclusion of the investigation that has been undertaken at the request of the Chief Executive , the board resolved that , in the interests of investors , Norwich Union should for the time being and with immediate effect be prohibited from : ( 1 ) accepting any new investment business from the Winchester Group or any company representative of the Winchester Group and in particular entering into any investment contract with any investor introduced by the Winchester Group or any such company representative ; and ( 2 ) soliciting investment business from members of the public through the Winchester Group or any of its company representatives .
7 When we are required to respond to Green Papers , White Papers or Royal Commissions , whether we are negotiating over the Courts and Legal Services Bill or standard fees in the magistrates ' courts , the quality of our response must at the very least match that of other interested parties and groupings .
8 The energetic pursuit of these two policies should in the long run ensure a substantial improvement in the employment situation .
9 We have decided to hand them over ( Gen Keightley is in touch and on good terms with the Russian general on his right ) , but I suggested that the Russians should at the same time give us any British prisoners or wounded who may be in his area .
10 This collateral damage to otherwise healthy bits of tooth may in the end have to be dealt with itself .
11 5.2.2 the Tenant 's Certificate has not been issued by the expiry of the period of immediately following the Possession Date then the provisions of clause 5.4 shall have effect immediately upon the expiry of the relevant period ( or upon the expiry of such extended period as the parties may within the relevant period agree in writing )
12 The effect on the level of savings may in the classical savings case be represented simply by T : .
13 I was not aware — I have not yet received reports — of that demonstration , but I believe that it is ironic that the IRA and its supporters should at the same time be enjoying the privileges of democracy and using the methods of terrorism .
14 To qualify , an industry must in the previous three months have seen both value of production and number of its new employees fall by more than 5% from the previous year .
15 4 DURING THE CONTINUANCE of the Publishing Agreement , neither of the Authors shall without the consent in writing of the Publisher prepare or edit for any other publisher any work that is an expansion , abridgement or revision of the Work or of part of it ; or publish or cause to be published any work on the same subject which may reasonably be regarded as likely to conflict with the sale of the Work .
16 But , to avoid an immediate and pre-emptive Serb offensive , allied aircraft would at the same time bomb Serb artillery positions and supply lines .
17 In the event of circumstances arising under 1 or 2 above which require the Insurers to notify the Society of the reduction or cancellation of cover the Insurers shall during the period from such reduction or cancellation until ten days after notification of the Society indemnify the Society against losses to the same extent as if cover had not been reduced or cancelled and if the Society shall within seven days of notification by the Insurers inform the Insurers that it wishes cover to continue on the same terms as if it had not been reduced or cancelled the Insurers shall indemnify the Society against losses on such terms for such period not exceeding six months as the Society shall specify and the Society shall be responsible for the payment of premium for such cover .
18 ‘ I do n't want to sell them , but if an offer came in that was right for the club and right for the player , then we would consider it , just as any club would in the lower divisions in the same position .
19 A people without religion will in the end find that it has nothing to live for .
20 Here it was stressed that many streets and squares will in the future look very different from today , with each being treated individually , selecting an approach from a multitude of possibilities ( Figure 5.4 ) .
21 It marks , if implemented to any extent , a fundamental change in how primary schools will in the future be organised .
22 In addition , the research will for the first time analyse the political processes associated with the determination and issuance of standards through case studies of data communication and ISDN ( Integrated Services Digital Network ) standards .
23 Then he seized the bag of cookies , and on his way back indoors , threw them where he considered they belonged , in the trash can with the rest of the garbage .
24 Chicken may in the past have been lean , but modern farming does not allow the birds to exercise and it also ‘ fattens ’ them quickly , so their meat may not be quite as lean as current nutritional data indicates .
25 those employed in senior management may by the nature of their jobs be fully aware of what is required of them and fully capable of judging for themselves whether they are achieving that requirement .
26 The fundamental requirement must in the end of any prestigious academic institution , to be a place where academic standards are maintained .
27 But the fundamental requirement must in the end , of any prestigious academic institution , to be a place where academic standards are maintained .
28 But if there is to be a new morality — new values for the new situation resulting from technological and political change in the closing years of the twentieth century — then the creation of that new morality must in the end be a joint enterprise of both women and men .
29 Are you arguing Mr Girt that the level of provision of employment land proposed by North Yorkshire County Council is excessive , bearing in mind your request that the County Council should at the same time cater for one hundred percent of past migration trends , including that coming from the Leeds Metropolitan Area ?
30 It was ‘ wholly appropriate ’ that information in these circumstances should in the first instance be given in the absence of the public .
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