Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] as [art] " in BNC.

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1 John felt the hull of the yacht vibrating as the tanker approached .
2 The operator can " cut " from one picture to another , and is in effect editing as the recording progresses .
3 She saw her own blood spurting as the lamb 's must have spurted out .
4 With a heavy heart , Berry sat in an ante-room watching as a stream of employees were called in to be given their pink dismissal slips .
5 It would reflect the differences in options open to people , being less ( more ) unequally distributed than money income according as the rich work harder ( less hard ) than the poor .
6 The should of slow labouring footsteps could be heard moving along the first-floor landing as the boy threw himself into the kitchen and slammed the door behind him .
7 The B–17 pilot then skilfully brought the bomber down in front of the cameras , which recorded the dramatic crash landing as the right wing slammed down on the two right props and engines .
8 If you think that the problem leaves open some question of fact , state the law according as the fact is present or absent .
9 The hole through which the survivors of B Shift had left the Bridge was knitting back together like cloth , the weave forming as the bulk of the mist reduced .
10 ‘ I only hope and pray it does n't do too much damage , ’ he said , and jumped as they all heard a high-pitched , deafening roar which shook the house , followed by the sound of wood splitting as the wind tore at the planks and ripped the front door off its hinges .
11 Initially these were missed on ultrasound , and only shown on careful computed tomography scanning as the fluid was not localised in the right upper quadrant .
12 He might begin with between one and four different sizes of tesserae — separated into heaps or placed a partitioned box — and would make more than he intended to use ( manufacture continuing as the pavement was laid ) .
13 The BBC 's current panic is that there is potential Government pressure against licences increasing as the years go by in an age of free market competition .
14 A floundering ‘ Hit The North ’ has bassist Hanley grimacing as the subtleties are pummelled out of it , while ‘ White Lightning ’ has the veins in his neck bulging as he desperately tries to inject some energy tries to inject some energy into proceedings .
15 A floundering ‘ Hit The North ’ has bassist Hanley grimacing as the subtleties are pummelled out of it , while ‘ White Lightning ’ has the veins in his neck bulging as he desperately tries to inject some energy tries to inject some energy into proceedings .
16 Perhaps she had rooms full of glass cases upstairs with people stuck to sheets of cardboard , the pins through the spines quivering as the limbs twitched .
17 On 11 July 1931 , with financial crisis looming as the value of the German mark threatened to collapse , Wigram wrote to the King :
18 Ellerman & Bucknall rounded off Canberra 's stay in memorable style with a brass band , drum majorettes and a pipe band performing as the ship left the quay .
19 The reader responds to another example of the truth emerging as the ‘ cloud of ideology ’ is dispelled .
20 A curricle was in sight , its bowling progress slowing as the driver recognised the dog that was bounding straight into its path .
21 A anti-drip device inside the heater prevents a nozzle dripping as the water expands in heating .
22 On the screen the image changed , the camera panning back , the figures diminishing as the larger context was revealed .
23 After calling an extraordinary Cabinet meeting as the extent of his defeat became clear , Mazowiecki announced the resignation of his government .
24 The additions to his power in the course of the 1470s may have constituted a reassessment of his position , with the king 's perception of his role developing as the duke matured .
25 The additions to his power in the course of the 1470s may have constituted a reassessment of his position , with the king 's perception of his role developing as the duke matured .
26 Sometimes I could hear the chain clanking as the red bitch moved around , running in one direction , and then , as the chain pulled her up , turning about .
27 Christmas lights and trees sparkling as the wind catches the branches — the old magic works every year .
28 ‘ Yes … ! ’ he said deeply , and then his mouth closed over hers , burningly sensual as his hands moved slowly up to tunnel into her thick black hair , and as her mouth opened beneath his the hunger swept them both again , their breathing quickening as the kiss took fire and his mouth was fierce , hot , demanding , his hands moving over her body as she heard his heart thudding violently at his chest , and she knew she was in danger of losing her mind with the sweet , hot rush of excitement .
29 Her eyelashes fluttering as the thick mists of her desire began to dissolve , she , too , caught the strident sound of the telephone , ringing loudly in the other room .
30 She saw the sands cooling as the temperature fell .
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