Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] [verb] [indef pn] " in BNC.

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1 And I always find it extremely amusing that the government of this country screams about Brussels wanting to centralize everything when they of course , are the most centralizing British government , the present conservatives , that we 've ever known .
2 Mandeville and Santerre had arrived at Templecombe wanting to make everyone dance to their tune .
3 So — in the year in which we 've forced the text-centred discipline that is rock writing to incorporate everything that it has excluded for so long ( the relationship between the star 's body and the fan 's , the voice , the materiality of music ) — maybe it 's time to make criticism grapple with what undoes it , ‘ the uncritical ’ itself .
4 Nor was Pat going to say anything further because he was fucking off home as soon as he swallowed what he had lying .
5 Both versions will be in the UK this April , with the saloon looking to tempt everything up to Lexus buyers with an all-in price of around £28,000 and the coupe out on its own at around £30,000 .
6 And suddenly there was a rampant little queen dying to violate everything you 've thought of as normal ? ’
7 The exceptions are Northern Ireland , Scotland and Wales , experiments with regional offices and controllers in England having done nothing to alter the fact that both policy and much of the details of administration are still controlled from Whitehall .
8 There was the question of cancelling the whole Festival , but fortunately that did not prove to be necessary , and by the end of the week the strike collapsed — and , tragically , the men went back to work having gained nothing .
9 ‘ You can grow a beard waiting to do something wise .
10 Is a banquet going to make everyone feel pleasantly pampered or is it going to cause hangovers and indigestion the next morning when you 've got some crucial business to get through ?
11 The 63 made its debut at the Dutch Grand Prix , driven by John Miles , Lotus 's regular drivers Graham Hill and Jochen Rindt refusing to have anything to do with it .
12 I left for my weekend break after those first five days wanting to hug everyone I met .
13 I withdrew my detachments having accomplished nothing but that of witnessing the extinguishment of the last council fires of the most powerful Indian nation on the sunset side of the Rocky Mountains .
14 ‘ But the thrust of our approach is to start at home , focusing on one thing at a time rather than confusing ourselves by trying to do everything at once — which is a major reason why 85 per cent of organisations trying to do something in this area fail to get it right .
15 ‘ This is great , Ilona , ’ he says , leaning forward , ‘ because when I was working on Wall Street trying to get someone to risk his money on cotton , I would say , ‘ Bob , how can you get hurt by cotton ?
16 You , you lost your job trying to start one .
17 Fabia went to bed that night having seen nothing of the man who had given her a lift , but with other more important issues rising to the surface .
18 Now , the number of quiffs raised is not an indication of how well that job went through the companies or erm , because quiffs could be raised quite minor things like one person forgetting to put something on a form or a form not being photocopied , or procedure changes or others
19 Work was carried on around the lump in a fairly ordered pattern helping to keep everything in proportion .
20 ‘ But how is Len going to afford anything like that if he do n't get no compensation ? ’
21 I began to learn something myself when I was working with a group of homeless people trying to Get Something Done .
22 I found Bunny in the girls ' kitchen the next morning trying to find something to eat that was n't raw carrot , muesli or Ryvita and something to drink other than herbal tea .
23 He felt as if Simon were lifting him by the collar and dangling him so that his feet were off the earth and his toes straining to reach something .
24 It was no use trying to resolve anything over the phone , though .
25 It was no use trying to borrow one — Ana was much smaller , nowhere near to Maggie 's slender height .
26 She was such a stranger to herself now ; it was no use trying to understand anything she did .
27 The whole history of science is full of examples of scientists happening to notice something almost by accident and being stimulated to ask why this has happened .
28 The atmosphere was heavy , oppressive , the smell not immediately identifiable but a combination of human and engine smells , while the only sounds were a soft moaning from a woman towards the front of the plane and the voice of a man trying to reassure someone .
29 He struck the black detective immediately as a man trying to hide something , although Dexter knew that timidity often aroused unwarranted suspicions .
30 Brown Owl certainly would n't approve of a Brownie trying to do something risky on her own .
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