Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] [verb] he " in BNC.

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1 He glanced right and saw another half-dozen Dragoons racing to cut him off from the cart track .
2 His office says he has kept at least 20 top-flight journalists and analysts cooling their heels waiting to interview him since October .
3 Cleveland Coroner Michael Sheffield said Mr Owens may have been startled by a car swerving to avoid him and had stepped into the path of the van .
4 In 1914 he became a master at Eton College , where he remained during World War I , a heart murmur having disqualified him for military service .
5 ‘ Wo n't Mr Gajdusek be annoyed that it 's not a professional journalist coming to interview him ? ’
6 As it turned out , his skills on the job have led to the department trying to regrade him into a more demanding post .
7 One officer said that my youngest sister , who eventually grew to be just 5 feet 4 inches tall but who was still at school at this time , had her arm around his neck trying to strangle him .
8 After 1962 , when Macmillan persuaded President Kennedy at the Nassau meeting to let him have Polaris , the British space effort lost the committed patronage of the Ministry of Defence .
9 The board wanting to sell him ( or someone ) .
10 They all turned out to watch him go , Pen clamouring to accompany him so that he might be the first to embrace and welcome Lily 's baby .
11 Relations between Modi and Madame Hébuterne became so strained , with Jeanne refusing to give him up and Madame cursing him and his art , that after a time he moved away to stay in the Hôtel Tarelli , 5 Rue de France .
12 A few moments later , squeals of laughter and delight heralded the arrival of Cissie and Richard ; the kitchen door burst open and they tumbled in one behind the other , the boy first , and the girl pretending to chase him , her hands making pointed ear shapes behind her head , and her small pretty features twisted into a fearsome expression .
13 There was , said Nikos , a deputation waiting to see him .
14 Four minutes sitting in the big lobby and hearing the splatter of the ornamental pool and waterfall , and the lady coming to meet him .
15 In view of what he has said , I deeply regret having called him , I think on Question 2 , to ask a question about the Northumbria police which had nothing to do with his constituency .
16 If Ben Leggatt had earned his living , not as an odd job man at Weston Longville rectory but as a private soldier in one of His Majesty 's foot regiments billetted in Bungay , he would have found the shopkeepers overwilling to let him take away purchases on a promise to pay later — had it not been for the ‘ Crying Down The Credits ’ .
17 A writes to B offering to sell him his horse Phineas for £100 .
18 A writes to B offering to sell him his horse Phineas for £100. ( i ) B posts a letter accepting , but he misdirects it and in consequence it is a week late in being delivered to A. Meanwhile A has sold Phineas to C. ( ii ) B , after posting a letter of acceptance to A , sends A a telegram cancelling ‘ my letter now in the post . ’
19 ‘ When I think of my former sister-in-law agreeing to marry him , it makes me feel ill , positively ill . ’
20 In fact a lady who looked like Mae West was hiding in the phone box at the car park waiting to see him as we came along tonight .
21 Amusement bubbled up in him at this tiny little thing with her hands planted firmly on her hips presuming to tell him what he was going to do .
22 A hidden mechanism activates , ejecting a series of sharp knife blades threatening to push him from the ledge .
23 DEVOTED wife Wyn Dale told yesterday how she waved her husband off to work then spent more than three years fighting to bring him home .
24 Look what happened to Flaubert : a century after his death Sartre , like some brawny , desperate lifeguard , spent ten years beating on his chest and blowing into his mouth ; ten years trying to yank him back to consciousness , just so that he could sit him up on the sands and tell him exactly what he thought of him .
25 Rosentiel 's fourth wife Susan spent ten years trying to divorce him , a decade of singular bitterness , involving his perjury and attempts to jail her .
26 He could hardly have been welcome , because when he had entered the senior police officer 's room it had been with two aides trying to keep him out by every manoeuvre other than manhandling him .
27 As the Young King wavered between the three alternatives of remaining dutifully at his father 's side , going to Jerusalem , or marching into Aquitaine , he was certainly tempted by messages from the rebels offering to recognize him as their Duke , but he may also have been egged on by Geoffrey of Brittany .
28 Maybe he 'll stay with AT&T on Bob Kavner 's team working to make him king .
29 On any footing , it must , in my judgment , be too broad a proposition to suggest that an owner who retains a piece of land with a view to its utilisation for a specific purpose in the future can never be treated as dispossessed , however firm and obvious the intention and however drastic the act of dispossession of the person seeking to dispossess him may be .
30 ‘ That 's so he knows you ent going to harm him , see .
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