Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] [verb] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 Her hair , red snakes struggling to free themselves from the hairpins , was the only vital thing about her .
2 Better-heeled artificers must almost certainly have been master craftsmen employing labour themselves .
3 Mrs Singh expressed a worry about Balbinder refusing to dress himself and ordering her to get him ready for school when he could do this perfectly well if he wanted to .
4 It sounded as if there were several animals waiting to launch themselves upon her .
5 There were seven of us sharing the place , the Carters ' eldest son and his girlfriend having invited themselves along at the last moment , and their movements were completely unpredictable .
6 Onto another club trying to pull themselves out of the doldrums …
7 About ten years later , although the clock said differently , she appeared , eyes trying to adjust themselves from the strong sunlight to the shady cool of the bar .
8 One of the ways in which wars start is by nations trying to assert themselves by insulting , humiliating and attacking other countries .
9 Ruth could imagine him at sale rooms , carefully handling dusty china , gently touching worn , cracked furniture , grey eyes seeming to question himself inwardly as he gazed ; he would rarely fail , she thought , in spotting what was truly valuable .
10 Quite apart from such specific minor functions , there are no practical restraints upon either House of Parliament seeking to busy itself with any task whatever that it cares to assume .
11 While revenue contributions inevitably increased burdens upon ratepayers , and asset sales produced a ‘ once only ’ financial benefit ( as well as being politically unpalatable to many , notably Labour-controlled , authorities ) this was the perhaps inevitable response of local authorities seeking to free themselves from centrally-imposed borrowing restrictions ( as well as the high cost of borrowing after the mid-1970s ) .
12 It ill behoves Opposition Members constantly , for ideological reasons , to decry my Department 's sponsorship of the sale of arms to friendly countries wishing to defend themselves within the terms of , for example , article 51 of the United Nations charter .
13 For some eight years he opened the innings for Hampshire with the great Barry Richards , a daunting prospect for many a young bowler hoping to establish himself — and many an older one who already had .
14 Simon Barrington-Ward , Bishop of Coventry , wrote recently ‘ We certainly have an experience all over the world of church leaders in loneliness needing to submit themselves to others and this is a crying need that is just not being met ’ .
15 The ‘ toughness ’ of plants is not necessarily a characteristic of either angiosperms or gymnosperms. as it seems that plants struggling to make themselves ever more unpalatable , grew ‘ tougher ’ as time passed .
16 The lack of security of employment makes flexible working a kind of half-way house , and this half-way house contains a number of workers struggling to keep themselves from dropping into the abyss of the underclass .
17 There was a tearing sound and a large piece of the black silk winding detached itself from her back and flapped wide .
18 Organisations seeking to avail themselves of this opportunity need to catch a high speed train pretty quickly ! ’
19 In amnesia , as in many other so called neuropsychological syndromes ( developmental dyslexia , schizophrenia , Wemicke 's aphasia etcetera ) there is probably no uniform pattern in nature waiting to reveal itself .
20 So was examiner Silk going to throw himself in front of the roller for the statutory emergency stop ?
21 ‘ And almost every night I 'm woken by the sound of Graham trying to scratch himself or asking me to scratch him .
22 I had no idea that what was happening was my body trying to bring itself up to a natural weight rather than the unnatural , low one that I kept it at .
23 The picture is obscured by the different public and private agencies seeking to divest themselves of the burden by distributing costs between one another .
24 Based on Kodak 's experience , one should expect that 40% to 60% of ideas should be lost during the first two stages , with the idea originators having screened themselves out of the process as a consequence of the feedback they received through the review process .
25 It was after ten when the long day ended , the king having busied himself visiting the wounded , including those from the enemy army ; he had , it soon appeared , decisively won the Battle of the Boyne for the loss of 500 men ; James 's casualties were put at 1600 .
26 According to the National Consumer Council 's report Ordinary Justice ( 1989 ) , from which these figures are taken , few attended the court hearing to defend themselves against the claims .
27 She took personal charge of the cellars and , well aware of the problem posed by the obstinate particles of sediment which refused to fall easily , spent night and day trying to rid herself of this nuisance .
28 She turned back to the space through which she had entered , all the while trying to calm herself .
29 He kept making desperate swimming movements , feebly threshing the water trying to pull himself free .
30 He had reckoned without the mother , however , who started behaving very violently , plunging the house into darkness one night trying to electrocute herself , and threatening to wreck the warehouse where her husband kept his stocks .
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